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Monday, March 3, 2025
HomeOpinionIf George Zimmerman Is Found Guilty, ‘The Enlightenment’ Was Pointless

If George Zimmerman Is Found Guilty, ‘The Enlightenment’ Was Pointless

If George Zimmerman is found guilty, the Age of Enlightenment was pointless. That’s right, we are that far gone. We are to the point that mass emotion without reason can be mobilized by false leaders who serve higher masters with unjust motivations.

I suppose congratulations are in order to the race-baiters in the black community, the prostitutes in the media, and the “useful idiots” who have been used by despotic politicians to tear our country at its racial seams, all in their effort to further degrade our liberty. Florida – my adopted home state – is preparing for race riots if George Zimmerman is not convicted of, at the very least, manslaughter.

Some in the media have already attempted to clean up, or at least minimize their mess.  of Time, after mentioning the two hardly-watched Broward County public service announcements urging people to “raise their voice, not their hands” if they are unhappy with the verdict, wrote:

Meanwhile, church leaders, who have been given seats at the trial, have pledged to use their influence in the community to quell any violence.

To be sure, there are several community pastors in Sanford who have made a commendable effort to have “a calming effect” in the event that George Zimmerman is acquitted. However, they are up against treachery in their own ranks, such as the audio below that is filled with prejudgment and accusations of racism during a meeting at Shiloh Missionary.

[soundcloud url=https://soundcloud.com/judicial-watch/second-shiloh-missionary]

The single most amazing aspect to the George Zimmerman – Trayvon Martin case is the fact that despite the overwhelming evidence that George Zimmerman shot Trayvon Martin in self-defense, there are still people who cannot come to grips with the fact that they have been deceived. We have a large segment of the population – which includes all races – incapable of using that which Nature has uniquely endowed in humankind – reason.

Geraldo was absolutely correct when he said that the Zimmerman trial “will be a case study where politics infected and affected the criminal justice system.” Watching the events and evidence of the trial unfold, it has become more and more apparent that the liberal forces of social unrest – who have what they falsely interpret as an ally in the White House – have been used to push an unjust prosecution of an innocent man. But the occupant in the White House is not an ally, he is a master, yet at the same time a tool himself. We have recently learned that Obama’s Justice Department sent resources to Sanford to ensure that the race-baiters had enough money for his racial incitement.

To read a recap of the state’s case that clearly not only collapsed, but overtly demonstrated how corrupt this false prosecution is, click here.


The trial revealed corruption on a level that threatens the very foundation of the ideals fostered during the Age of Enlightenment. Our meritocracy-based government institutions, which Weber described as a unique evolution in the U.S. in a more pure and idealistic nature than in any other western nation, have crumbled under the weight of political correctness, personal ambition, ignorance and hatred. If George Zimmerman is found guilty, he will not have been the first life to have been destroyed, nor will he be the last.

Ex-Sanford Police Chief Bill Lee was approached by the City Commissioner, and by at least one other political figure, on at least two separate occasions. They requested that he break the law, and his oath of office, by ignoring probable cause standards in the state of Florida, and arrest George Zimmerman to appease racists like Al Sharpton and his progressive masters.

A police chief and a prosecutor had to lose their position for no other reason than the fact they had integrity. They refused to cave to the political forces of hate and tyranny, and their lives were destroyed because of it.

There was a reason why George Zimmerman wasn’t arrested immediately, and its the same reason that Trayvon Martin’s hands and clothes were not properly bagged for DNA. It was self-defense and by no stretch of the imagination could the police meet the standard for probable cause.

So what is the real motive behind the prosecution of George Zimmerman? I will give you all – black and white – a little hint. It isn’t because they give one iota about one black youth getting killed. If they did – including Barack Obama who basically brought the Martin’s into his family with his ridiculous speculation – then they would be outraged over the war-zone in Chicago, where black-on-black violence is killing more people this year than Afghanistan.

This is about our right of self-protection. They will use this case as precedent to destroy our culture of empowerment; a culture we have been nurturing since the founding of this nation, and the only reason why the freedoms we have today – albeit severely degraded – have been preserved for two and a half centuries.

I hate to be the one to enlighten those who are still ignorant to the facts of this case, and blindly support the conviction of George Zimmerman, but you have been played. Normally, I would say live and let be ignorant, but this is not just another case.

Remember this pathetic exchange? Our nation’s laws and philosophical foundations were constructed by those who studied the nature of justice by Cicero, the common law as known by William Blackstone, and the Natural Law as most beautifully articulated by John Locke. However, now, we are privileged to have leaders like this ignoramus.

Encouragingly, there are still some people who know how to use their God-given reason. Alan Dershowitz, a Harvard Law Professor, joined Newsmax host Steve Malzberg to discuss the Zimmerman trial, saying the prosecutor acted in an “utterly unprofessional manner” overcharging as a 2nd degree murder case for political reasons.

“I would say there’s reasonable doubt. I would say nobody knows who started the initial fight,” Dershowitz told “The Steve Malzberg Show” on Newsmax TV.

“Whether or not Zimmerman was a racist and racially profiled and shouldn’t have been doing it and didn’t listen to police, that’s all irrelevant in Florida law,” Dershowitz said.

“If you think it’s 60 percent likely or 70 percent or even 80 percent likely that Zimmerman is guilty and doesn’t deserve self-defense, you have to acquit,” he said.

With the August launch of the Institute for Civil Society site, and with your help, we can do more than just Blog about these injustices, we can begin to build an effective counter-argument. By getting into the communities and lives of those who need us the most, we can reduce susceptibility to hatred, ignorance and bias. This cannot be allowed to continue. Help us help society render the Rev. Al Sharpton, and others following in his footsteps, unnecessary in America!

Help Us Stand Up To Rev. Al Sharpton!

Written by

Rich, the People's Pundit, is the Data Journalism Editor at PPD and Director of the PPD Election Projection Model. He is also the Director of Big Data Poll, and author of "Our Virtuous Republic: The Forgotten Clause in the American Social Contract."

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