Nearly thirds of Americans support the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline.
The White House again postponed their decision on the Keystone XL Pipeline, but this time the project was punted until after the 2014 midterms. Everyday Americans will likely be baffled over the president extending the key decision.
The Keystone pipeline would create jobs, increase revenue and save the U.S. Treasury billions of dollars. Republicans, and even some Democrats, are extremely agitated with the White House.
“It’s absolutely ridiculous that this well over five-year long process is continuing for an undetermined amount of time,” Senator Heidi Heitpkamp (D-N.D) stated.
The White House falls short again on yet another promised deadline, with the vast majority of Americans — nearly two-thirds — supporting the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline, according to a recent ABC News/WaPo poll.
Postponing a decision for political expediency, seems to be a method that the White House employs often, hoping that voters will simply forget about a great economic opportunity that is knocking at their door.
This latest delay only sparks more questions, or rather suspicions. Tom Steyer, a leftist California business man, promised that he would give $50 million of his own money and bundle $50 million more, which could be used for any Democratic campaign that is anti-Keystone XL.
Could this be the true reason behind President Barack Obama’s reason for such delay, as some pundits are pointing out?
Tom Steyer blieves that the carbon dioxide levels are a “ticking time bomb,” but obviously, Mr. Steyer failed to read an alternative report on climate change, rather than regurgitating the UN-IGO version.
What does Steyer lose if the Keystone pipeline deal passes? In the words of Ms. Morissette, “isn’t ironic” that the Department of Energy just approved another $4 billion in so-called “green energy” projects that stand to benefit Steyer and others? Steyer, as well, was a big supporter of the Solyndra fiasco.
Still, in the end, the $100 million in donations will certainly help Democrats’ chances this fall, but ultimately the 2014 electorate must look more like 2012 then 2010.
“This is just another Democratic tactic to gin up traditional Democratic voting blocs, whose turnout levels normally fall short in midterms,” says Senior Political Analyst, Richard Baris. “Last week it was Al Sharpton and NAN, scaring black voters with photo ID laws,” he added. “Next week, they’ll be back to their ‘equal may’ mantra.”