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Sunday, October 6, 2024
HomeNewsPoliticsHillary Clinton Calls for “Intelligence Surge,” Blames Trump for Terrorist Recruitment

Hillary Clinton Calls for “Intelligence Surge,” Blames Trump for Terrorist Recruitment

Huma Abedin, left, Hillary Clinton, right. (Photo: Reuters/Kevin Lamarque)
Huma Abedin, left, Hillary Clinton, right. (Photo: Reuters/Kevin Lamarque)

Huma Abedin, left, Hillary Clinton, right. (Photo: Reuters/Kevin Lamarque)

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton again called for an “intelligence surge” in the wake of terror attacks in three U.S. cities. She also called for a partnership with Silicon Valley, California, which is home to American technology companies.

Mrs. Clinton, who has ruled out ground forces to destroy ISIS, called for increased airstrikes in Syria, greater cooperation with allies abroad and law enforcement at home. While she actually blamed her Republican rival for Islamic State recruitment successes, Mrs. Clinton sounded more like Donald Trump than herself when she called for strict vetting standards for immigrants.

In response to a reporter’s question, which shockingly and flatly asked if terrorists were trying to get Mr. Trump elected president, Mrs. Clinton gave what was clearly a “wink and nod” response. After saying she “wouldn’t speculate” on such plans, the Democratic nominee went on to blame his proposals and comments for increased terrorism activity.

“They want to use that to recruit more fighters to their cause,” she said. “They want to turn it into a religious cause,” Mrs. Clinton responded, adding “the kind of language Mr. Trump has used is giving aide and comfort to our enemies.”

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Latest comments

  • Piss poor temperament on Clinton, can’t handle the job.

  • Journalistic inquiries for you: What exactly is an ‘intelligence surge’? Is she admitting our intelligence is inadequate?

  • This is a rhetorical ‘pick & roll.’ She deflects blame for inadequate procedures & then blames Trump for the results. Neat?

  • @PPDNews Huh???Blaming Trump for terrorist recruitment is like blaming Bill Gates for the crime rate.

  • Her real concern is whether there has been an intelligence surge among the electorate and she’ll no longer be able to bamboozle them.

    • The big question Hillary: Do you think we should continue importing Muslims?

  • Dementia kicking in big time… and her mentally deficient cultist supporters will buy it.

  • she is no longer in command… who is she to “call” for anything? Idiot!

  • she wants an intelligence surge yet doesn’t have any of her own. #NeverHillary

  • @PPDNews She has Satan’s niece for her assistant & claims someone else is helping Islam? Complete projection.

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