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People count money at Macy's Herald Square store during the early opening of the Black Friday sales in the Manhattan borough of New York, November 26, 2015. (Photo: Reuters)

People count money at Macy’s Herald Square store during the early opening of the Black Friday sales in the Manhattan borough of New York, November 26, 2015. (Photo: Reuters)

The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) unpacked September’s contribution to Q3 2018 GDP from personal income and outlays. According to estimates, personal income rose $35.7 billion (0.2%), disposable personal income (DPI) gained $29.1 billion (0.2%) and personal consumption expenditures (PCE) increased $53.0 billion (0.4%).

Stripping out the impact from the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), personal income only rose 0.1%.

Real DPI increased 0.1% in September and Real PCE rose 0.3%. The PCE price index increased 0.1%. Excluding food and energy, the PCE price index increased 0.2%.

[su_table responsive=”yes”]

May Jun Jul. Aug. Sept.
Percent change from preceding month
Personal income:
Current dollars 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.2
Disposable personal income:
Current dollars 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.2
Chained (2012) dollars 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1
Personal consumption expenditures (PCE):
Current dollars 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.4
Chained (2012) dollars 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.3
Price indexes:
PCE 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
PCE, excluding food and energy 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.2
Price indexes: Percent change from month one year ago
PCE 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.2 2.0
PCE, excluding food and energy 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0


The increase in personal income in September primarily reflected gains in wages and salaries, government social benefits to persons, and rental income that was partially offset by a decline in proprietors’ income. However, while wages and salaries have been a strong component for the report in prior months, it was the weak component for September.

The $33.2 billion increase in real PCE in September reflects a gain of $33.5 billion in spending for goods and a $3.5 billion increase in spending for services. Within goods, motor vehicles and parts was the leading contributor to the increase, with solid contributions from recreational goods and vehicles.

For services, the largest contributor to the gain was spending for health care that was more than offset by a decrease in spending for food services and accommodations.

Personal outlays increased $57.9 billion in September. Personal saving was $975.7 billion in September, and the personal saving rate, personal saving as a percentage of disposable personal income, was 6.2%.

Estimates have been revised for July and August. Personal income held steady at a gain of 0.4%. Consumer spending rose slightly more (0.5%) than the initially reported 0.4%.

[su_table responsive=”yes”]

Change from preceding month
July August
Previous Revised Previous Revised Previous Revised Previous Revised
(Billions of dollars) (Percent) (Billions of dollars) (Percent)
Personal income:
Current dollars 51.9 56.4 0.3 0.3 60.3 67.0 0.3 0.4
Disposable Personal income:
Current dollars 45.5 46.0 0.3 0.3 51.4 55.4 0.3 0.4
Chained (2012) dollars 22.8 22.7 0.2 0.2 31.8 35.8 0.2 0.2
Personal consumption expenditures:
Current dollars 62.7 65.3 0.4 0.5 46.4 64.9 0.3 0.5
Chained (2012) dollars 40.6 42.6 0.3 0.3 28.7 46.1 0.2 0.4


The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) unpacked

Today we talk about the media’s double standard on reporting news in terms of politics and the fairy tales being spun by both sides in this argument.

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*Grumpiness and Parables
*The Fairy Tale
*The Double Standard
*Of Nazis, Jews and Guards
*Last Word: Obamacare

Today’s Bumper Music provided by the Blue Dot Sessions public domain music from Freemusic.org.

Closing Music

The money pledged thru Patreon.com will go toward show costs such as advertising, server time, and broadcasting equipment. If we can get enough listeners, we will expand the show to two hours and hire additional staff.

To help our show out, please support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/LibertyNeverSleeps

All bumper music and sound clips are not owned by the show, are commentary, and of educational purposes, or de minimus effect, and not for monetary gain.

No copyright is claimed in any use of such materials and to the extent that material may appear to be infringed, I assert that such alleged infringement is permissible under fair use principles in U.S. copyright laws. If you believe material has been used in an unauthorized manner, please contact the poster.

Today we talk about the media’s double

Capital Gains Investment Income Revenue Stock Market Ticker 3d Render Illustration. (Photo: AdobeStock)

Capital Gains Investment Income Revenue Stock Market Ticker 3d Render Illustration. (Photo: AdobeStock)

Last week, the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) reported the U.S. economy is on track to grow at an annual rate of 3% or greater for the first time since 2005. The advance estimate for third-quarter (Q3) gross domestic product (GDP) came in at 3.5%, beating the consensus forecast.

But some argue measures being weighed by the Trump Administration and Republican-controlled House of Representatives could boost sustained annual growth to 4% or higher.

The House Ways and Means Committee and Chairman Kevin Brady, R-Texas, have worked with leadership and the White House to roll out Tax Reform 2.0. The combination of bills would most notably make the individual tax cuts from the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) permanent.

As a result of the TCJA, U.S. companies are repatriating billions of dollars that were parked overseas, wages and salaries are rising, business optimism has hit record highs and capital investments have soared.

