Samantha Power “Unmasked” Hundreds of Americans in Final Days of Obama Administration
Samantha Power, the former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations (UN), "unmasked" hundreds of Americans in the final days of the Obama administration....
Samantha Power, the former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations (UN), "unmasked" hundreds of Americans in the final days of the Obama administration....
Civil asset forfeiture basically gives government a license to steal. We should expect that in Venezuela, but not the United States (US)....
The U.S. Supreme Court granted the Trump Administration's request to block a lower court ruling allowing them to more strictly enforce a travel on ref...
Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced Tuesday that the Trump Administration will rescind Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA....
Dr. Kelli Ward holds a big 47% to 21% lead over incumbent Sen. Jeff Flake for the U.S. Senate in a new poll of the Republican primary voters in Arizo...
Republicans are heading in the wrong direction on fiscal policy with a debate over tax reform plan violating Reagan's "good policy is good politics" r...
Rep. Mo Brooks is surging against interim Sen. Luther Strange, while Judge Roy Moore still leads in the race to replace Jeff Sessions in the U.S. Sena...
America desperately needs tax cuts and tax reform. But given how Republicans are bungling ObamaCare, can they deliver?...
Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Director Mick Mulvaney unveiled MAGAnomics last week, the economic agenda of the Trump Administration....
Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Director Mick Mulvaney unveiled a “secret list” of regulations put together by the Obama Administration....
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