(Photo: Reuters/Darren Hauck)
Let’s put aside all of these new Islamic terror attack headlines and take a look at the women’s rights record of Crooked Hillary Clinton. Let’s look the other way and close our eyes to the outrage of her lying to the victims’ families of the Americans murdered in Benghazi because it did not fit the president’s narrative or help her future presidential ambitions.
Let’s also turn the other cheek to her using a home-brew server to conduct official State Department business and email highly sensitive classified information for reasons, at best, of personal convenience. Let’s do so with the knowledge that General David Petraeus, a national hero, pleaded guilty due to mishandling classified information because he had a notebook on a table in view of another person with a security clearance.
Crooked Hillary Clinton did far worse, but let’s simply not take notice to the multiple hackers from here to Asia claiming to have hijacked her server. Instead, let’s focus on the positive professional accomplishments of Secretary Clinton, more specifically her astounding record of being a champion of women’s rights.
I’m With Her! Women for HRC! Our champion.
In 1975, Mrs. Clinton agreed to defend Thomas Alfred Taylor, a 41-year-old male accused of raping a 12-year-old little girl. In an interview with journalist Roy Reed, Mrs. Clinton would later reflect on how she got Mr. Thomas off pretty much scot free with a plea. The judge reduced the sentence to four years probation and a year in jail–time served.
“I had him take a polygraph, which he passed, which forever destroyed my faith in polygraphs,” Hillary said in the interview just before taking a moment to laugh and giggle.
Worth noting, there is a serious question about how she knew the polygraph result was inaccurate. If she believed her client was innocent she never would have made such a comment. Nevertheless, despite her claims to being forced to defend a man who–according to her own belief–raped a 12-year-old little girl, this is how hard Mrs. Clinton will fight for women’s rights.
Hillary is our champion.
Let’s move on to Hillary’s trust fund–strike that–I obviously meant the family’s charitable organization. The Clinton Foundation is funded largely by such pro-women’s right activists like Nasser al-Rashid, one of Saudi Arabia’s wealthiest and an adviser to the royal family. He has reached “elite status” at the Foundation, which means Nasser donated millions of dollars. Al-Rashid raised a wonderful bunch, one in particular that pleaded guilty to assaulting his wife. He donated roughly $600,000 to various Democratic candidates and causes.
Do Hillary supporters get so vivacious when fighting for the cause of women’s rights that they get carried away in all of the excitement and end up beating and raping women?
We should all understand that when we vote someone into the Office of the President of the United States we are also inviting their spouse to have some influence on the presidency. Everyone knows who former President Bill Clinton is; everyone is aware of Bill’s pro-women record. Mr. Clinton cares about women enough to have several mistresses. Those who were not willing mistresses–a.k.a victims–quickly became the target of character assassination campaigns and shamed into hiding.
Mrs. Clinton played a pivotal role in the Clinton slut-shaming campaign and terrorized Bill’s victims, including Kathleen Wiley, Paula Jones and even Bill’s long-term mistress Gennifer Flowers. Jones, the former Arkansas state employee who sued Bill Clinton for sexual harassment, recently demanded Hillary apologize for “allowing” her husband to “abuse” and “sexually harass” women.
During an interview with weekend talk radio host Aaron Klein, Jones slammed Hillary as a “two-faced” “liar” who waged a war on women by trying to discredit “predator” Bill’s sexual accusers.
“And how dare her. You know what? She don’t care nothing about women. Because if she did she would believe what I had to say,” Jones said. “She would believe what the other women had to say.”
Hillary is the type of person who will wear a blindfold so long as she can turn it into a political gain, much like the case with Mr. Taylor.
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Hillary Clinton also has enough gall to pander to Black voters in order to get elected while pushing to eliminate any and all restrictions on abortions because 30% of abortions are performed on Blacks! She despises Blacks, but she cannot get elected without their support so she's issuing promises up the ying-yang she has ZERO intention of keeping! As a globalist puppet of George Soros, I'm sure Hillary Clinton subscribes to the globalist goal of eliminating 6 billion of the Earth's bottom feeders! Lordy, what a horror that woman truly is! I just hope the Blacks wake up in time to sink her chances before November 8th!