New York World-Telegram dated December 8, 1941, was one of many around the nation printing headlines of the Pearl Harbor attack and the subsequent congressional vote to declare war.
A whole 74 years after Japanese torpedo bombers and kamikaze pilots sunk the USS Oklahoma in the waters of Pearl Harbor, science is helping to identify the victims. The bones of hundreds of unidentified sailors and Marines who died on the morning of Dec. 7, 1941 are currently being tested by the government in order to appropriately entomb the fallen, The Washington Post reported on Sunday.
Newly exhumed skeletal remains from a cemetery in Hawaii are undergoing DNA and other examinations in a Nebraska Air Force base laboratory. It’s the very location once used by the same airplane factory that built the B-29 that dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima in 1945, putting an end to the war Pearl Harbor had started.
“A lot of people say: ‘World War II. Who’s even alive? Who even remembers?’” Carrie A. Brown told the Post. Brown is an anthropologist with the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency, which is in charge of the identification initiative.
“We need to get these guys home,” she said. “They’ve been not home for too long.”
JMac / December 10, 2015
There were no ‘Kamikaze pilots’ at the Pearl Harbor attack.