George Soros, the Nazi sympathizer, collaborator and billionaire socialist. (Photo: AP)
George Soros, the Nazi sympathizer and billionaire socialist, met with Democrats in Washington D.C. on Sunday for the first of three-day conference. Soros and members of the so-called “Democracy Alliance” met at the Mandarin Oriental hotel to discuss strategy to oppose President-Elect Donald J. Trump after he defeated Hillary Clinton.
In attendance were also several big donors who have funded Democracy Alliance to the tune of $500 million to fight for leftwing activist groups, candidates and issues since Soros co-founded the group in 2005.
The group boasts some 100 “finance titans,” or those who have donated at least $200,000 a year to whitelisted groups.
As the leftwing news site POLITICO reported, the meeting with Soros and others–including House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., and Rep. Keith Ellison, D-Minn.–aims to discuss how Democrats can stop Mr. Trump’s plan for his first 100 days in office. The plan, which the DA called “a terrifying assault on President Obama’s achievements, and our progressive vision for an equitable and just nation,” vows to “drain the swamp” of corruption in Washington, D.C.
President-Elect Trump first laid out his plan in Gettysburg back in June, calling it part of a “contract with the America voter.” The 10-point legislative agenda that “begins with restoring honesty, accountability and change to Washington.”
plattner paul / November 15, 2016
@GOPanonymous185 @Mcbrezi @ThePeeCee @Family2016Bll
@yesmarclyons @AntAsylum
Making It Awkward / November 15, 2016
@jessbriis @PPDNews He’s a zionist globalist jew. Enemy of national socialists everywhere.
OUTLOOK / November 15, 2016
@PPDNews https://t.co/gQ7XYis77H
Comrade Tomás / November 15, 2016
@PPDNews Soros needs to have his citizenship revoked and get deported. He’s an enemy of the state.
Freedom ain't Free / November 15, 2016
@jaspercoolidge @PPDNews if this is true he needs to make him enemy number one ! Just like Putin has done !!
Buttons cole / November 15, 2016
@jaspercoolidge just like a James Bond villian!
Ampie / November 15, 2016
nazi cunt
Chuck Lara / November 15, 2016
@angelrains https://t.co/bxYFRwRcgW