High school students gather to protest in opposition of Donald Trump’s presidential election victory outside of City Hall in San Francisco in November 2016. (Photo: AP)
The liberal city of San Francisco began registering illegal immigrants to register to vote in the November election for the city school board, reported The San Francisco Chronicle. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds the idea of allowing non-citizens to vote is very unpopular.
When asked, “Should illegal immigrants be allowed to vote if they can prove that they live in this country and pay taxes?” a whopping 59% of likely voters said no, while just 35% disagreed.
Only 28% of men supported the idea, while more than two-thirds (67%) opposed it. Women are also opposed — by a 41% to 53% margin — though are more likely than men to support it.
Democrats support the idea by a 54% to 37% margin, but Republicans and voters unaffiliated with either party are adamantly opposed, 77% to 18% and 66% to 30%, respectively.
When asked, “Do you or favor oppose letting illegal immigrants vote for local officials in the area where you live? ” an even larger 62% said no, while just 31% disagreed. Again, men were more likely than women to oppose the idea, though both genders solidly do oppose it.
An identical percentage of men (28%) support allowing illegal immigrants to vote for local officials in the area they live, while more than two-thirds (69%) are opposed. Women are also opposed — by a 34% to 57% margin — a larger disparity.
Democrats again support this idea by a 53% to 40% margin, but Republicans and voters unaffiliated with either party are solidly opposed, 83% to 15% and 67% to 22%, respectively.
The survey of 1,000 likely voters was conducted July 19 and 22, 2018 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence.