Photo Right: Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump greets supporters during a campaign rally at the American Airlines Center on September 14, 2015 in Dallas, Texas. Photo Left: Michael Moore. (Photo: Tom Pennington/Getty/Facebook)
Michael Moore, Hollywood’s favorite leftist movie-maker – mostly because he brings political lies to life on the big screen that the like-minded can then point to as truths – posted on Facebook a curiously scathing rant about Republican frontrunner Donald Trump, calling him out as a “fraidey-cat” for saying borders ought to be shut to Muslims.
Moore then made this ridiculous pronouncement, underscored by a photograph of himself touting the same while standing, alone no less, with a cardboard sign outside Trump Tower in Manhattan: “We are all Muslim.” Only he put it in all caps, the figurative equivalent of shouting.
Here’s an all-cap response, worthy of Twitter: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Are we really all Muslim, Mr. Moore? And is that the next plan of attack against Trump – to mimic the first lady’s famous 2014 response to the Boko Haram terrorist kidnappings of 200-plus Nigerian girls, with a hashtag tweet to “Bring Back Our Girls?” Now comes Moore, with the similarly pithy, and ridiculous, plea for tolerance.
It must be nice to be a liberal where we all get along – where, as Moore writes, we’re not simply all Muslims, but also all Jews and Catholics and Mexicans (is that a religion?), and children of God and/or nature, pick your preference. We’re also, according to Moore, all white and black and every shade in between,” simply all “part of the human family.” In other words, we’re all everything – meaning, ultimately, nothing. His logic being: So what’s there to fight about?
Well, somebody tell the Muslims, particularly the radicalized ones, or the one about to be radicalized. That would seem a message they need to read, particularly before the next bombing, or the planning for the next bombing.
Moore’s post, meant to mock Trump, is just so ripe for mocking itself. It not only opens with his recollection of his 1998 television green room meeting with Trump where he had to supposedly calm the billionaire and assure that he wasn’t going to “pick on” him – a remarkable story that reads like a fourth-grade nerd’s fantasy win over his real-life bully. But Moore then slams Trump as a coward for wanting to temporarily shut borders to Muslims – a ban the billionaire called for as a means of protecting American citizens from harm from terrorists.
Moore’s words, directed at Trump: “You need to go to the time-out room in any one of your Towers, sit there, and think about what you’ve said. And then leave the rest of us alone so we can elect a real president who is both compassionate and strong – at least strong enough not to be all whiny and scared of some guy in a ballcap from Michigan [himself] sitting next to him on a talk show couch. You’re not so tough, Donny … We are all Muslim. Deal with it.”
Like or hate Trump, Moore’s post is far off the mark. We are not all Muslim. We are not all the same skin color. We don’t all think the same things, believe the same things, or want the same things. And most importantly, in this day and age of terrorism realities, we don’t all want to bomb or shoot things that make us mad. Why can’t leftists understand that key point?
Moore also writes, “If you want to ban Muslims, you are going to have to ban me.”
What is that — is that supposed to be a threat? Sorry, Moore, that’s the sound of Donald Trump’s Muslim ban receiving more rings of endorsement.
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