US President-elect Donald Trump refused to take a question from a CNN reporter at the press conference pic.twitter.com/ihM1bZVOjW
— RTÉ News (@rtenews) January 11, 2017
At his first press conference since becoming president-elect, Donald Trump slammed CNN and BuzzFeed for printing what is now a widely criticized report. When the reporter, identified as Jim Acosta, tried repeatedly to interject on a female reporter, the New York businessman shut him down.
“No I’m not going to call on you,” he said. “You’re organization is horrible. You are fake news.”
Even the executive editor of the New York Times, along with others, have vehemently dismissed the report as “totally unsubstantiated.” But CNN has responded by putting their most respective reporter Jake Tapper on the frontline and throwing BuzzFeed under the bus.
JIM ACOSTA, CNN: Mr. President-elect, since you are attacking our news organization —
TRUMP: No. Not you.
ACOSTA: Could you give us a chance, you’re attacking our news organization, can you give us a chance to ask a question, sir?
TRUMP: Go ahead. be quiet.
ACOSTA: Mr. President-elect, can you state categorically —
TRUMP: Don’t be rude.
ACOSTA: You’re attacking us. Can you give us a question?
TRUMP: Don’t be rude. I’m not going to give you a question. I am not going to give you a question. You are fake news. Go ahead.
Deplorable Carl / January 11, 2017
I probably will DVR every Trump conference for the next eight years. Glorious.
mia b / January 11, 2017
LAUGHING at the Epic Smackdown of CNN!
—Acosta just got run over by the Trump Train.
Real Americans have spoken. We want our country back. Our jobs were being sent to Mexico and China. Our taxes were being spent on illegals, refugees, and welfare leaches.
My healthcare is too expensive ($800/month for my family). Time to step away from socialism and let the capitalism work. My car insurance is just $25 per month (Insurance Panda) and my internet is just $30/month from RNC. Let the free market handle health insurance!
Hillary will look good wearing prion orange rather that those 15k white suits.
eli / January 13, 2017
@PPDNews I saw the even Chris Matthews gave him the high ground on this