President Barack Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron hold a joint news conference in the East Room of the White House in Washington, Friday, Jan. 16, 2015. Growing fears about the specter of terrorism in Europe and the West are lending themselves to a sense of trans-Atlantic solidarity as President Barack Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron met at the White House. (Photo: AP/Carolyn Kaster)
If rebelling against tyranny is obeying God’s will – as both Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson stated – what exactly is President Obama doing when he reaches out to Iran with the equivalent of a White House hug? Answer: Leading America farther away from the safety and security of God’s grace.
Think about it.
In a speech before the Heritage Foundation, Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) said the United States ought to enact “immediate and crippling sanctions” on Iran and quit the “sham nuclear negotiations,” the National Council of Resistance of Iran reported.
“Iran is a radical, Islamist tyrannical regime … that has been killing Americans for 35 years,” the NCRI continued.
Cotton cited Iran’s many offenses, including its repressive totalitarian government, its sponsorship of terrorism and terror groups the world over and its continued quest for nuclear weaponry. But Team Obama’s response to all these travesties has been conciliatory at best and, an outright affiliation with evil, at worst.
“U.S. negotiators have surrendered repeatedly to Iran’s demands, conceding a right to enrich uranium, allowing Iran to keep its plutonium-producing reactor, asking only that its centrifuges be disconnected instead of dismantled,” Cotton said. “In return for these concessions to Iran, the U.S. has given and will give Iran billions of dollars more in sanctions relief.”
Obama’s cave to Iran is so great that even his own political party is outraged.
Look at the exchange between Tony Blinken, deputy secretary of state, and Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) during a recent Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Blinken admitted that the Obama administration wasn’t so concerned about shuttering Iran’s nuclear program as with striking an agreement that delays its development of nuclear weaponry – a stance that defies both logic and sanity. Or, as Menendez said: The Obama administration has “talking points that come straight out of Tehran.”
And after learning that it’s true, that Obama’s deal lets Iran enrich uranium and build as many plutonium light water reactors as desired, Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.) weighed in with concern, saying such activities are “not consistent with a purely civilian program.”
No kidding.
There is not an eye in the international community that doesn’t blink in incredulity over the claim that Iran’s nuclear program is solely for peaceful, civilian purposes – except, it would seem, Obama’s. But his blinders are stubborn accouterments of his own doing. To the president, talk and diplomacy is the be-all of all foreign affairs – and the notion of labeling evil as evil, a queasy verbalization to be avoided at all costs.
But this is not the way to protect America from its enemies. You can’t cut a deal with the devil and expect good to come.
The matter of Iran strikes at the very core of nation’s founding: Either we are a country built on Judeo-Christian principles, emboldened by the very God who drove and inspired our founders to successfully fight for freedom against all odds – or we’re not. Either we’re a country that stands for righteousness, seizing the high moral ground that comes from knowledge and obedience to the very biblical principles that God bestowed on the leaders of His established nations – or we’re defeated, in all but admission.
Our leaders need to confront Iran with truth, first and foremost. The nation is evil, run by evil-doers, who seek to spread their evil into the West. The price for political correctness and falsehood is too great.
As William Penn, the founder of Pennsylvania, said: “Those who will not be governed by God will be ruled by tyrants.”
Jodda Mitchell / January 26, 2015
This level of stupidity quite terrifies me. Tom Cotton was elected by easily-brainwashed racist morons. I know, as I interacted with them daily on his Facebook page. I am not certain if the author of this crap is another moron, a tool, or a clever sociopath who figured out the Islamophobia racket is insanely profitable these days, given the utter stupidity of the populace.
DOMINICK BALISTRERI / January 27, 2015
Note to Jodda: Islamophobia is the fear of criticizing Islam, not the rational view, which slaps us in the face every day, that Islam is a violent and aggressive religion and is a clear threat to our basic liberties.
What shocks me more than Christian crazies thumping their chests, is liberal COWARDS who love to say they believe in freedom of speech, expression, press, women’s rights, gay rights, etc., but haven’t got the SPINE to stand up and call Islam out.
You would think that people who advocate civil rights and champion a secular society with SEPARATION of church and state, would be the FIRST to condemn Islam for its obvious abuses and threats to all of our freedoms and aggressive power grabbing within nations.
Islam is POLITICAL and puts itself in the cross hairs by its desire for power and control.
STOP being a cowardly Islamophobe. What are YOU afraid of?
Some crazy Muslim will hunt you down?
Jodda Mitchell / January 27, 2015
I usually don’t respond to racist idiots, but your comment is just beyond the pale. War is peace, up is down, Islamophobia is the fear of criticizing Islam, what other utter nonsense do you embrace?
I’ve had close Muslim friends all my adult life. Not one of them has ever tried to kill me, or even convert me. In fact, not one of them ever gave a fat frog’s ass that I’m not a Muslim, any more than I care what religion they embrace.
Every day, I am thankful for my rational mind, which has kept me from falling prey to corporate propaganda. It’s something you should strive to attain.
DOMINICK BALISTRERI / January 27, 2015
Given that millions of Muslims openly admit they want to kill non-believers, then how is it irrational to FEAR any Muslim may also feel this way?
