Initial jobless claims fell another 8,000 to a seasonally adjusted 196,000 for the week ending April 6, the lowest level since October 4, 1969. During that week, weekly jobless claims came in at 193,000.
The 4-week moving average fell by 7,000 to 207,000, the lowest level for the average since December 6, 1969 when it was 204,500.
The consensus forecast for the week was looking for a gain to 211,000. Last week, weekly jobless claims fell to the lowest level since December 6, 1969.
Prior | Revised | Consensus | Range | Actual | |
New Claims – Level | 202K | 204K | 211K | 210K – 215K | 196K |
4-week Moving Average – Level | 213.50K | 214.00K | 207.00K | ||
New Claims – Change | -10K | -8K | -8K |
That level had been cited as the benchmark low in previous reports under this administration–here, here and here–but it was the first time it mirrored 202,000. Now, it has fallen below it, indicating a very strong labor market.
The advance seasonally adjusted insured unemployment rate was unchanged at a very historically low 1.2% for the week ending March 30.
The advance number for seasonally adjusted insured unemployment during the week ending March 30 fell 13,000 to 1,713,000. The 4-week moving average was 1,734,500, a decrease of 11,000 from the previous week’s revised average.
No state was triggered “on” the Extended Benefits program during the week ending March 23.
The highest insured unemployment rates in the week ending March 23 were in Alaska (2.8), New Jersey (2.5), Connecticut (2.4), Rhode Island (2.4), California (2.2), Massachusetts (2.2), Montana (2.2), Illinois (2.0), Minnesota (2.0), and Pennsylvania (2.0).
The largest increases in initial claims for the week ending March 30 were in Illinois (+1,297), Arizona (+338), New York (+325), Oregon (+311), and Wisconsin (+262), while the largest decreases were in Texas (-2,055) Pennsylvania (-1,377), California (-1,304), Arkansas (-1,044), Missouri (-591), and New Jersey (-591).
Bill / April 11, 2019
Clearly any successes in the USA Economy under President Trump are the result of comradegrandmuftihusseinobama’s actions. sar/
Jon Tanzi / April 11, 2019
Some one should let the media know know since I do not see this announcement on any of the Cable News or Media networks?
PePeMemesREEE / April 11, 2019
Looks like Trump’s America is a powerhouse of optimism and will power. Trump’s base envision America stronger than ever before.
Mike Hambuchen / April 12, 2019
Despite over 2 years of 95% negative propaganda 24/7 and every Democrat and many Republicans fighting him all the way.
Mick Russom / April 11, 2019
while this is great news and i appreciate lord geotus trump for getting us to the highest peak but typically when you get to effectively 100% employment there is only one way to go from
here. i hope we can hang on for a few years but the swamp wants revenge
SchlomieBarmitzvahCircumScissorStein / April 11, 2019
LOL! The “media” refuses to report it! LOL! Wonder why….? LOL!
Glubber / April 11, 2019
For some reason, I’m thinking that Fox News will be the only cable news outlet talking about this. Well, the others might be doing the old tired line, “Obama started it!” Yea, and if my grandmother had wheels, she would be a wagon.
John / April 11, 2019
The US is coming back
Goggle: DailyJobFix
Bob / April 11, 2019
Yet my city is filled with homeless.
Sum Ting Wong / April 11, 2019
Legalized pot, am guessing in your state.
Anonymous / April 12, 2019
It’s a choice.
Charles / April 12, 2019
Yes it is. It’s a choice by your Government to lie about the numbers and ignore the problem.
You should really wise up. This has been going on longer than any of us has been alive.
Charles / April 12, 2019
Exactly! There is a REASON they never mention the U-6 employment numbers. They represent the people who have been unemployed for so long that they have given up. They have nothing left to lose.
Our “wonderful, magnanimous, caring” Government simply ignores those CITIZENS. Sweep it under the rug. We can’t be bothered. Besides…it wouldn’t reflect well on them if they told the truth. Optics are everything.
