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Sunday, September 8, 2024
HomeNewsHardly Justice For George Zimmerman, And Now It’s Time To Tell The Truth

Hardly Justice For George Zimmerman, And Now It’s Time To Tell The Truth

The trial of George Zimmerman, charged with the death of Trayvon Martin is over, but the case – due to selfish ambitions and political corruption – is not going away anytime soon. And as well it should not, because now it is time to tell the truth about the trial, racial relations, and what is being done to our country.

Immediately after the verdict, Rev. Al Sharpton and the NAACP rejected and disrespected our justice system, which they tainted with corruption and attempted to turn upside down, by releasing a statement of intention to request that the Justice Department investigate George Zimmerman for racial profiling.

Although Rev. Sharpton and the attorney’s of the Martin family had contended all along that they just wanted a trial, not surprisingly, they will continue to incite racial division in this country. To be sure, for a case that even the FBI found was not about race, it has underscored just how easy racial division can be stirred up, but if we ever want to push past these divisions, we are going to have to have the courage to talk about painful issues.

Even as it became painfully clear that Trayvon Martin was not the little boy on a pony as depicted, George Zimmerman was not a racist as depicted, Trayvon Martin was the aggressor and that George Zimmerman acted in self-defense, the race-baiters refused to tell the black community the truth.

It is to no fault of their own that they simply are not educated on the law, and even more importantly, the ideological origins and necessities of our laws. Stand Your Ground will now become a target for people who cannot comprehend the implications of their actions, which if replaced will result in the death of even more young black Americans akin to Chicago. Even if someone’s life was taken as a result of abusing Stand Your Ground, we cannot negate the fact that many, many more lives have been saved by evolving the Castle Doctrine. Should we eliminate welfare altogether because of wide-spread welfare abuse?

But emotion and hate is the enemy of reason, and our nation’s founding was a product of the Age of Reason, not the Age of Emotional Ignorance. The media and race-baiters are already taking aim at Stand Your Ground, because at its core, it is a law that empowers the individual citizen, and big government simply cannot have empowered citizens. However, before we capitulate to these unethical leeches of our society, let’s tell the painful truth, lest me make a hasty decision without all of the facts – again.

A recent survey on race was released that received no attention from the media, despite its relevance. Americans consider blacks more likely to be racist than whites and Hispanics in this country. A plurality, 37%, of American Adults think most black Americans are racist, while just 15% consider most white Americans racist, and only 18% say the same of most Hispanic Americans. Is this because white America – or Hispanic America – holds some deep seeded Jim Crow-like beliefs? Fortunately no, but unfortunately, before Al Sharpton decided to create racial unrest for personal gain, most Americans – 64% – believed that it was possible to have an honest discussion about race.

What could account for this nationwide racial sentiment? Here are a few reactions to George Zimmerman being found “Not Guilty”:

Written by

Rich, the People's Pundit, is the Data Journalism Editor at PPD and Director of the PPD Election Projection Model. He is also the Director of Big Data Poll, and author of "Our Virtuous Republic: The Forgotten Clause in the American Social Contract."

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  • I thoroughly enjoyed this post! Sadly, it is a minority viewpoint. I must see Runaway Slave!

    • Thank you very much for the comment, and I am very glad. It is an incredible movie to be sure. Very unfortunate that you are right about it being a minority view, but I am working on it. All the best!

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