Former IRS official Lois Lerner resigned after emails surfaced shoing damning evidence the IRS targeting scandal was, in fact, worse than previously reported.
Newly discovered Lois Lerner emails released by the House Ways and Means Committee show just how much contempt the former IRS official had for conservatives, who she refers to as “crazies” and “assholes.”
Following what appears to be an effort to monitor or eavesdrop on conservative talk radio hosts and their callers, Lerner mocks conservatives for being concerned about the direction of the country, a concern right-track wrong-track polling suggests is shared by an overwhelming majority of Americans.
“So, we don’t need to worry about alien teRrorists [sic],” Lerner wrote on November 9, 2012. “It’s own our crazies that will take us down.”
Lerner emails released by the House Ways and Means Committee.
Rep. Dave Camp (R-MI), chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, wrote a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder that accompanied the newly discovered Lerner emails submitted to Justice Wednesday.
“Today, I write with supplementary evidence in support of the Committee’s referral relating to Ms. Lerner’s willful targeting of conservatives and mishandling of taxpayer information,” Camp wrote.
“This new evidence clearly demonstrates why Ms. Lerner not only targeted conservatives, but denied such groups their rights to due process and eqaul protection under the law,” Camp adds.
The Republican-controlled House of Representatives voted to hold Lerner in contempt back in May, and further referred her activity to the Justice Department, who just recently agreed to open another investigation following new damning Lerner emails showing inappropriate and illegal targeting practices.
A recent poll conducted jointly by Democratic pollster Anderson Robbins Research and Republican pollster Shaw & Company Research found the vast majority of the American people aren’t buying the government’s story about the lost IRS emails, as just 12 percent of voters believe the emails were destroyed accidentally. Now, 76 percent believe the emails missing from the account of Lois Lerner, the ex-IRS official at the center of the scandal over targeting of conservative groups, were deliberately destroyed.
Republicans said the previous investigation by the Justice Department was “compromised” when it was learned that the Obama administration outrageously appointed an Obama donor to head up the probe.
In a previous letter to Attorney General Eric Holder, Republican lawmakers said they learned that Barbara Kay Bosserman, the trial attorney appointed to investigate the IRS scandal, was a long-term donor of both the Democratic National Committee and President Obama, a revelation confirmed by the White House.
Campaign finance records show Bosserman contributed at least $6,750.00 going back to 2004 and donated sometimes twice a month, rotating between Obama’s campaign and the Democratic national committee, at one point giving $1,000.00 in one shot to the “Obama for America” super PAC.
“While the Committee has not seen any evidence of a serious investigation by your Department, it is my sincere hope that in light of this new, strong evidence that you immediately begin aggressively investigating this matter or appoint a special counsel,” Camp wrote to Holder.
Holder and the Obama administration have resisted calls for a special counsel thus far, but Lerner’s illegal activity apparently extends beyond targeting citizens with whom she ideologically disagree with. Committee investigators also found that Lerner used her personal email for official IRS business, including confidential return information.
“A newly discovered email from February 22, 2012 shows an exchange between Ms. Lerner and an IRS IT professional regarding a ‘Virus on Home PC,'” the letter states. “In exchange, Ms. Lerner indicates that she kept work information on her home computer, some of which may have been lost.”
The chairman said this new development “further raises concerns that taxpayer information may have been leaked.”
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So now Obama supporters are forbidden to investigate the government. Okay, fine--but by that standard, the supporters of the right-wing nutter brigades are also not qualified to investigate since they've proven time and again that they're piping up controversy for its own sake, and totally regardless of the validity of the charges.
As a practical matter, whom does that leave that's qualified to investigate these charges? Nobody, it seems to me.
Why is anyone surprised that a member of the Zionist Overlord Government of The United States Of America is speaking about Americans the way they honestly feel?
"Zionist Overlord Government"?
Sure, go ahead and prove her point.
More BS the GOP thinks they can get their based wound tight enough to get them is hilarious though. She made fun of the whacko right wing radio talk show hosts....wonder who she was talking about? Hannity Insannity, Rush, or that Michael Savage nut who talks to himself on the radio?
Well, if the shoe fits, then wear it. Americans call them as they see them.
And some choice childish names are all that right wingers have against Lerner?
Evidently Republican white skin is very thin.
UMMM...they ARE crazy. Misguided, foolish, stupid, corrupt and delusional as well. I thought what she said was spot on and actually quite tame. Keep it up Lerner! Free speech only applies to Republicans as of course we all know ( : Everyone else hurts their iddy, biddy feelings.
They are a bunch of crazy a-holes. have you ever tried talking to one? Look at these forums and read what these tea bagging wright wing nuts have to say. There it is in their own words proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are totally full of's clear as day...
Republicans are in a panic mode wondering why they are losing seats in Georgia and Kentucky to
Democrats. Their long held belief that they would 'easily' take back the Senate in 2014 is quickly fading. The electorate's disenchantment with the GOP has absolutely nothing to do with car thief Darrell Issa's wasteful non-productive subpoenas and 13 Benghazi investigations. John
Boehner is very aware that his law suit against the most popular President in decades is going to backfire.
When the electorate marches into the voting booth in 2014 and again in 2016 they need to ask
themselves this very simple question:
"What has the Republican Party accomplished, proposed, or initiated in the past twenty four
years to make America a better place for Americans?"
The answer is irrefutable!!!
She's right.
Now people are not allowed to have opinions (unless they are the same as the crazy a-holes)...America, land of the what again?
Whoa Lois, You're supposed to be running a non-partisan branch of the government. Not saying your freedom of opinion is wrong, but the facts seem to show your personal point of view over flowed into your work practices. If you work for any branch of government, kindly keep your personal point of view to yourself; for if people judge you, you've only targeted yourself and the person to blame is looking back at you from the mirror.