Also, I stand by my definition of ISLAMOPHOBIA being the fear of openly criticizing ISLAM, not the fear of Islam itself.
I’m not afraid of Islam anymore than any other crazy religion..
I fear more for the apologists who hope they won’t be the next victim if only they keep praising ALLAH and chanting the “MOST MUSLIMS are PEACEFUL” line over and over.
Maybe they will pass you over?
Maybe under Sharia law, they will give apologists a break and allow you drive or not wear the burka?
DOMINICK BALISTRERI / January 27, 2015
Seriously gonna throw THAT out there as your CATCH ALL end of conversation?
Ok, note to Jadda:
Islam is a BELIEF system based on BLIND FAITH that SOME GUY, “Muhammad”, actually had conversations with a MAGICAL CREATURE named Gabriel the Angel.
Islam is NOT a RACE, or an ETHNICITY any more than Catholicism or Buddhism would be. So, if a free thinking person challenges this BELIEF system, how is THAT RACIST?
Also, STOP trying to put me into some canned category that fits your world view.
If I were alive during the inquisitions, I would be saying the SAME thing about the Catholic church, and YES, I’m sure there were peaceful and nice Catholics then too, but it took REFORMERS like Luther to challenge the RULE of the orthodox church.
All I am saying is that ISLAM has millions “Muslims” that BELIEVE that murder and suicide are DEMANDED GOD.
I didn’t MAKE that up, it is REAL.
So, tell your NICE Muslim friends to STOP telling non-Muslims that Islam is a peaceful religion and START telling the other millions of CRAZY Muslims that.
I GET IT, there are NICE Muslims, but I consider all people who believe in fairy tales to be CRAZY.
By the way, tell your NICE Muslim friends that the Mormons also believe they have a prophet who spoke to an angel and received a NEW BOOK. But, I’m sure they wll write the Mormons off as CRAZY and think of themselves as rational?
There is NOTHING rational about BLIND FAITH in a FAIRY TALE.
If I told magical elves visit me and shine my shoes every night, I would HOPE that you would have the same view of THAT which I have for Islam.
Jodda Mitchell / January 27, 2015
LOL! Yep! You’re a racist!
Hon, if you had a damn lick of sense, and the most basic grasp of history, you’d know that prior to the invention of the gas-powered engine, Muslims were considered our peaceful allies. It was only after the discovery of the oil they’re sitting on, and our immediate bloodthirsty quest to gain control of it, that they became ‘terrorists’. You have a lot of reading and learning to do, obviously.
DOMINICK BALISTRERI / January 27, 2015
Hey Jodda, ISLAM is NOT a RACIAL group, and Muslims are NOT a RACE, so, WTF???
Throwing around the word RACIST in this case is just factually wrong.
Next, AGAIN, ISLAM is just an IDEA and a FAITH, and a CHOICE people make to BE MUSLIM. Even if you’re born into a Muslim family, you can exercise your FREE WILL and CHOOSE another religion.
So, to equate my opposition to ALL religion as RACIST is unhelpful in discussing things.
Also, I actually agree with your criticism of this article, but for different reasons. “Obama’s Embrace of Iran is a rebellion against GOD” is ridiculous because the author himself uses his own BELIEF is a variation of the SAME fairy tale that GOD has CHOSEN this group or that group to be HIS messengers on Earth.
He has no more proof that HE represents GOD any more the the Iranian Shiites, or the Sunni Arabs, or the Jewish Semites, or the Anglo Christians. In fact, none of these people have any proof that GOD even exists in the first place.
So, from my point of view, this whole theological discussion should be academic and NEVER enter the REAL world where rational adults need to survive in the REAL world.
Richard Baris / January 28, 2015
The author is a she, not a he.
DOMINICK BALISTRERI / January 28, 2015
Dude, seriously?
With all that has been discussed, the ONLY thing you focus on is the gender of the author?
I’m sure you can find a few typo errors if you re-read these postings?
Thanks for the correction sir.
Richard Baris / January 29, 2015
“Dude,” I am the moderator, so yes, that’s what I have to add to the conversation. It’s called clarity. Once is a “typo,” but numerous times only shows you don’t know what you are talking about and, because you didn’t care to scroll further down, perhaps you need to be corrected on other points.
But, since you want a contribution, here’s one:
Cheryl’s point, and if you even read the founders’ own writings you would know, is that they believed Locke over Hobbes (it was linked).
In other words, at the heart of the American social contract was the idea that God (yes, Him) commands us to be free, and that humankind was first created free, and only later did we enter into a “compact” for mutual security.
Therefore, the paramount importance of freedom over submission (unlike Islam), gave us the spiritual and intellectual justification for separating from Great Britain, which was unheard of in their era. A subject thought of their king as a child or son thought of their father, and could no more renounce the relationship of either.
There lays the fundamental difference between the inherent American philosophy and the Muslim worldview, which cannot be reconciled.
Now, you can go on and on about war in the name of religion, which occurred years before our founding, but you would only sound ridiculous to someone familiar with the writings of our founders, who believed in living by “The Spirit,” morality, virtue, frugality and all things that came with the Protestant Ethic.
