GOP Anti-Poverty Plan: Good Information, Decent Ideas, Weak Implementation
Led by House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., House Republicans put forth an anti-poverty agenda definitely worth reading as an indictment of the welfare st...
Led by House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., House Republicans put forth an anti-poverty agenda definitely worth reading as an indictment of the welfare st...
Hillary Clinton and Sen. Bernie Sanders are basically two peas in a pod on economic policy, except for the socialist wanting to become Greece a bit fa...
To answer questions of how to best deal with tax evasion, we should keep in mind three broad issues about the enforcement of any type of law....
CATO economist Dan Mitchell gives a primer on growth, politics and taxation, arguing Republicans shouldn't abandon supply-side and push for dynamic sc...
If politicians manage to impose a value-added tax on the U.S., statists will have won a giant victory and it will be much harder to restrain big gover...
Two Senators, both presidential candidates, have good plans on paper. However, what happens once either one of them left the White House is concerning...
The OECD and BEPS is attracting a lot of attention, because the business community has figured out it’s a scheme to give more money to greedy govern...
CATO economist Dan Mitchell examines and analyzes the Congressional Budget Office's (CBO) analysis of various ObamaCare repeal efforts and impacts....
CATO economist Dan Mitchell explains what the "Butterfield Effect" is, named after Fox Butterfield, and how the establish media exemplifies it daily....
Some leftists, including the Washington Post's Katrina vanden Heuvel, openly argue that the meaning of freedom should be changed to benefit entitlemen...
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