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Gravis: Donald Trump Soars to 40% in National Republican Nomination Poll

Trump Now Way Out in Front in 2016 Republican Nomination Polls

Mobile, Alabama: Donald Trump meets with some 30,000 fans wearing shirts printed with his smiling face and holding ‘Mobile for Trump’ signs printed in red, white, and blue. (PHOTO: MARK WALLHEISER/GETTY IMAGES)

In the latest national Republican nomination poll conducted by Gravis Marking for One America News Network, frontrunner Donald Trump has hit the 40% mark. The survey marks the first time since any candidate–let alone the real estate mogul–has broken above the so-called 30% ceiling pundits have pegged him at.

“It’s surprising to see how fast Donald Trump has moved up in the polls since the debate,” Robert Herring, Sr., CEO of One America News Network said in a statement. “Claims by media that Trump peaked in July have proven to be false.”

The Donald’s support has increased nearly 10 percentage points in the crowded GOP field since the previous survey released July 31. Dr. Ben Carson, another political outsider in the race who won the Post GOP Debate Poll conducted by Gravis/OANN, as reported by PPD, has increased 7 points and moved into second with 13.0%.

Source: Gravis/OANN

Rounding out the top five and capturing a higher percentage of the GOP vote is Texas Sen. Ted Cruz at 7.0% and former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina with 5.2%. Fiorina has experienced the biggest jump moving from a previous 12th place, non-main stage debate position, into the top five. Three of the top five, namely Trump, Carson, and Fiorina, have never held office. In the latest poll, the top five candidates accounted for 75.3% of the vote, compared to 68.3% in the July 31 poll. Six candidates enhanced their result percentage (shown in green) while nine candidates dropped in their poll performance (shown in red).

When the Gravis/OANN survey is included, Trump now holds a commanding 16-point lead in the PPD average of Republican nomination polls with 26.5%.

“We’re seeing consolidation as the voters get more familiar with the candidates. Carson, Cruz, and especially Fiorina have some strong post-debate momentum,” Herring added. “Yet, we’re still very early in the process and history has proven that early leaders can fall.”

Gravis Marketing, a nonpartisan research firm, conducted a random survey of 3,567 registered voters across the U.S. regarding the presidential election. The poll has a margin of error of +/- 2%. The total may not equal exactly 100% due to rounding. The polls were conducted on August 21-22 using interactive voice response, IVR, technology and weighted separately for each population in the question presented.

READ ALSO: Putting the Hispanic Vote Myth to Bed, Once and For All


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Richard D. Baris

Rich, the People's Pundit, is the Data Journalism Editor at PPD and Director of the PPD Election Projection Model. He is also the Director of Big Data Poll, and author of "Our Virtuous Republic: The Forgotten Clause in the American Social Contract."

View Comments

    • Long past time to shake it up. They've come to see this as just a money making operation like the NFL and NBA. They really don't care who wins. They're guaranteed to make money.

    • The more the media tries to tear him apart, the higher he goes in the polls! If I were in the media, I would start looking at myself. People simply do not have any faith, or trust, i

  • Pretty sure I took this poll....yeah it was robo but well done. They had to test Hillary against every GOP candidate. LOL what a pain in the ass. So there was no time for poor ol Col Sanders.

  • Go Trump. It is your election to lose.
    Trump/Carson 2016
    Take all the negative, personalized Big Media garbage as a training experience.

    • Again, not Carson. He is not ready for the big time. Nice guy, a great doctor, but not in the WH. As I stated above Surgeon General a good place for him to start and being in the Cabinet will be his learning lesson.

      • The VEEP needs to be Cruz. He is, by far, the most intelligent candidate left in the group. I think Trump can trust Cruz to be his right-hand man and Cruz will be "coming into his prime" - he will only be 53, should Trump serve two terms.

    • Carson has no business experience.
      What do you see in Carson ???
      I am going to let Trump pick his V.P.
      he doesn't need my advice.

  • Trump is no more than a stalking horse for the Clintons, sent in to destroy the neo-con Cuckservative Republiscam Party. That's all good. The Supreme Irony is that Obama is, once again, taking down Mrs. Clinton. Chaos impends. In the still-unlikely circumstance that Trump actually becomes Prez, do not expect him to him to fulfill any of his promises to control the border or get the illegals off our back. He belongs to Zionist Wall Street. Same as all the rest

  • I would have never believe it...but so far, the ONLY candidate that seems ruthless, cunning and...good to oppose PUTIN, is Donald Trump. I could not care less if he actually does the 'good things' in politics (who EVER does than anyway? They all promise it...they all fail to deliver). Trump deserves the presidency, because he's simply too much of a sly fox to give in to somebody else (by the way, it will be a treat seeing him negotiating with Angela Merkel, 'cause she's LIKE HIM...the others like Cameron, or Hollande...better send envoys if you still want to keep your shirts on boys :). And with Putin? They're almost complete Antipodes with having two major things in common : both CORRUPT and both of them WANT TO WIN. This is what my country needs in order to survive in today's economy, when the bull takes a 2.3 trillion $ cr@p inside...6 days!
    And so far, Trump is the only candidate that has what it takes!

  • (1) "Illegal immigrants are thieves, rapists, murderers, they're not good people . . . "
    Mainstream media and RINO establishment: "Trump is finished!" . . . Polls: +5
    (2) "McCain is a "hero" because he was captured; I like the guys who were not captured!"
    Mainstream media and RINO establishment: "Trump is finished!" . . . Polls: +6
    (3) "Megyn Kelly had blood coming out of her eyes; out of her whereever!"
    Mainstream media and RINO establishment: "Trump is finished!" . . . Polls: +5
    (4) "Anchor Babies are NOT US Citizens; many legal experts agree."
    Mainstream media and RINO establishment: "Trump is finished!" . . . Polls: +4
    (5) "Glad to have you back with us, Jorge! Now are you ready to have a respectful dialogue on illegal immigration?"

    Mainstream media and RINO establishment: "Trump is finished!" . . . Polls: +9

  • Looks like a new culture in America, the old guard seems to be running on empty, the people don't want these Political Rinos anymore.

      • Right, not ANY Democrat/Socialist. At least the GOP still has a decent number of Conservatives. Trump would ensure a Conservative, Constitutional Leadership. Coukd even be the end of the Democrat Party when Americans see just how great we can be when we do the OPPOSITE of their BS.

      • We are sick and tired of the CLINTONS AND THE BUSHES. NO MORE CLINTONS, NO MORE BUSHES is now the people's battle cry.

      • Obama deserves to be hung together with Hillary, they both have blood on there hands and had plans to slave the middle class population; Please vote no on Iran's deal.

    • I remember seeing a picture of Bibi in Israel during the 1967 war in uniform
      The picture next to that showed Obama sitting and smoking a joint.
      Yes send Obama to prison for lying and ruining this country.

    • obama/hillary = handcuffs= traitors/treason. prison and no more tax payer dollars in their pockets. Make obama repay all monies he has given away and stuffed into his pockets, the let freedom kick his rear end out of our country.

  • Trump is the exact opposite of the phony POTUS that currently has hijacked our Wh. with the support of the looney left and welfare leeches.

Published by
Richard D. Baris

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