Support for government shutdown has dropped to 45 percent, down from 53 percent last week.
According to a new survey from Rasmussen Reports, the public is now evenly divided over the question of whether or not the government shutdown should occur to force concessions on Obamacare. The old saying, “united we stand didvided we fall” seems to be applicable in this case.
Last week, as well as this week, the public agreed that a government shutdown would hurt the economy. However, 53 percent of Americans were still willing to swallow the pill.
In both surveys, the public was skeptical of the Democrats’ predictions of doom and gloom in the event of a partial government shutdown, and generally have been less susceptible to scare tactics since the sequestration.
Americans were told the sky was going to fall if we slowed the rate of growth in government spending. But of course, that never came to fruition.
It would then seem that the inability of the Republican Party to unite against unpopular policy – whether you agree or disagree with the strategy – has caused many Americans to back the side they see coming out on top.
People, especially the American public, tend to not follow leaders who do not uave the courage of their own convictons.
Yet again, the Republican Party looks as if it must fight against a demon of its own design.