Democratic President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, left, and a supporter of Bernie Sanders, right, at the Democratic National Convention at the Wells Fargo Arena in Philadelphia. (Photos: AP)
Some two dozen former Bernie Sanders campaign staffers wrote an open letter asking him to reconsider joining a united Green Party ticket with Jill Stein. In a letter signed by 23 of regional field directors, voter outreach and field organizers who previously supported Sen. Sanders, the staffers
“Polls show that Hillary Clinton, the official Democratic nominee, is an incredibly weak candidate in the general election,” the staffers wrote. “Even after spending $57 million in ads (vs. $4 million by Trump) she is trailing slightly, and Trump is actually leading in several important swing states. Frankly, Hillary Clinton does not have the credibility to take on the dangerous appeal of Donald Trump.”
The open letter comes only a few short days after Mrs. Clinton accepted the Democratic nomination for president. While her supporters were drowning out the remaining anti-Hillary delegates who didn’t have their credential revoked by the DNC with chants of “Hillary,” the first woman ever to secure a major party’s nomination for president still hasn’t won over a large wing of her party amid an embarrassing scandal that caused a political uproar ahead of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia.
Sen. Sanders was booed twice for mentioning the former secretary of state’s name at the convention and did his best to unify a fractured party, even passing out notes to his delegates asking them not to boo or stage a walk out. Mrs. Clinton even tried to thank Sen. Bernie Sanders and call for unity from his supporters.
“Bernie, your campaign inspired millions of Americans, particularly the young people who threw their hearts and souls into our primary. You’ve put economic and social justice issues front and center, where they belong,” she said. “And to all of your supporters here and around the country: I want you to know, I’ve heard you. Your cause is our cause.”
However, it was those very supporters who were mocked and criticized by top officials in emails leaked by the anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks. The roughly 20,000 emails revealed both anti-Sanders bias at the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and collusion between the DNC and so-called “mainstream” media new outlets, such as The Washington Post, Politico and even NBC News.
The scandalous leaks resulted in the ouster of DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who was replaced by Donna Brazile, a longtime ally of the Clintons who served as interim chair when Tim Kaine (VP nominee) decided to run for the U.S. Senate in Virginia. However, in what many saw to be a tone deaf move for someone trying to reach out to Sanders’ voters, Mrs. Clinton hired Schultz to be her campaign’s 50-state chair.
Further, in the WikiLeaks DNC emails, Brazile called Sen. Sanders “stupid” for endorsing Wasserman Schultz’s primary opponent.
“For a variety of reasons, many justified and some not, people don’t trust her. We are now faced with two of the most disliked presidential candidates in the history of the country,” the letter reads. “Unfortunately, too many people are disillusioned with politics and the lack of inspiring viable candidates will only hurt voter turnout. If there was ever an opportunity to break the corporate two party duopoly, this is it. So, we respectfully ask you to consider Jill Stein’s offer of a united Green Party ticket.”
The staffers aren’t the only former Sanders supporters turning to Dr. Stein in the wake of Mrs. Clinton’s nomination. According to the People’s Pundit Daily U.S. Presidential Election Daily Tracking Poll, a significant number of the Vermont socialist’s supporters say they will now back Dr. Stein in November. She has reached her highest level of support in the poll to date and Mr. Trump maintains a roughly 5 point lead.
gloria rivera / August 1, 2016
I truly think the Union of Bernie/Stein presidential election is the only salvation of this election, and will definitely will win the election . Bernie can not run under democrats ,after they fraudulently stole Bernie Sanders the victory of the DNC nomination. The democrats DNC party are too fraudulent to take it serious and all of them should end up in prison. Bernie Sanders if you are reading this note this is the country salvation that can give the country an opportunity to have a good platform to fix the problems this nation have . Bernie/Stein make a great team. Think of the nation and the people who follow you, supported you, worked for you, voted for you, and donated for you. You owed to this people an opportunity for them to continue with this fight until is concluded with a victory ,with your platform, and the presidentcy. You can not leave over 13million people with out a recourse. This 13million people need you to represent them and to save this nation, you are the voice the US. People need to hear, and only the Benie Sanders/Jill Stein can save this election, the people , and this great country. It is only tree more moths that you have to work on the Campain . if you do not run all of the time you ran for president will be lost with nathing Achieved , but a waste of time. Make your time invested in this election come to a great end, fight for what you believe in. This is a great opportunity for you and us the people to have an opportunity to have you as president. Please give you and us the Bernie Sander /Jill Stein presidential ticket. We truly think the Bernie Sanders /Jill Stein ticket will win the presidency, and we your followers are asking you to continue with this presidential election until November . Please don’t let us down . There is only one candidate that is fit to be president and that person is Bernie Sanders/Jill Sein .
Robert Newell / August 1, 2016
If we stick together and vote a Bernie Sanders/Jill Stein ticket, we won’t have to worry about Donald Trump taking over. If we vote Hillary, we are very likely to lose to Trump.
Justine / August 1, 2016
The ‘democrat’ party just gave away it’s opportunity to WIN in November when they allowed Hillary Clinton to steal the nomination. And it was stolen! With ballots not counted, ballots changed, and various other nefarious situations, the ‘democrat’ party has absolutely LOST the chance to have a democrat in the white house! Bernie Sanders was the perfect candidate to WIN against Rump and turn this country BACK to We The People. But Hillary was too self centered, and had to have the win even if she had to CHEAT to do it. This is all the fault of Clinton and her unethical, immoral co-horts.
MsPythia / August 2, 2016
I hope Bernie will take Jill Stein up on her offer to run with the Green Party. But even if he doesn’t, I’ll be voting for Jill Stein anyway.
Dianne / August 12, 2016
A Bernie & Jill ticket would win…..all the registered independents (huge number) along with all the democrats that voted for Bernie in the dem primary would vote for this ticket. Bernie has a chance to redeem himself after his endorsement of Hillary before the primary was even over…a real sellout move to just give up… against everything he had told his supporters..i.e. going to continue to fight at the convention. A waste of time and money supporting Bernie..he could have at least held his ground and not endorsed her…I really don’t understand what did Bernie had to gain by supporting the very regime he was seeking to change? Did the Clinton’s threaten his family’s lives?