U.S. President Donald Trump speaks while participating in a tour of U.S.-Mexico border wall prototypes near the Otay Mesa Port of Entry in San Diego, California. U.S., March 13, 2018. (Photo: Reuters)
President Donald Trump said NAFTA and foreign aid are “in play” if Honduras and other countries don’t stop the caravans of illegals migrating to the United States (US).
“The big Caravan of People from Honduras, now coming across Mexico and heading to our ‘Weak Laws’ Border, had better be stopped before it gets there,” President Trump tweeted. “Cash cow NAFTA is in play, as is foreign aid to Honduras and the countries that allow this to happen. Congress MUST ACT NOW!”
Pueblo Sin Fronteras, or People Without Borders, have organized a roughly 1,000-person strong caravan of migrants who intend to illegal cross the U.S.-Mexico border and claim asylum. The group accused President Trump on Monday of “bullying” immigrants and threatening “mass violence.”
“On April 1st, the U.S. President opportunistically invoked refugee caravans as a pretext for threatening immigrants already in the country, specifically DACA recipients, with a so-called ‘Nuclear Option’ to remove their protections from detention and deportation,” the organization said.
“Trump is trying to turn Central American refugees and other immigrant communities against each other, and use them as a bargaining chip with Mexico.”
The statement makes the ideology of this organization crystal clear. They had no comment in response to their efforts resulting in turning American communities against each other. This is other likeminded groups claim the U.S. has a moral obligation to take these illegal migrant caravans, but give no importance to national sovereignty.
Alexa Joy / April 3, 2018
That’s the way to do it.
Rubea Ross / April 3, 2018
Seems to be working…Keep up the good work Mr. President…and thank you for MAGA
JTEE / April 3, 2018
@mlong42947 Others being mexico
Kuuipo / April 3, 2018
@mlong42947 If they want to play Hard ball, end any help to them and end their sorry corrupt cooperation!!!
Tom Tiedman / April 3, 2018
“Caravan”! ROFLMAO!!! Hey Trump, Fox News just suggested you resign. Get to it, boy!
Janice Hembree / April 3, 2018
Ron Lee / April 3, 2018
we dont owe other countries people a job, food,benefits,welfare . we are in trouble here now feeding our own . Tax payers going broke . every dime the gov spends is our tax dollar , and it should be for our people legal citizens here.,others should stay in their country make it great ,change them from shit holes, to sugar an spice . fight, protest , kick out drug cartels ect there .They have no skin in our game here ,they dont respect our laws , our blood ,our customs,lives shed for the freedom of our country thru many years. stay home be all you can be there not here.We have over 25 percent of the population filled with illegals in our jails , prisons now.if even one american loses their life or harmed by a illegal ,one to many. President should protect our borders , and hes citizens.
Lois Wood / April 3, 2018
Ben Cole / April 3, 2018
Need to take money we give to countries that have ileagals here and spend it on the wall. Then they paid for it
Janet Coffin / April 3, 2018
They are not illegals, they are refugees. How can they be illegals if they aren’t even in the US? Trump is such a fucking moron.
Vicky Levy / April 3, 2018
Trump lacks the business sense to realize how much it would hurt Americans and American jobs to just try and completely abandon NAFTA.