CATO economist Dan Mitchell moves to debunk statist claims that we should focus on re-slicing the pie rather than expanding the pie to combat inequali...
Right-wing economic policies in Estonia have fueled improbable success by reversing leftwing policies that erode social capital and prosperity....
Changing demographics is one of the most powerful arguments for genuine entitlement reform, and that's also proven to be true in the case of Eastern E...
Who is the worst president in U.S. history? Compared to Franklin D. Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson, Barack Obama and even Jimmy Carter are amateurs....
CATO economist Dan Mitchell gives three simple reasons why Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders really plan to soak the middle class and working America...
Trump! Clinton! Is that all there is? No. Fortunately, we have other choices. A recent poll shows 11% would vote for a Libertarian Gov. Gary Johnson....
CATO economist Dan Mitchell pushes back on the economics of protectionism supported by Donald Trump and Sen. Bernie Sanders in the presidential electi...
What were the most noteworthy, or best and worst events from 2015? CATO economist and PPD contributor Dan Mitchell breaks it down....
As it turns out, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) validated most predictions by conservatives and libertarians regarding ObamaCare, with one exce...
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