[brid video=”17719″ player=”1929″ title=”Ben Carson responds to GQ article We should pray for them”]
Dr. Ben Carson, a leading GOP candidate, responded for the first time on Fox & Friends to recent attacks by the leftwing media, and the GQ article. There has been national uproar in response to and condemnation of an article entitled “FU@K Ben Carson” in the left-wing fashion magazine GQ.
Marc Daniels / October 10, 2015
There is a descriptive German word which translates as instramentalizing, which refers to playing a metaphorical instrument to color argumentation. When Ben Carson instrumentalized Hitler and the holocaust with respect to gun control, he was well aware of the media attention this would generate. I can understand how a candidate might be tempted such methods to weed out other candidates, but a politician claiming to do this in the name of Christianity parallels the evil inclination of the Nazi propaganda masters.
As the Campaign Director of the Weed Out hate Initiative, and the author of the book “Der Himmelsgarten”, I believe Candidate Carson is pandering to a right wing fundamentalist fundraising and religious base desiring to instill fear and chaos in society for the sole purpose of encouraging conversions of non-believers to their particular brand of fundamentalist Christianity. In other words, they want the populous to settle for sparks, when they could be tapping their roots and drawing in and reflecting copious amounts of spiritual Light.
All this being said, I believe that there is a Divine purpose for this shrouded hate mongering: the more the hate, the greater the opportunity to weed it out and compost hatred into national unity. Herein lies the opportunity to unify America and Americans like never before.