There is not much of a deal for the Republican Party in the House, however the two Senate leaders came to a finalized agreement over the framework of a deal:
- CR through Jan 15
- Debt ceiling hike through Feb 7
- Income verification for subsidies
- Bipartisan budget committee
- Sequester remains the same
It seems very likely that this Senate deal will pass in the House, if House Speaker John Boehner brings it to the floor, relying heavily on the Democratic vote.
The Republican Party are very upset when the language to repeal medical devices taxes was eliminated. Though, the Republican Senate leader was pleased to hold onto the income verification for subsidies.
The income verification for subsidies, the only thing that was kept from the Republican side is not comforting by any means. The verification of the income must be verified, but conveniently the citizenship verification will go unchecked.
Therefore, leaving a lot of wiggle room for illegal immigrants to become “grandfathered” into ObamaCare. Yet, the ones that suffer from this is the American people.
The shiesty tactics that were used from the Senate is a distinct snub to our Founders.
Appropriation bills cannot originate in the Senate, but the Senate can amend appropriation bills that originate in the House.
The Senate has avoided that limitation by taking a random bill passed by the House, removes most of the text, and uses the shell of the former bill to create its own spending bills.
Hopefully, the Republican Party will learn from their mistake, if they would of just stood with Cruz and opposed the clocure vote none of this would be happening right now.