PPD projects Republican Governor Scott Walker will win his third election in just 4 years against Democrat Mary Burke, in a race he was greatly handicapped. The race appeared to break Walker’s way toward the end, though PPD’s election projection model rated the race Likely Republican.
Speaking at his victory rally, Walker said Democrats “tend to measure success by how many are dependent on the government,” Walker said. “By how many people are on unemployment… We measure success by how many people are no longer dependent on the government.”
Walker and Republican Governor John Kasich in Ohio are widely seen as reformers in the party and potential 2016 Republican presidential hopefuls. Of course, both needed to win their race in order to still be considered a top contender.
Gov. Scott Walker won the governorship in the 2010 midterm elections, but was quickly forced to defend his seat in a recall election mounted by public unions after he passed the Budget Reform Bill that took the state from a deficit to a surplus. The bill required public sector unions to contribute a small percent to their won pensions, excluding police and other emergency workers.
This put the governor on the top of the list for progressive groups to target. So far, they are 0 – 3.