Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, now the host of The Huckabee Show on Fox News, argued Saturday that America can no longer be saved by elections.
The elections coming up are generally important, but America can’t be fixed by mere elections anymore,” Huckabee said. “Our great republican is morally and spiritually bankrupt, and its lost any semblance of common sense.”
The governor said we need a moral and spiritual awakening.
Falcon / October 27, 2014
Go Huckleberry!! That’s what we need – more doom & gloom. Why do Republicans always need to have boogeymen & scary stuff to run on? Oh, wait – I know – to scare the Geezers, Hillbilllies, and religious paranoids so they’ll vote GOP. How pathetic.
Scott Lowe / October 27, 2014
Name one thing he said that hasn’t already happened. No need for boogeymen, just read the news, dipsh!t.