Otherwise, I will refer you to Charles Dickenson’s “A Christmas Carol” and the Ghost of Christmas Present: “Don’t charge believers’ wrongdoings on Him, but to them.”
Further, if either of you thought we were ever friends with Islam, you’re just wrong (See Barbary Wars). Jefferson even handed out copies of the Koran to early Americans and merchants so that they could read for themselves what the book, itself, professed.
Both of you should stop watching MSNBC or FOX News, and actually read their writings.
DOMINICK BALISTRERI / January 27, 2015
I had to re-read your last post to make sure I got your point.
The Ottoman empire preceded the invention of the combustion engine and those Muslims invaded Europe and were guilty of horrible atrocities.
I think you are close to the truth, however, you give Muslims a PASS when it comes to there GUILT in imposing their own HATRED and history. Let’s not excuse Muhammad himself from his many wars and conquests and empire building.
Now, from my point of view, I see your point of view highly hypocritical.
RELIGION is the problem here.
The BLIND belief that GOD actually EXISTS and takes sides in the affairs of humanity.
So, much hatred and war, by ALL sides, including Muslims.
The difference between you and I as far as I can tell is that you make EXCUSES for the Muslims and BLAME all their crimes against humanity on others.
Jodda Mitchell / January 27, 2015
The US didn’t exist during that time, but from the time of its founding until the beginning of oil lust, we were allied with the people we then referred to as peaceful desert dwellers. Surely you’re aware that the US has slaughtered millions of Muslims since that time, yet, apparently, you think they shouldn’t fight back when we invade, occupy, murder, and torture them. None of this is about religion, it’s about natural resources.
DOMINICK BALISTRERI / January 28, 2015
So, you’re gonna attempt to change the subject and avoid your obvious FEAR of criticizing Islam for its OPEN abuse of women by comparing individual acts in the U.S.?
I’m 100% sure you have no problem ranting against the Catholic church for its sins past and present right?
You also ASSUME that I am some PARTISAN HACK who will defend U.S. abuses BLINDLY?
I hold everyone to account, INCLUDING MUSLIMS!!
Unlike you, who seems bent on EXCUSING Islam from the GUILT it deserves, but happily points your finger at the Catholic church for all its history of horror.
I think that the belief in GOD choosing SPECIAL PEOPLE as his favorite is an ongoing HORROR and the Muslims are just the most recent case of this tyranny..
DOMINICK BALISTRERI / January 28, 2015
Thousands of young women abducted by Muslims in Africa for the crime of going to SCHOOL, then sold into slavery, and somehow, we can’t be critical of that as long as individual DOUCHEBAGS in the U.S. abuse women also?
So, until there are ZERO acts of violence against women committed in the U.S. by “individual” ASSHOLES, we give the Muslims a PASS?
You and I actually agree on your judgement about U.S. atrocities.
Don;t mistake me for some apologist.
However, you MUST CONDEMN these things Across the globe by ALL who commit them.
If you truly believe in what you say, then STOP excusing Islamic tyranny..
anony321 / February 5, 2015
Desert Storm liberated the People of Iraq from Sadam so they could be slaughtered by ISIS. Cost to US Tax Payers 12 Trillion. Cost to people of Iraq; Millions Dead. Clearly. Win Win. Lets do it again, and this time for Jesus! ~GOP SLUGS.
DOMINICK BALISTRERI / January 27, 2015
One more point here..
Saudi Arabia is ruled by Islamic law..
Iran is ruled by Islamic law..
Be honest, we both know that a strong willed FREE woman like you would
NOT be FREE there or want to live there.
I sure as HELL would not want to live under SHARIA LAW.
I’m sure you have GAY friends like I do, what happens to THEM under Islamic law?
Jodda Mitchell / January 27, 2015
Talk to me about how women are treated in the ME after you address the fact that there are around 2.5 million acts of domestic violence against women in the US each year, with murder by the child’s father being the leading cause of death in American pregnant women.
ebonystone / May 26, 2015
Not necessarily so.
A 2005 study by the American Journal of Public Health reported that 31 percent of all pregnancy deaths between 1991 and 1999 were the result of homicide. Only pregnancy-related complications ranked higher as a cause of death.
So homicide, whether by child’s father or not, was the 2nd-leading cause.
In 2011, cause of death for all women of child-bearing age:
age 15-19, homicide was 4th, at 7.9%; accidents 1st at 42.1%
age 20-24, homicide 4th, at 7.9%, accidents 1st , at 39.9%
age 25-34, homicide 5th, at 5.0%, accidents 1st, at 29.9%
age 35-44, homicide 8th, at 2.2%, cancer 1st, at 25.1%
It’s hard to believe that a pregnant woman is 6 to 12 times more likely to be murdered than a non-pregnant woman.
anony321 / February 5, 2015
“Stop trying to dupe the people of this wonderful nation which has no official religion into a nuclear war with Iran! Get your ass back to working on those damned pyramids or I am going to send you all another Messiah to teach you about love again!” ~God