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Obamacare Sign Up Acts As Democratic Voter Registration Drive

Well, we all knew this was going to happen. The federal Obamacare sign up website also asks applicants if they want to register to vote, leading some to question why the Obama administration would risk further embarrasment over the already crash-prone website if not for political gain

Currently, 36 states are using the federal site – conveniently called exchanges to give a false impression of a market place — to enroll force-fed consumers in government-mandated health insurance.

At least 4 other states — California, Connecticut, New York, Vermont and Wisconsin — are asking or have the intent to ask consumers if they want to register to vote.

Former White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs, said on MSNBC that the website, thus far, has been an “embarrassment.” He also stated the problems were not server-driven, but “architectural” in nature. Adding additional code and programming for any purpose makes zero sense to experts.

“The [website] launch has not gone well,” said Nick Novak, a spokesman for the John K. MacIver Institute for Public Policy, which initially noticed the voter-registration question on the Wisconsin site. “Why are they cluttering up the site?”

Novak, who was unsuccessful in his numerous attempts over the past week to click through the site, made the argument that officials should at least pose the question after customers sign up for insurance.

Government officials, unsurprisingly, have defended the ploy on the exchanges, citing federal law that was no doubt designed for possibile current and future opportunities to self-perpetuate bureaucracy.

Brian Cook, a spokesman for Medicare and Medicaid Services, explained back in August how the exchanges must include the question, according to the 1993 National Voter Registration Act. The law requires states to offer voter registration at government offices that provide public assistance.

Brett Healy, president of the Wisconsin-based MacIver Institute, suggests that including the question could backfire on Democrats. Unlike prior programs, such as WIC and SNAP, Obamacare isn’t a something for nothing entitlement.

“The president should be careful what he wishes for,” he said. “While he counted on young people to win the presidency, many are now experiencing Obamacare sticker shock.”

The revelation, though typical, comes on the heels of other news surrounding the trustworthiness of so-called Obamacare “navigators” who have access to a vast amount of private information. There is currently little to no citizen verification or background check into criminal history.

They, too, have been tasked with ensuring Obamacare sign up applicants are asked to register to vote. How many Do you think will be rooting for Republican sign ups?



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Richard D. Baris

Rich, the People's Pundit, is the Data Journalism Editor at PPD and Director of the PPD Election Projection Model. He is also the Director of Big Data Poll, and author of "Our Virtuous Republic: The Forgotten Clause in the American Social Contract."

Published by
Richard D. Baris

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