Conservative filmmaker, Dinesh D’Souza, spoke Saturday with our buddy and conservative talk radio host, Don Smith of the Don Smith Show, about his new movie America. The documentary film explores the idea of what the world would be like without America.
(Listen To The Don Smith Interview w/ Dinesh D’Souza)
D’Souza says he wanted to answer the moral criticisms being hurled by the left, which aim to paint America and American history as evil, a thief, or unjust. As Don points out, the right has a messaging problem, or rather they do not seem to have one, at all. Dinesh D’Souza argues that the right cannot effectively rebut the left without making the moral case for capitalism and the constitutional principles that have traditionally guided American political philosophy.
The right has all of the facts on its side, but facts cannot rebut arguments of the heart. In order to win the argument with the American people, and expose the left for what it is, which is a failed ideology, the moral case against the left and socialism must be made.
Conservative filmmaker, Dinesh D’Souza, was recently indicted for supposedly violating campaign finance laws, which baffled experts considering the facts in the case. Many on the right believe D’Souza was unfairly singled-out for prosecution, just as the IRS unfairly singled out conservative groups, because of his ideology.
D’Souza, himself, says he knows for a fact that President Obama was furious over his first film, “2016: Obama’s America.”
Part 1: “America” Movie Trailer
Part 2: “America” Movie Trailer
Part 3: “America” Movie Trailer