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ObamaCare Subsidies For Sex Workers Help Swell High Risk Pools

A Healthy Ho’s registration drive was helping to swell the ranks of Medicaid enrollment and high risk pools, as eligible sex workers flocked for ObamaCare subsidies.

One women, Maxine Holloway, claimed that health care should be a human right, and that she “has been brainwashed into thinking it is a privilege.” So, we are no longer only forced to deal with this woman’s ignorance to Natural Law and our founding philosophies, but we must pay for her irresponsible personal choice to be high risk, because she sleeps with people for money, which naturally, is dangerous to your health.

With a system already seeing such a tremendous amount of Medicaid enrollees and so few young, actual healthy paying customers, the Healthy Ho’s have done their part to blow a whole in the budget and send the program into an insurance death spiral.

Organized by “Siouxsie Q,” a Bay Area sex worker, the event was purposed to persuade other sex workers to enroll in ObamaCare exchanges. Unfortunately, it was a “rousing success,” according to CNN Money, with nearly all of them filing the enrollment paperwork.

I wonder how the tens of millions of Americans — soon to be over a hundred million — who are and will be dropped from an affordable policy for a policy that is unaffordable, feel to learn that one reason for such an increase in their premiums is due to subsidizing sex workers, so that these wonderful, self-serving citizens can have access to treatment for whatever sexually transmitted diseases they contract?

Of course, much of these women cannot claim the true amount of their income, which is typically much higher than working class Americans, because the income is earned through illegal activities. Many, to be sure, will simply get Medicaid, the free health care program that has exploded beyond expectations.

For those who report partial income amounts, the situation will be much the same as it is for another sex worker, named Jolene. Jolene, who attended the Healthy Ho’s for ObamaCare event, will receive a $211 monthly tax credit, which will bring her monthly payments to just $36 a month.

With millions of Americans receiving cancellation notices and having to pay higher premiums in order to subsidize those like Jolene, we have entered a sad phase in American history, in which the law unjustly punishes the productive and honest, while it subsidizes the irresponsible and lawless.

This is simply disgraceful.


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Richard D. Baris

Rich, the People's Pundit, is the Data Journalism Editor at PPD and Director of the PPD Election Projection Model. He is also the Director of Big Data Poll, and author of "Our Virtuous Republic: The Forgotten Clause in the American Social Contract."

Published by
Richard D. Baris

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