President Barack Obama answers reporters’ questions at a press conference at the G-20 Summit in Turkey on Nov. 16, 2015. (Photo: Reuters)
How could America have twice elected a president who not only can’t stand America but also won’t perform his constitutional duty of defending it?
Even some former administration officials and rank-and-file Democrats are finally recognizing that there is something strange about a commander in chief who declines to listen to his advisers on terrorism, won’t read their daily briefings and is uninterested in their threat assessments.
It’s sad that so many refused to take Obama seriously when he promised to fundamentally transform America. It’s inexcusable that the media and so many naive voters believed that his radical past and his ongoing affiliation with the Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s racist church were irrelevant. It’s disgraceful that a man who pledged to unite America on race, gender and income groups has intentionally polarized us to a point not seen since the 1960s. It’s contemptible that he has used his office to alienate citizens from law enforcement officials throughout the nation. It’s abominable that he is systematically dismantling our defense capabilities and approaching foreign policy as if his actions and inactions had no more consequences than a chalkboard exercise by a clique of airheaded leftist professors in their faculty lounge.
Islamist terrorists are waging a global war against America and our allies, and the president won’t even identify our enemy. He sees Christians, Republicans and conservatives as the real threat to America — the distorted version of America, that is, that he envisions. He continues to trash America on foreign soil at every opportunity.
I (and others) have long been saying that Obama is obsessed with apologizing for America. Many of us documented his world apology tour, whereby he deeply criticized this nation at every stop of his globe-trotting junket. Yet his shameless defenders say he was just building bridges and alliances. Talk about a bridge to nowhere.
I wonder whether these intellectually dishonest defenders will still deny that Obama is apologizing for America after hearing his words from Malaysia last week. Actually, I don’t wonder. They’ll love it. They are fellow America haters and have never been more ecstatic about a president — one who is finally using the immense power of the presidential office to tear this nation apart.
If you think my words are harsh, it’s only because you are not talking to people all over this nation who are feeling and thinking exactly as I am. They are legion. They are fed up. They are not having any more of it.
At a town hall meeting in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on Friday, Obama denigrated the United States for its hypocrisy, its “growing inequality” and the inadequacies of our political system. A Martian traveler might well conclude that this man hasn’t occupied the Oval Office for the past seven years. Why doesn’t Obama just go on TV and confess that his entire presidency has been a failure — by his own regrettable benchmarks?
Concerning America’s hypocrisy, he told his rapt audience that we have to have some humility and not tell other nations what to do because we don’t have such a great track record ourselves. We’ve meddled in other nations’ internal affairs, and we have problems in our own country. Here again, Obama forgets that he has been president and that he has improperly intermeddled with other nations, especially our reliable ally Israel. And problems in our own country? I know this is news to the utopian left, but every nation is always going to have problems.
He particularly lamented our “growing inequality” and even blames it for our divisive politics and cynicism — two conditions to which he has been the greatest contributor for years. What’s that you said about hypocrisy, Mr. Obama?
But he gets the biggest prize for audaciously complaining about our political system, claiming that money is overwhelming ideas. Politicians are listening more to their wealthy contributors than to “ordinary people.”
Well, that may be true as far as it goes. We conservatives are tired of the ruling class and the establishment elite and their incestuous lobbyists, but we don’t believe that the left’s proposals of suppressing speech are the solution. And if anyone’s hands are dirty on this score, Obama’s are.
More importantly, Obama has no credibility in complaining about politicians who fail to listen to the American people — whether or not because of money. No one listens less to the people than he does. No one is more self-assured with less justification than he is. The American people are aghast at his arrogant refusal to defend America and listen to his advisers, his insistence on bringing terrorist-imbedded refugees and immigrants into this nation, his bizarre assertion that global warming is a greater threat to this nation than Islamic terrorism, his endless lies on Obamacare, his constant slandering of this country, and on and on.
It will be a sheer joy when we have a new president, God willing, who genuinely loves this nation and sees it as a force for good throughout the world and begins to return it to that path. No, this nation is not over, but it needs to turn back to its founding principles and believe in itself again.
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