The cover of The Meaning of Memorial Day by Ellen White, Planting 20,000 Flags on Memorial Day.
Last year we shared this e-book for free. I ask you to share it with all of your friends this year, as well. With all of the BBQ celebrations I doubt anyone will have the chance to read it all today, but who said we need to only remember the true meaning of the American holiday – Memorial Day – one day a year.
But how should we the living best honor the lives of all those who have died in service to our country? In what manner and spirit should we remember? Why Memorial Day today? The ebook, “The Meaning of Memorial Day,” explores these questions with selections from American authors and statesmen, including Herman Melville, Ernie Pyle, Louisa May Alcott, Frederick Douglass, and Dwight D. Eisenhower. Each selection includes a brief introduction by the editors with guiding questions for discussion.
You can download the .pdf for review now or at a later time. It is a great read.
Visit the PPD bookstore to get your free e-Book.
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