This is why the GOP keeps losing elections, and why minorities would rather remain slaves to the Democratic Party rather than support conservatives. Illinois Republican Party chairman, Jim Allen, recently sent a controversial e-mail to a blogger in an effort to target Erika Harold, a former Miss America who is now running for Congress as a Republican.
The message – seen in its entirety below – which was sent to Doug Ibendahl who is an attorney who was general counsel to the Illinois GOP from 1999 to 2001, is gaining quite a bit of controversy — particularly because of Allen’s mention of minority quotas (Harold is an African-American).
The e-mail, in reality, was meant to focus on the notion that the former beauty queen simply isn’t conservative enough, as Allen charges that she is a RINO (Republican in Name Only). However, does this sound as if Jim Allen is living by conservative principles? Or is this just another hypocrite, one member of a wing of a party desperately needing to be purged?
Erike Harold is going up against current Representative Rodney Davis in the GOP primary, and to be sure is more moderate on social issues, but the GOP chairman is not a king-maker. He has, as TheBlaze put it, “made more-than-clear that he is patently against her candidacy.” But is he against her because he believes she is not conservative enough, or is it perhaps because she has the courage to campaign and compete in the neighborhoods who are most in need of economic opportunity, and to hear the conservative message loud and clear?
“Rodney Davis will win’ the primary against Erika Harold and the love child of the D.N.C. will be back in S**tcago by May of 2014 working for some law firm that needs to meet their quota for minority hires,” the e-mail read. “The little queen touts her abstinence and she won the crown because she got bullied in school,,,boohoo..kids are cruel, life sucks and you move on.”
Allen continued to say that Harold is “being used like a street walker and her pimps are the DEMOCRAT PARTY and RINO REPUBLICANS.”
This has nothing to do with whether or not Erika Harold has socially conservative positions; this is about breaking up the boys club relationships that Rodney Davis has in Congress. God forbid the GOP Party chairmen, Reince Preibus, has the courage to back a minority candidate, such as Erika Harold. But then again, he has a history with this kind of thing, if you can remember him abandoning Mia Love and Allen West when they needed legal support to expose and challenge the typical Democratic voter fraud that comes out in full force anytime a conservative minority candidate begins to gain notoriety.
In discussing the issue on his website, Ibendahl noted that this e-mail is evidence, in his view, of why Republicans continue to lose elections, describing Allen’s email as a “racist rant.”
Considering the GOP’s demographic challenges among minorities, the lawyer notes, that this incident isn’t helpful to bridging divides and creating electoral success.
“Outrageous comments like those of Jim Allen are why we as Republicans fail to gain any respect from minority voters,” Ibendal said of the e-mail. “If officials in my party (the Republican Party) fail to understand how destructive it is to attack an impressive person like Erika Harold merely because she dares to challenge the good-old-boys, the GOP will remain a losing party for decades.”
I got this woman’s six, because I don’t care how long her conscience accepts abortions – that’s between her and God – but I cannot stand “Todd Akin” stupid.
—– Original Message —–
From: Jim Allen <[email protected]>
Sent: 06/18/13 10:59 PM
Subject: 13th Congressional District reply
Rodney Davis will win and the love child of the D.N.C. will be back in Shitcago by May of 2014 working for some law firm that needs to meet their quota for minority hires.
The truth is Nancy Pelosi and the DEMOCRAT party want this seat. So they called RINO Timmy Johnson to be their pack mule and get little queen to run.
Ann Callis gets a free ride through a primary and Rodney Davis has a battle.
The little queen touts her abstinence and she won the crown because she got bullied in school,,,boohoo..kids are cruel, life sucks and you move on..Now, miss queen is being used like a street walker and her pimps are the DEMOCRAT PARTY and RINO REPUBLICANS…These pimps want something they can’t get,,, the seat held by a conservative REPUBLICAN Rodney Davis and Nancy Pelosi can’t stand it..
Little Queenie and Nancy Pelosi have so much in common but the one thing that stands out the most.. both are FORMER QUEENS, their crowns are tarnished and time has run out on the both of them..