The ObamaCare website problems reared their ugly head once more, as people trying to apply and enroll for coverage before Monday’s midnight deadline found the site was “currently unavailable.”
Healthcare.gov was down for several hours Monday morning, a statement from the Department of Health and Human Services said. However, NBC News, or a propaganda institution masquerading as a news organization rushed to the aid of the administration, offering a puff piece complete with instructions for users.
“Consumers may also complete their application by calling the call center at 1-800-318-2596. The federal data services hub is working normally,” the article quoted HHS.
The website was offline for maintenance overnight, because it is still a security hazard with faulty code, and crashed for four hours due to technical problems. The site was not down due to a rush of last-minute enrollees.
Monday at midnight ET is the deadline to sign up for insurance in the online markets created by President Barack Obama’s signature health care law.
As of last week, the administration claims 6 million people had applied for insurance, but the numbers that matter are nonexist in both administration statements and NBC News’ coverage.
The administration again unilaterally extended the enrollment deadline for those who supposedly had started an application by Monday but didn’t finish. A literal radio button was added just last week for those who could not sign up, due to errors, missing information or website glitches. However, it was all operating on the honor system, and was never validated by the site or HHS. NBC echoed HHS and the administration who is playing up the narrative that says “as long as people have gotten in line by Monday, they will be allowed to finish their applications.”
It’s not voting, it’s health insurance. But, rather than reporting that the law is not achieving its stated goal — which was to insure the uninsured — or, the fact the administration isn’t being honest about including people who haven’t paid their premiums in the enrollment numbers, NBC instead opted to throw the Obama administration a bone.
“The government says it will accept paper applications until April 7 and take as much time as necessary to handle unfinished cases on HealthCare.gov,” they so helpfully contributed. Except, what they won’t tell Americans is that their information isn’t safe on the website — where hackers are easily able to redicrect information — or, handing a paper application to so-called ObamaCare navigators who weren’t even screened for criminal backgrounds.
“They are cooking the books on this,” Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY) told “Fox News Sunday” referring to the dishonest enrollment numbers NBC News won’t report.
According to McKinsey & Co., who conducted a study on enrollment through both the federal and state insurance exchanges using data as of Feb. 1, the law is still not working. McKinsey found that only 14 percent, which translates to about 500,000 individuals, were “actual uninsured who have actually gained health coverage.” However, an additional 13 percent of uninsured individuals had signed up for Obamacare but still had not paid their first month’s premium. An addition 2 to 5 percent paid their first month’s, but not their second.
Of those who had signed up by that time, 73 percent either had insurance and preferred to choose a plan on the exchange or enrolled because their individual plans were cancelled. Because around 6 million Americans had their health insurance cancelled as a result of the law’s standards, a net 5 plus million Americans are now uninsured who were previously insured.