In large part due to the media blackout, President Obama plans to ram an unpopular policy down the throats of the American people.
Newly uncovered government print orders are requesting vendors supply upwards of 34 million blank work permits and green cards, suggesting Obama will grant executive amnesty after the November elections. uncovered a draft solicitation for bids issued by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) dated Oct. 6, which states vendors must have the capacity to deal with a “surge” of 9 million id cards in one year “to support possible future immigration reform initiative requirements.”
“The requirement is for an estimated 4 million cards annually with the potential to buy as many as 34 million cards total. The ordering periods for this requirement shall be for a total of five (5) years,” the document said.
The enormous number far exceeds Democrats’ long-time repeated claims of between 8 and 12 million illegal aliens residing in the United States.
“The guaranteed minimum for each ordering period is 4,000,000 cards. The estimated maximum for the entire contract is 34,000,000 cards,” the government solicitation says.
Front loading such an enormous number of applications not only smells of dirty political tricks, but actually poses a public safety risk. According to Bob Dane, a spokesman for the Federation for American Immigration Reform, the policy will put Americans at risk.
“There aren’t enough federal employees from here to Pluto to do adequate background checks on 34 million,” said Dane.
Dane told that President Obama appears “to be getting his ducks in a row” before legalizing illegal residents by executive fiat following the midterm elections. Without a Republican-controlled Senate to block the appropriations made by the executive branch, amnesty for upwards of 34 million illegal immigrants is a certainty.
A USCIS official told MailOnline the solicitation for green cards was published “in case the president makes the move we think he will.”
President Obama over the summer delayed granting amnesty when — fueled by a surge of illegal immigrations pouring over the border — the polls took a turn for the worst. Illegal immigration activists were furious, but the president said “the politics of immigration have changed” due to the border crisis.
Red-state Democrats pressured the president to hold off on granting executive amnesty, which apparently, they plan to do after the voters can hold them accountable.
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Pandering to people who aren't even allowed to be here and aren't even citizens makes zero sense.
What has our once proud country come to? Enforce our laws and this won't be an issue.
Why are we obligated to please these ILLEGAL people?
Good grief! Americans like myself are struggling. I’m employed (temp work) but can’t afford health insurance. I don’t drive much either cause I can’t afford gas. My auto insurance, which the government has yet to ruin, is thankfully only $25/month (from Insurance Panda). Please, Obama! Don’t try to socialize auto insurance! I also cut cable and internet and I haven’t been out to eat or to the movies in god knows how long.
It infuriates me that these people who don’t even belong here are getting more freebies than tax paying, law abiding citizens like myself!
Illegal aliens show up and all of sudden the government bends over backwards for them.
How in the hell can he get away with this?
Clearly, you can't read. This is false, and you know it. Try checking Snopes or any other fact-based site so you can read how this went down in terms you can understand.
From the Snopes article:
The USCIS bid request was not issued by President Obama via executive order, nor did it make any mention of social security cards. The numbers frequently cited in references to
this bid state the maximum materials that a successful bidder must have the potential to manufacture; but those estimates in no way reflect the actual number of documents USCIS expects to issue in the short term, and the word "surge" referred not to a number of immigrants expected but to a number of documents anticipated (in line with document current circulation numbers).
And try to read it carefully before commenting.
This election proves that you can fool most Americans most of the time.