President-elect Donald Trump (L) and Vice President-elect Mike Pence (R) pose with General James Mattis (C) at the clubhouse of Trump International Golf Club, November 19, 2016 in Bedminster Township, New Jersey. (Photo: AP)
The House of Representatives on Friday voted to approve a waiver for Gen. James Mattis to serve as Secretary of Defense for President-elect Donald J. Trump. General James ‘Mad Dog’ Mattis, 66, as he is known, is a modern-day George Patton and a perfect attitudinal fit for the non-politically correct businessman from New York.
The Afghanistan and Iraq War veteran commanded needed a waiver due to Pentagon rules prohibiting who have served on active duty within the prior seven years from serving in civilian.
Following the first confirmation hearing on Thursday, the Senate committee voted in favor of the waiver and he is expected to easily be confirmed. Gen. Mattis
#Mattisisms for Your Reading Pleasure
“Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet.” — Iraq, 2003
“No war is over until the enemy says it’s over. We may think it over, we may declare it over, but in fact, the enemy gets a vote.” — Defense News
“I’m going to plead with you, do not cross us. Because if you do, the survivors will write about what we do here for 10,000 years.” — San Diego Union-Tribune