America is no longer capable to confront dangerous behavior by other nations around the world, according to host of “The O’Reilly Factor” on Fox News, Bill O’Reilly. O’Reilly argued we are witnessing America on decline and gave myriad reasons why under President Obama, we are weaker as a nation.
During the five years President Obama has been in office, O’Reilly noted, the average medium income dropped around 7 percent, despite Obama’s claims that progressivism helps the poor, which it never does.
“While prices and taxes are rising, take-home pay is falling, thus individual Americans are less secure,” he said. As for the economy, overall, because “politicians in Washington favor social justice over a robust marketplace,” the economy is abysmal, getting worse and will only get even worse.
“In order to create economic opportunity for all, business must be prompted to expand,” he added. “But the Democratic Party, which now controls the Senate and the White House, has imposed a huge tax burden on private business, as well as on affluent consumers.”
He went on to explain how these Democratic Party policies have resulted in fewer jobs, and with fewer people working, paying into the system and remaining self-sufficient, the country is weaker. “In addition, millions of Americans are looking for handouts, as the explosion of disability and entitlements prove,” O’Reilly plainly pointed out.
On the military front, the nation’s military is “exhausted,” which many would contend with, but all are in agreement that the way Obama handled Iraq and Afghanistan has failed to inspire the American people during a time of war.
“The American people have no appetite to right international wrongs,” O’Reilly said, which is the job of a president to give the public strength in times of war. “The Obama administration is even seeking to downsize the Army,” a move he says is “a major mistake in a dangerous world.”
Do Americans agree with Bill O”Reilly’s assessment of America on decline under President Obama?
PeoplesPunditDaily.com recently reported on a new survey by Gallup showing that — for the first time — Americans no longer believe President Obama is respected on the world stage by other world leaders. The survey was actually conducted prior to the Ukraine crisis and the aggressive response by Vladimir Putin in Russia.
In a new Fox Poll, which was conducted after the Crimean crisis, by a 33 – 56 percent margin most voters disapprove of the president’s handling of foreign policy, which is a new low for the Obama job approval rating on foreign policy. Overall, when asked if “things are better since Obama became president,” only 34 percent of voters said they think the country is better off, while a significant majority — 60 percent — disagreed.
Consequently, the new survey found for the first time, not even four in ten voters — 38 percent — approve of President Obama’s job performance, while 54 disapprove.
Regarding the economy, a 59-percent majority thinks the White House has mostly failed at creating jobs, and his approval on the economy has plummeted to 38 percent who approve to 58 percent who disapprove. Likewise, 56 percent feel it has failed on growing the economy, an increase up from 52 percent.