“They call it the American Dream for a reason. You’d have to be asleep to believe it!” – George Carlin
Truth / April 12, 2019
So vote for socialism in 2020. Problem solved! (sarcasm)
Look around you. You’re sitting at a computer or on your phone with the means and time to comment on this article. Chances are you are not starving or even uncomfortable. Many of those u-6ers are in that same boat. You simply don’t appreciate what you have and the freedoms you have only because you live in America. If you are dissatisfied you can change. Stop complaining.
Charles / April 12, 2019
Way to make it personal, Idiot. Go re-bury your head up your arse…and BE PROUD! You just won the interwebs!
John / April 12, 2019
The U6 rate includes part time workers. These people choose this. There are more jobs than there are people to fill them. I like the U5 rate. It it doesn’t count in the part timers. If the U3 rate was high, you could say the U6 was high because full time jobs were not available. Not the case now. The U5 rate is around 4.5%.
From Macro Trends..
“U3 is the official unemployment rate. U5 includes discouraged workers and all other marginally attached workers. U6 adds on those workers who are part-time purely for economic reasons. The current U6 unemployment rate as of March 2019 is 7.30.”
Charles / April 12, 2019
So you’d rather believe the lying Government than your own lying eyes. Fine. Good luck with that, sucker.
I’ll see you in the collapse.
scol / April 11, 2019
Great, That makes me want to vote Democrat…. (SARCASM!!!)
Zero Tolerance for Socialism / April 11, 2019
President Trump is to blame.
Dave / April 11, 2019
Don’t forget, the US population is 60% larger since that time, so 200k back then is equivalent to 320k now. We’re FAR below that.
Xyzzy / April 11, 2019
population and legal citizens are not the same thing
Mike Hambuchen / April 12, 2019
With the tens of millions of illegals displacing Americans from jobs the number is even more impressive.
Presumption of Innocence / April 12, 2019
You do understand the concept of “percent” right?
Reagan's Ghost / April 11, 2019
For anyone sick of Matt Drudge…
Worth checking out … it’s what Drudge Report used to be.
Sparky2 / April 11, 2019
Kinda think this information will not me mentioned on the mainstream media in this evening’s news.
Trump / April 11, 2019
Thanks Obama, unless that’s a bad thing then BOO TRUMP
Anonymous / April 11, 2019
That proves it.
Woodstock caused unemployment
cynic / April 11, 2019
It’ s unbelievable: 1969 census: 202.7 million 2018: 327.2 million
Anonymous / April 12, 2019
Charles / April 12, 2019
The claims of this article are nothing more than Statist propaganda. Any fool can look around and SEE that there are FAR too many people running around this country with nothing to do.
Why do you propagandists NEVER mention the U-6 unemployment numbers? I’ll tell you why! Those numbers aren’t flattering to your partisan dictator of choice. The fact of the matter is there are millions of people who have given up looking for work because they’ve been out of work so long they have found other arrangements in life.
You can blame whatever demagogue you want for this. I could not care less. Just STOP lying about it! When the central banks break the handle off the printing press, you’re ALL in for the rudest awakening of your sorry, lie-believing lives.
Mike Hambuchen / April 12, 2019
The article compares unemployment from 1969 to today. The comparison is valid regardless of the number. The U-6 has decreased from about 10% when Trump took office to about 7.5 today. There are unemployable people and people who do not want to be employed. It’s called society.
Charles / April 12, 2019
I’m supposed to take YOUR word for U6 figures when the article itself doesn’t even mention it at all?
Who died and made you God?
Seriously, I can’t wait for all you idiots to finally come to the realization of how badly you are screwed and that it was the people you put in office who screwed you. In fact you’ve been screwing yourselves for generations already.
Old habits die hard, but idiots die quick and easy.
It’s called Life.
Doug / April 12, 2019
In 1969 a Republican was president too.
John / April 12, 2019
If you think about it, the US population in 1969 was about 203 million. Makes this number sound even better.
rufusvondufus / April 12, 2019
But, but, but, the black flash from Africa said those days are over and will never return. I wish he would go back to his country of birth AND NEVER RETURN!