Free Enterprise, Creative Destruction, and Consumer Power
In a free market, the “soulless” pursuit of profits will lead corporations to be efficient and innovative, which boosts overall economic output....
In a free market, the “soulless” pursuit of profits will lead corporations to be efficient and innovative, which boosts overall economic output....
The Dallas Federal Reserve said the Texas Manufacturing Outlook Survey, a gauge of regional factory activity, rose 6 points in October to 25.6....
The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) said the advance estimate for third quarter gross domestic product (GDP) was 3%, beating the 2.5% median forecas...
The Richmond Federal Reserve's Fifth District Survey of Manufacturing Activity remained strong in October and wages hit the highest level in 17 years....
Jacinda Ardern, who at 37 will be the youngest prime minister of New Zealand since 1856, said capitalism was a failure. Is she ignorant or just dishon...
The Survey of Consumers, a closely-watched gauge of consumer sentiment, surged in October to the highest level since the beginning of 2004....
Data show top-level inventors are very sensitive to tax policy and will not only migrate from high-tax nations to low-tax jurisdictions but also state...
Puerto Rico is a perfect storm -- no pun intended -- of bad policy....
Child labor was ubiquitous in the West prior to the explosive growth unleashed by capitalism. We should urge the same policies in the developing world...
The Republican tax reform plan is based on some very attractive principles, but there’s no commitment to control government spending....
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