Donald Trump, holds up his Bible as he speaks during the Values Voter Summit Sept. 25 in Washington (Photo: AP/Jose Luis Magana)
2 Chronicles 36:22 – 23 (NLT)
22 In the first year of King Cyrus of Persia, the Lord fulfilled the prophecy he had given through Jeremiah. He stirred the heart of Cyrus to put this proclamation in writing and to send it throughout his kingdom:
23 “This is what King Cyrus of Persia says:
“The Lord, the God of heaven, has given me all the kingdoms of the earth. He has appointed me to build him a Temple at Jerusalem, which is in Judah. Any of you who are the Lord’s people may go there for this task. And may the Lord your God be with you!”
The Word Stirred means “To stir up; to be shaken to the core, to the foundations.” This word implies that nothing is spared—everything that can be shaken will be shaken. – Practical Word Studies in The New Testament.
The perfect parity of what the now nominee for President of our newly structured republican party, Donald J Trump has done! Don’t be sad get glad! It is a godly intervention for the people of the United States of America.
A similar event took about 500 – 600 BC to a small group known as the remnant of Israel and Judah. Who, because of their loss of identity as God’s chosen people, suffered at their own hand by embracing the false gods over God Jehovah so they could frolic with foreign women amongst other detestable sins. For this they suffered greatly. Israel once 13 tribes united, is divided and they quickly fall victim to invading armies.
The parity is obvious, there is a tearing apart of these United States of America. A country once proud in its Christian upbringing and the most awesome constitution in the history of man “period,” is rooted in a war against itself with two takers, The Democratic and Republican Parties. And we the people holding the preverbal “Bag of Dung” that they have handed us through the years with our grand-mothers clothes pin holding our nostrils from the stench.
In the famous words of James Bond, “I’ll have a dry martini shaken not stirred.” He had no idea what he was ordering. The shakiness’ made pretty foam for his drink of choice, but stirred is a better option. It insures the proper blending of the drink. Hence, the parity between the Donkey and the Elephant. The Democrats (like the foam) are looking to make it look good, while they pick pocket Americans and, the Republicans (Like the stir), swirl and put the spin on why they didn’t do the right thing when they had control, and lay the blame on the Democrats.
“Hey, whose side are you on?” you might be thinking.
I am on God’s side and very interested in what He is doing in this election.
My final parity, just the way God took the heart of a foreign King, King Cyrus of Babylon and showed great favor to Israel to allow them to rebuild their temple in Jerusalem, when they were in disarray is mind boggling.
If God can move in the heart of an evil dictator, it is very evident to me and many other believers that God has certainly moved on the heart of Donald J. Trump.
Never before in my opinion have I heard the genuine concern for America pour from his heart. What politician says “We love you?” What politician has clear 20/20 vision on the main issues and looks past political correctness to find truth? What politician shows genuine concern for all people? He’s concerned with restoring power to the church, greatness to industry, to protect the lives of the LBGT community, and restore respect for the vets and cops on the beat.
And to restore American patriotism?
The answer is he’s no politician, he’s Donald J. Trump – the nominee of the American Party!
That’s how you defeat dividing lines. When King Cyrus let Israel and Judah go they went back home and unified themselves and the rest is pretty much history. They are prime real estate owners in the Persian Gulf now. They went from nomad wandering in the wilderness to shore living!
Let’s recognize what God is doing and unify behind the unifier!
God Bless You!
Loving God & His People,
Pastor Steven Pereira
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