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Exclusive: Bestselling Author, Talk Radio Giant Michael Savage on “Government Zero”

“Government Zero is Absolute, Unchecked Government Power and Zero Representation of the People”

Bestselling author and conservative talk radio giant Michael Savage spoke to People’s Pundit Daily Thursday to discuss his new book GOVERNMENT ZERO: No Borders, No Language, No Culture. Dr. Savage, host of The Savage Nation and author of Stop the Coming Civil War, will release his new book through Center Street on October 27.

As I admitted during the opening of our interview, both the chapter content and overall thesis are so timely that it reads as if he wrote the book this week. From immigration, to the Syrian Refugee Crisis, to the division in the Catholic Church over Pope Francis, Savage offers a well-researched explanation of the troubling current events that are shaping our time.

That explanation is refreshingly straightforward: It is all the result of living under Government Zero, which is waging a war on our freedoms by attacking our “borders, language and culture.”

What is Government Zero? Admittedly, Dr. Savage reminded me how Pol Pot, the leader of the Khmer Rouge, was chasing his socialist dream of Year Zero when he slaughtered some 500,000 Cambodians. Pol Pot claimed to want to return his nation to a peasant economy in “building socialism without a model,” but the result was very different. By comparison, America was never supposed to flirt with socialism, leaving statists with the task of “fundamentally transforming” the nation into one that would not only flirt with it but embrace it.

“We are supposed to be a nation where the government is ‘of the people, by the people, and for the people,'” Savage explains. “It is a government of itself, by itself, and for itself, run by lobbyists. In short, Government Zero is absolute, unchecked government power and zero representation of the people.”

Is he not on to something? Millions of Americans, both on the right and left, obviously agree. It is that very sentiment that has driven the dynamic of the 2016 Republican nomination, in which the top three candidates are all billing themselves as “outsiders” and claiming over half the primary vote. It is also that same sentiment that forced Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., to withdraw his bid for speaker on Thursday.

Dr. Savage makes no secret about supporting outsider and current frontrunner Donald Trump, who brought the immigration issue to the forefront of the race for the GOP nomination. Trump, who is dominating the Republican field, has done so by rallying the GOP base behind a nationalist message, which as Savage argues in the book, is the most powerful tool against Government Zero.

“Trump’s slogan ‘Make American Great Again’ is a nationalist theme,” he said. “I’m advocating for national borders, language and culture. You would think no one would argue we don’t need that.”

But, as he demonstrates in his book and noted on the phone, progressives not only argue against common borders, language and culture, but aim to subvert and marginalize the idea. He makes a strong case that both illegal immigration and what he calls the Progressive-Islamist takeover are in reality tools used by allies of Government Zero to achieve an end–statism. Considering the politically correct narrative force-fed to Americans by a collaborating media, even he admits it sounds like an alarmist point of view.

“It may be hard for most people to imagine how committed atheists could possibly be working with committed religious fanatics.” Savage says. “Yet, everywhere we look, we see American progressives defending Islam. They make excuses for radical Islam’s atrocities while branding anyone who criticizes them as bigots.”

Unlike Glenn Beck, who has put forward conspiracy theory-like scenarios depicting George Soros and Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi hatching out their plot against the West in a dark room, Savage’s interpretation is intellectual and believable. To be clear, he characterizes the strange relationship between leftists and Islamists–two philosophies seemingly antithetical to one another–as an alliance shared by “kindred spirits.”

“I’m not talking about a conscious conspiracy between the two groups, per se. They are more like kindred spirits. They may not have the same vision for what society should look like when they’re finished with it, but they share the belief that American society as it is today must be destroyed. That’s the linkage,” he explains. “Both groups also believe in absolute, autocratic rule over the people. They both want to run every aspect of your life. If you haven’t noticed, every Islamic nation has a socialist economy. That’s because socialism and autocracy are one and the same.”

Indeed, aside from Israel, the last true market-based economy in the Middle East vanished when leftwing intellectuals argued mass Muslim migration into Lebanon was humane. As far as the media, both Trump and Dr. Ben Carson have been on the receiving end of relentless attacks in response to their positions on immigration and Islam, respectively.

Regarding the latter, the “mainstream” media had a meltdown when Dr. Carson said on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that he “would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation” because Islam is not consistent with core values and American principles. However, according to recent polling, the majority of Americans agreed with that statement and said they would not be willing to vote for a Muslim president.

But under Government Zero that doesn’t matter, because it doesn’t represent the interests or opinions of anyone except for Government Zero. Americans are sick and tired of Government Zero, even if they do not yet know it exists, which is what Dr. Savage hopes to change.

“That’s why I do the show. That’s why I write these books,” he said. “I’m doing what I can, my part to get the message to those who are still persuadable.”

Much of the various criticisms of Michael Savage leveled by the left and, indeed, by some on the right, have more than implied a level of pessimism is the core of his on-air content and written works. Yet, within minutes of our one-and-one conversation, it quickly became apparent that these criticisms are unfounded. In fact, he is undoubtedly an optimist, which is what one should expect from a conservative who genuinely believes progressive philosophy and policy are so fundamentally flawed that they are self-defeating.

“I have to be [an optimist],” he told me. “They’ve already made these mistakes. We’re seeing the results now in Syria, with Putin, in the Middle East. Maybe I’m an idealist, but in the end I believe the good guys win.”

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Richard D. Baris

Rich, the People's Pundit, is the Data Journalism Editor at PPD and Director of the PPD Election Projection Model. He is also the Director of Big Data Poll, and author of "Our Virtuous Republic: The Forgotten Clause in the American Social Contract."

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Richard D. Baris

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