Bergen County prosecutors announced on Friday that New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie will not face any criminal charges related to BridgeGate. The complaint was filed over the lane closure on the George Washington Bridge.
The complaint was filed with the Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office by Willian Brennan, a former Teaneck firefighter. It alleged that Gov. Christie did not report the lanes were closed as part of a political revenge plot to punish a mayor who did not endorse his landslide reelection in 2013. The official reason given for the closures at the time was that it was part of a traffic study, though emails and testimony later revealed two aides were pivotal in the plot.
They were convicted in federal court this past November.
The Bergen County Persecutor’s Office sent a letter to Judge Bonnie Mizdol, which stated they would not pursue charges against the governor. Gov. Christie has always denied any wrongdoing in the case.