A study by the Tax Foundation estimates making the individual tax rates permanent would “increase long-run GDP by 2.2%, long-run wages by 0.9 percent, and add 1.5 million full-time equivalent jobs.”

The White House is also weighing a unilateral measure via executive action to index capital gains to inflation, People’s Pundit Daily (PPD) confirmed. In light of Q3 2018 GDP coming in below 4%, the measure is gaining steam among pro-economic growth and liberty advocates.

“The economy is strong, but it has recently encountered some formidable headwinds,” Club for Growth President David McIntosh argued in a statement emailed to PPD. “In order to reinvigorate the economy and make it even stronger, we recommend that President Trump immediately sign an executive order to index capital gains to inflation.”

Investment and spending drive the U.S. economy and without the former there can be no latter. Currently, the capital gains tax rate for married couples filing jointly with an annual income between $77,201 and $479,000 is 15%.

Married couples filing jointly earning more than $479,000 are taxed at a 20% rate. As a result of ObamaCare, married couples filing jointly who earn more than $250,000 are also subject to an additional 3.8% net investment income tax.

Investments made several years prior are taxed on return, when the dollar is no longer worth the same as it was when the individual investment was initially made.

“For example, say an investor put $5,000 in the stock market in the year 2000,” Alec Fornwalt of the Tax Foundation explained. “Under the current law, if that $5,000 generously turned into $8,000 over those 18 years, they would be taxed on the $3,000 gain, resulting in a tax liability of $450.”

If current law indexed capital gains to inflation, the return wouldn’t have been as much and, as a result, neither would the individual’s tax liability.

“The problem is, in 2018, that $5,000 from 2000 is equivalent to roughly $7,100 today. Inflation accounted for $2,100 of that gain. This means the investor only really made $900, not $3,000,” Mr. Fornwalt added. “Even worse, if an investment doesn’t make more than the rate of inflation, the investor is taxed on gains that are not even gains at all. If that investor who invested $5,000 in 2000 sold the investment for $7,000 in 2018, the asset was actually sold at a real loss.”

“However, under current tax treatment, the investor would still have a positive tax liability.”

It’s unclear if action from the White House was imminent, but with the 2018 midterm elections looming, it complicates the issue. Democrats had a long history of supporting cuts to the capital gains tax until the era of Barack Obama. It was once a bipartisan issue.

“Inflation indexing is not a novel or radical idea. It has been an integral part of labor contract negotiations for decades,” said Tim Anderson, analyst at TJM Investments. “Cost of Living Increases, or COLA, have been used to peg increases in Social Security payments to inflation for at least a generation.”

But the modern Democratic Party now argues any lowering of the rate is a “tax cut for the rich.” Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said the motive of indexing capital gains to inflation isn’t economic growth, but rather to “give the top 1% another advantage.”

In what was supposed to be a news story, The New York Times headline called it “a unilateral tax cut for the rich.” But for economic analysts, it’s rudimentary and elementary economics.

“Indexing capital gains to inflation will ‘smooth out’ the imbedded tax of inflation on hundreds of billions of unrealized capital gains that have been locked up in retirement and mutual fund accounts,” Mr. Anderson added. “The same is true of private equity and venture capital funds, to a much larger degree.”

While Mr. Anderson stressed the economic impact, some also see the issue as one of fairness.

“As it stands now, this is a grave injustice in the tax code, forcing people to pay taxes on phantom gains,” Mr. McIntosh added. “Just as important, an executive order would unlock hundreds of billions of dollars in capital that would spur new investment and jobs.”

The Tax Foundation General Equilibrium Model finds indexing capital gains to inflation would increase the long-run size of the economy by 0.11%. Wages would be 0.08% higher, the capital stock would be 0.26% larger, and there would be an additional 21,800 full-time equivalent jobs.

The Tax Foundation also projected the measure would reduce federal revenue by $178 billion over the next decade on a conventional basis. However, they stressed that the added economic benefit will offset some of that cost, resulting in a net dynamic revenue loss of $148 billion over the next decade.

“It would also immediately grow the savings of everyday working Americans,” McIntosh concluded. “With just his signature, President Trump can give all Americans something extra to be thankful for this Thanksgiving.”

With U.S. economic growth on track to

Sayoc Had Long History With the Law and Steroids

Cesar Altieri Sayoc, 56, of South Florida. (Photo: Broward County Sheriff's Office)

Cesar Altieri Sayoc, 56, of South Florida. (Photo: Broward County Sheriff’s Office)

Cesar Altieri Sayoc, 56, the alleged mail bomber, has a fairly long rap sheet including a previous bomb threat and arrests for possession with the intent to distribute steroids. Federal authorities on Friday arrested Sayoc in Plantation, Florida in connection to a series of apparent mail bombs sent to prominent Democrats and progressive activists.

Most notable, Sayoc was charged with making a previous bomb threat after he called Florida Power & Light (FPL), vowing it would be “worse than September 11.” Florida Statute 790.163 prohibits anyone from making a fake bomb threat, and Florida Statute 790.164 prohibits anyone from making a fake bomb threat regarding state property.

