Profound Thoughts from the Left: Up Is Down, Night Is Day, and Capitalism Is Coercion
Most politicians on the left today admit that socialism is inferior to market-based price systems, so their arguments against capitalism have shifted....
Most politicians on the left today admit that socialism is inferior to market-based price systems, so their arguments against capitalism have shifted....
Hillary Clinton on Wednesday said she no longer can support the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), the 12-nation trade deal she touted as secretary of s...
As we get deeper into an election season, many politicians feel compelled to discuss how to deal with poverty and the growing American welfare state....
Leftists argue that gun control is the right policy because everyone gets disarmed. But if that’s true, how do terrorists keep getting weapons into...
Like Sisyphus pushing the rock up a hill, I keep trying to convince American leftists that growth--not redistribution--is the best way to help the poo...
International and national socialism have both been economic failures, and democratic socialism, though not as violent, has been a total failure, as w...
What is the best way to understand the burden of government regulations and red tape? Is it by sharing data on burden or by looking at specific exampl...
David Limbaugh discusses thesis question from Mark Levin's new book, "Plunder and Deceit: Big Government's Exploitation of Young People and the Future...
In the it Chattanooga shooting, Aurora, and Newtown it made sense from the perpetrators' warped perspective to seek and commit crime in gun-free zones...
CATO economist Dan Mitchell examines and analyzes the Congressional Budget Office's (CBO) analysis of various ObamaCare repeal efforts and impacts....
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