Controversial Obama nominee, Vivek H. Murthy (shown), called the Second Amendment a health care issue, and criticized Gov. Romney during the 2012 presidential election for his foreign policy stances, which warned of events that have now bore out.
President Obama nominated physician Vivek H. Murthy to serve as the 19th Surgeon General of the United States.
Murthy is a co-founder of Doctors for America, a group that supposedly advocates for affordable healthcare for all Americans, which was started in 2008.
Coincidentally, Doctors for America worked extremely hard to help elect the president in 2008, and the very same group also campaigned for ObamaCare before Congress passed it in 2010.
Its seems that Obama’s choice could possibly be a payback for all of the work that the doctor did campaigning for him in ’08, and promoting ObamaCare rather than his “qualifications.”
Senator Lamar Alexander — one of the Republicans that voted against Vivek H. Murthy — does not argue the fact that he is a talented individual but, “His experience does not measure up to the stature and leadership expected of our surgeon general.”
The Republican Party believes he lacks the ability to examine issues that are pertinent to all Americans with an objective eye.
Since the doctor has a lengthy record of political activism, many believe and, justifiably so, that he would not be able to fulfill the duties of the surgeon general appropriately.
Senator of Kentucky Rand Paul wrote, “Dr. Murthy has disqualified himself from being Surgeon General because of his intent to use that position to launch an attack on Americans’ right to own a firearm under the guise of a public health and safety campaign.”
Senator Paul was referring to the doctor’s active political career fighting against the Second Amendment, and has publicly called gun rights a “healthcare issue” and a public health threat. Murthy’s bias is rather self-evident in his tweets on the issue:
Majority Leader Harry Reid has rigged the nomination process in the Senate, preventing a filibuster, leading one to think that this would guarantee Murthy’s confirmation. But in another recent nomination battle over a controversial DOJ nominee to the Civil Rights division, Republicans, joined by a few Democrats, were able to stall the vote.
If confirmed by the U.S. Senate, Murthy would become the youngest Surgeon General in U.S. history. He will succeed the current acting Surgeon General Boris D. Lushniak.