From left, clockwise: Mitch McConnell, Harry Reid, John Boehner and Nancy Pelosi. (Photos: AP)
There are many traits I admire in people and I try to follow each of them and become a better person. One of the most important trait is honesty. I truly believe nothing can beat the cold hard truth. Sometimes it can be great and make us feel on cloud nine, and sometimes it can hurt our feelings and make us feel dreadful. Whichever course, I truly believe we are all better off when we are armed with the truth.
Before I can move forward with my work, I feel the need to apologize to everyone who reads my work and to my friends on social media. I feel eternally blessed by how many great Americans have welcomed me, shown me nothing but love, given me support with kind words and most importantly prayers over the last several years. Please know I feel the exact same way toward you.
Today we live in a world where there is very little accountability, and plenty of excuses. 2014 has been a very tough year for me personally as I know it has been for many Americans. This year, I have let obstacles get in the way. I have not written as many articles and have not been engaged on social media as much as I should have; and for that, I sincerely apologize. I feel like I have let my American friends and family down, and I know I have failed in my duty to serve God. To some this might seem like a silly statement but I firmly believe Colossians 3:23-24.
Whatever your work is, put your heart into it as if it were for the Lord and not for men, knowing that the Lord will repay you by making you his heirs because it is Christ the Lord that you are serving.
God knows the truth and the simple truth is that in 2014 my heart was not in the right fight, and I got distracted.
I also felt a new emotion in 2014, one I had never felt toward Americans before, one I know many of you do feel now and have felt in the past – helplessness. 2014 could have been a great year politically for America because you had the opportunity to elect fresh blood into D.C. with the likes of Matt Bevin, Milton Wolf, Chris McDaniels, JD Winteregg and Greg Brannon. Instead, America is stuck with the same crowd of Boehner, McCarthy, McConnell, Coryrn and Graham, the same wheeling and dealing business as usual crap from those who believe D.C. is the answer to America’s problems.
Several days ago, it was the 50th Anniversary of Ronald Reagan’s Famous Time for Choosing speech and one thing that always strikes me about his speech is the fact Americans are still dealing with the same problems today as you were 50 years ago. Today, many in both parties believe in the power of government and always look to it as a solution. But honestly, what has government really solved?
Albert Einstein once said, “The definition of Insanity was doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” I personally admit I have repeated a lot of actions over the years, but I have now awoken and am going to be changing my tactics and message, while keeping to principles. I look forward to sharing some of these ideas and thoughts with you over the coming weeks and months.
Last night was a great night for the GOP, but I believe it is crucial for Republicans, conservatives, and Libertarians to change their tactics and remember the past. The Republicans last controlled the Senate and the House from 2002 to 2006. What did they accomplish and which freedoms were returned to the people?
I believe now is the time America and places around the world start a freedom revolution and demand that we and future generations live freer than ever before. I truly believe the future of America can go either way – it will be either liberty or tyranny. Of course this fight will involve D.C., but this battle cannot be won there. Now is the time we win the hearts and minds of the people.
Mark Levin points out often that so many in America have never had the opportunity to vote for a conservative president. I would like to take that one step further. How many Americans today have been able to vote (in any election) for someone who truly believed in the greatness of America, and your founding principles?
Please make no mistake, this will be an extremely hard fight and will test every fibre of our being. But America, when you need inspiration, all you have to do is look to your history. You changed the course of history at the time of your founding, so why is it so hard to believe that you can do it again? I believe in the great American people and I believe you will do it again, once you remember what made you great in the first place.
I want to close by making you a promise. I promise I am going to be more active and work harder than ever before for the future of America. I need to serve the cause of freedom, because America deserves it and because God demands it. I really appreciate any support I can get along the way and appreciate anyone who points out where they think I am wrong.
Lastly, please remember the words from the great Thomas Paine:
“We have it in our power to change the world.”
God Bless each of you.
Jonathan Dunne, a contributor at The Blaze, is the purveyor of Freedom’s Disciple promoting maximum freedom and responsibility. A native of Ireland, he loves America and the U.S. Constitution.
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/ This election proves that you can fool most Americans most of the time.