House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, R-La., has been released from the hospital after being readmitted and his condition downgraded last month.
“Congressman Steve Scalise has made excellent progress in his recovery from a life-threatening gunshot wound six weeks ago,” the hospital said in a statement. “Yesterday, he was discharged from MedStar Washington Hospital Center and is now beginning a period of intensive inpatient rehabilitation.”
Rep. Scalise, 51, was shot in June at Eugene Simpson Stadium Park by a leftwing gunman. He received several blood transfusions to combat blood loss and needed multiple surgeries after suffering a gun shot wound to his hip area. The House Whip was transferred out of the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) on Thursday, June 22 and remained in fair condition until July, when he was readmitted and his condition was downgraded to “serious” amid new concerns of infection.
“He is in good spirits and is looking forward to his return to work once he completes rehabilitation,” MedStar Washington Hospital Center added. “He and his family are grateful for the care he received from the trauma team as well as the other doctors, nurses, and staff of MedStar Washington Hospital Center. The family also appreciates the outpouring of prayers and support during this time.”
Nebraska Democrat: ‘I’m Glad Scalise Got Shot. I Wish He Was F–king Dead’
James Hodgkinson, of Belleville, Illinois, was identified as the man who shot the House Whip and three others–including Capitol Police special agent Crystal Griner, Tysons Food lobbyist Matt Mika and congressional staffer Zach Barth–as Republicans were practicing for the Congressional Baseball Game.
Hodgkinson, 66, a leftwing activist and supporter of Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., was shot and killed by police during the attack. He carried a hit list containing the names of six Republicans.