Gallup CEO Jim Clifton, told CNBC that he was worried he might “suddenly disappear” and not make it home that evening after telling the truth about unemployment in America.
Clifton’s CNBC interview was a clear an attempt to walk back blunt accusations made last week during a scathing op-ed that alleged — or, rather explained — the government’s 5.6 percent unemployment figure was “The Big Lie.”
As Clifton explained, Gallup’s Job Creation Index, which just released data showing the labor market in the same condition as it was in 2014, defines a good job as 30+ hours per week for an organization that provides a regular paycheck. However, the government considers an individual who clocks in a minimum of one hour of work in a week and was paid at least $20, as employed.
Icansee4miles / February 10, 2015
This coming from the guy that predicted Romney’s victory; and now dissing the President Obama Economic Recovery. Wishful thinking from a TBGR on both counts!
Crowds Gather / February 10, 2015
The truth really hurts you, doesn’t it! This admin is a joke and its’ primary policy is to blame others and, if you can’t, lie about it.
Icansee4miles / February 10, 2015
You sad TBGRs!! Prosperity hasn’t come to you in the Red States; get rid of your Deadbeat Governors!!
Brickell Princess / February 11, 2015
The primary purpose of this administration is to clean up the mess that was left behind by eight long dark years of Bush’s Republican rule. The secondary purpose of this administration is to control the public and keep you from rioting by publishing massive government ‘feel good’ propaganda.
There is a better way to live, and this is not it!
Peter Wimsey / February 10, 2015
Gallup, like Rasmussen, has become a comfort station for conspiracy theorists, anti-intellectual nutcases, Republicans, and other jerks.
It is quite likely that Clifton will disappear, but it will have nothing to do with his grand-standing or paranoia. He simply is not believable as a disinterested pollster.
Brickell Princess / February 11, 2015
The current unemployment rate in the United States of America stands at 24.6% The rate is forecast to increase to 28.3% by mid August 2015
The US Government has been lying for decades. We are currently in the early stages of a massive economic depression.