Sean Hannity confronted radical Muslim imam Anjem Choudary Wednesday night over a tweet justifying the attack on in the the Charlie Hebdo newspaper in Paris.
Following the terror attack on the Charlie Hebdo newspaper, which resulted in the death of 12, Choudary sent out tweets arguing that freedom of expression “does not extend to insult” the Prophet Muhammad, revealing the disconnect between Islam and the values of the West. Choudary also authored an op-ed in USA Today later that evening making the same argument.
“You’re saying you do not believe in freedom of speech, you don’t believe in freedom of expression, you believe in Islamic fascism, that people must abide by your laws?” Hannity asked.
“Actually, as a Muslim, we believe that sovereignty and supremacy belongs to God and therefore we believe in submitting to the commands of God,” Choudary responded.
“You’re saying you do not believe in freedom of speech, you don’t believe in freedom of expression, you believe in Islamic fascism, that people must abide by your laws?” Hannity followed up.
“Actually, as a Muslim, we believe that sovereignty and supremacy belongs to God and therefore we believe in submitting to the commands of God,” Choudary added.
Hannity, who has been in heated debates with the radical cleric several times prior, ran a series of question by Choudary to expose what the imam argued was “real Islam.”
“So you’re saying anything offensive about the prophet Muhammad should be illegal and it should be worldwide?” the Fox News host asked.
Choudary, admitting the goal is to force Sharia law on the entire world, answered predicatably.
“I still think you’re an evil SOB, but I really want people to hear you,” Hannity said at the conclusion of the interview.
“I think you should look in the mirror Sean,” Choudary snapped back.
In late September, 2014, Choudary was arrested by Scotland Yard as part of a major investigation into Islamist terrorism. Choudary tweeted a number of controversial tweets shortly before his arrest by Metropolitan Police, claiming in one that “it has already been foretold by Muhammad(saw) that Muslims & Christians will fight a big battle in As-Sham & that Muslims will prevail.”
Because of a general weak stance toward radical Islam in Europe, he was released. Consequently, Cherif Kouachi, one of the gunmen in the Charlie Hebdo attack, was already convicted in 2008 of terrorism charges for helping funnel fighters to Iraq’s insurgency and, in accordance with France’s weak stance on radical Islam, sentenced to just 18 months in prison.
He remains at large.
Regenz / January 10, 2015
Multiculturalism has failed, like every other liberal idea…