State Department headquarters in D.C., left, and, right, Hillary Rodham Clinton speaks to the reporters at United Nations headquarters on Tuesday, March 10, 2015. (Photos: AP/Seth Wenig)
The State Department Office Of Inspector General (IG) released an audit last week that was absolutely damning to Hillary Clinton. Comparing the “Evaluation Of Email Records Management And Cybersecurity Requirements” with the former secretary of state’s past excuses and explanations could only conclude she was lying–pretty much at every turn.
Here are a few of the most notable, relevant statements made by Mrs. Clinton that have now proven to be categorically false.
[brid video=”39286″ player=”2077″ title=”FLASHBACK Hillary Clinton Claimed to Have Turned Over Emails in March 2015″]
Mrs. Clinton, during her remarks at a press conference in New York, NY, on March 10, 2015, claimed she turned over all her State Department emails that were business related when they were requested. That was not true.
“I responded right away and provided all my emails that could possibly be work-related, which totaled roughly 55,000 printed pages, even though I knew that the State Department already had the vast majority of them. We went through a thorough process to identify all of my work-related emails and deliver them to the State Department.”
That was not true.
In truth, as we’ll see shortly, Mrs. Clinton was well-aware it was her own responsibility to ensure her records were adequately preserved because the State Department did not capture “the vast majority” of anyone’s records. Further, the audit stated Mrs. Clinton should have printed and saved her emails during her four years in office or immediately upon stepping down in February 2013.
Instead, Clinton provided those records in December 2014, nearly two years after leaving office and only after her people took it upon themselves to decide what was and was not to be surrendered. She admitted some 30,000 had been deleted, though the Federal Bureau of Investigation has reportedly managed to retrieve at least some of them.
Nevertheless, the IG report makes it clear.
“As previously discussed, however, sending emails from a personal account to other employees at their Department accounts is not an appropriate method of preserving any such emails that would constitute a Federal record,” the report stated. “Therefore, Secretary Clinton should have preserved any Federal records she created and received on her personal account by printing and filing those records with the related files in the Office of the Secretary. At a minimum, Secretary Clinton should have surrendered all emails dealing with Department business before leaving government service and, because she did not do so, she did not comply with the Department’s policies that were implemented in accordance with the Federal Records Act.” — Pg. 23.
[brid video=”39288″ player=”2077″ title=”FLASHBACK Hillary Clinton Falsely Claimed Her State Department Emails Were Preserved”]
“Secondly, under the Federal Records Act, records are defined as reported information, regardless of its form or characteristics, and in meeting the record keeping obligations, it was my practice to email government officials on their state or other .gov accounts so that the emails were immediately captured and preserved.”
That was not true.
In truth, according to a department spokeswoman. the State Department only began automatically preserving emails in February, 2015. That’s more than two years after Mrs. Clinton’s tenure. So, what was her responsibility?
“If a senior official uses his or her private email account for the conduct of official business, she or he must ensure that records pertaining to official business that are sent from or received on such e-mail account are captured and maintained.” — Pg. 64.
[brid video=”39291″ player=”2077″ title=”FLASHBACK Clinton Claimed Email Server Was Allowed Predecessors Did Same Thing”]
Mrs. Clinton has also repeatedly claimed that she did not need to get anyone to sign off on the use of her personal email because it was allowed under the rules and her predecessors did the same thing.
“It was allowed under the rules of the State Department,” Mrs. Clinton told Jake Tapper on CNN during an interview on October 16, 2015. No, it was allowed. You know, one of my predecessors did the same thing. Others in our government have done the same thing at very high levels because the rules did change after I left state department. But at the time and in prior years the rules allowed it.”
First, using only private email to conduct official State Department business was not and is not allowed, and certainly not on a private home brew server. While Secretary Colin Powell did use a Gmail in a limited capacity, the audit completely refuted the latter ever did any such thing.
“Secretary Rice and her representative advised the Department and OIG that the Secretary did not use either personal or Department email accounts for official business,” the inspector general stated. “OIG searched selected records and did not find any evidence to indicate that the Secretary used such accounts during her tenure.” — Pg. 22
As a bonus fact-check, it is also clear that Mrs. Clinton lied about her willingness to participate with investigators. From her first press conference at the United Nations in March to the present she has repeatedly claimed she has cooperated at every turn. That was known from previous reports, but the IG confirmed Mrs. Clinton is not at all being forthcoming.
As the tale of the tape shows, she has completely misled the American people and outrageously continues to do so.
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Back in 1996, when Bill Clinton was running for re-election, he authorized the transfer of highly sensitive technology to China. This technology had military applications and allowed China to close the gap in missile performance with the United States. The transfers were opposed and severely criticized by the Defense Department.
At the same time Bill Clinton was transferring this technology to China, huge donations began to pour into his re-election campaign from the US companies allowed to sell the technology to China, and from American citizens of Chinese descent. The fact that they were US citizens allowed them to donate to political campaigns, but it later emerged that they were acting as conduits for cash coming in from Asian sources, including Chinese Intelligence Agencies! The scandal became known as China-gate!
This establishes a history of the Clintons treating US secrets as their own personal property, selling them to raise money for campaigns.
Now then, let us consider a private email server with weak security, at least one known totally open access point, no encryption, and outside the control and monitoring systems of the US government, on which are parked many of the nation's most closely guarded secrets! Security experts agree that Hillary's server had worse security than the Ashley Madison website!
Now, consider a charitable foundation owned by the Clintons (which actually does very little charitable work). Being a charitable foundation, it is allowed to accept "donations" from foreign sources, and roughly 40% of the cash that has poured into the Clinton Foundation has come from foreign sources. Many of those foreign sources received preferential treatment from Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, sufficient for attorney Larry Klayman to file a RICO lawsuit against the foundation (which as of last report was thrown out of court by a Clinton-appointed judge who refused to recuse himself over the obvious conflict of interest)!
Easy means of delivering secrets. Easy means of accepting payment! And now there is confirmation that Hillary did have a private "off the books" spy network, centered on Sidney Blumenthal, while she was secretary of state!
This is a perfect setup to repeat the 1996 selling of secrets for cash. In other words, a perfect espionage operation, running out the US State Department, with the weak email server providing the secrets and a charitable foundation to accept and launder the payments! Hillary doesn't have to physically steal the files, the way Jonathan Pollard did. Hillary doesn't have to scratch an X on a mailbox, the way Aldrich Ames did. Hillary doesn't have to tape bundles of stolen documents underneath a park bridge, like Robert Hannsen did!
It is time to look past the small scandal of the private email server at what may be a far larger spy scandal hidden behind it!
And the longer the government and corporate media avoids this question, the more complicit they look!
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