On August 21, 2002, felony charges were filed in Miami Dade County. Initially, Sayoc demanded a trial by jury. But as far as legal exposure, the sweetheart deal he received was tantamount to an acquittal.

According to Florida Statute 790.164, adjudication of guilt or imposition of sentence “for a violation of this section may not be suspended, deferred, or withheld.” Yet, his adjudication was withheld, meaning the judge sentenced him to probation but did not formally convict him of a criminal offense.

In Florida, a defendant can be allowed “one free bite at the apple” to avoid the stigma of being a convicted felon. In the end, Sayoc’s plea deal included an order of supervision for just 1 year. Moreover, Sayoc’s probation started on November 12, 2002 and he filed a motion to terminate probation after just six months.

It was granted and he was released from “paper” on June 11, 2003. In total, Sayoc paid a total of $481.00 in court costs and other charge-related fees.

The rap sheet goes on, including various criminal traffic violations including one count of unauthorized possession of, and other unlawful acts in relation to, a driver license or identification card. The incident took place on February 15, 2004. But charges weren’t filed until the following month on March 18, 2004.

Sayoc’s cousin told the New York Post he was a a gym rat who took steroids, a sentiment a former employer echoed.

“He was a male dancer and he wanted to be a wrestler. He was taking steroids. He was all buffed up,” she said. “He was built like a rock.”

Relatives also described him as a “lost soul” and a “loose cannon.”

On August 30, 2004, he was charged in Broward County with four counts of possession and the intent to sell Nandrolone decanoate (ND) and testosterone.

Under Section 893.13(1)(a), it is unlawful for a person “to sell, manufacture, or deliver, or possess with intent to sell, manufacture, or deliver, a controlled substance,” such as opioids, cocaine and anabolic steroids. A charge can be classified as a second or third degree felony, depending on the nature of the substance involved.

Sayoc’s was a second degree felony.

The use of androgenic-anabolic steroids (AAS) among bodybuilders to increase muscle mass is widespread. It can have extremely harmful effects on the user’s body.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Sayoc has been charged with interstate transport of explosives, illegal mailing of explosives, threats against former presidents and other persons, threatening interstate comms, and assaulting current and former federal officers.

“For these charges, the defendant faces up to 58 years in prison,” Attorney General Sessions said Friday at a press conference. “These charges may change or expand as the investigation proceeds.”

Cesar Altieri Sayoc, 56, the alleged mail

Gross domestic product (GDP) graphic concept with yellow square pixels on a black matrix background. (Photo: AdobeStock)

Gross domestic product (GDP) graphic concept with yellow square pixels on a black matrix background. (Photo: AdobeStock)

The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) reported the advance estimate for third-quarter (Q3) gross domestic product (GDP) came in at 3.5%, beating the forecast. The median consensus expected Q3 U.S. economic growth to come in at 3.3%.

The BEA recently released the final estimate for Q2 2018 GDP, which held firm at 4.2%. The “second” estimate for Q3 2018, based on more complete data, will be released on November 28, 2018.

“No doubt there are positives and negatives behind the headline GDP report,” Tim Anderson, analyst at TJM said. “A sharp build in inventories was responsible for 2% of the topline 3.5%. This was the largest inventory build in 2 1/2 years.”

Indeed, as People’s Pundit Daily (PPD) reported on the quarter, business inventories have helped to offset a widening trade deficit. See more, here, here and here.

“On the negative side, a few component that highlighted the 4.4% Q2 GDP report, dropped off sharply in Q3. Non residential fixed investment dropped to 0.8% after running hot at 8.7% in Q2,” Mr. Anderson added. “Back on the positive side, the consumer remained strong with final sales rising +3.1%, although below the pace of Q2 when it rose +4.3%.”

Consumer spending came in much stronger than the forecast anticipated. Real consumer spending rose 4.0%, far more than the 3.3% forecast. The GDP price index, rose 1.7% in Q3, compared with an increase of 2.4% in Q2. The PCE price index rose 1.6%, compared with an increase of 2.0%. Excluding food and energy prices, the PCE price index increased 1.6%, compared with an increase of 2.1%.

Current-dollar personal income rose $180.4 billion in Q3, compared with an increase of $180.7 billion in Q2. Gains in rental income, wages and salaries, and nonfarm proprietors’ income were offset by a downturn in farm proprietors’ income and a slowdown in dividend income.

“The ‘Net Trade’ component slowed by -1.8%. Watch for the critics of the Trump trade policy to highlight this. They’ll argue that the ramp in inventories is an effort to ‘get ahead’ of an impending increase in tariffs between China and the U.S.,” Mr. Anderson continued. “Whether this portrays economic reality is debatable.”

Put plainly, workers’ wages and salaries are continuing to rise after stagnant to zero gains from the Great Recession until 2017.

Disposable personal income rose $155.0 billion, or 4.1%, in Q3, compared with an increase of $168.9 billion, or 4.5%, in the second quarter. Real disposable personal income increased 2.5%, the same increase as in Q2.

Personal saving was $999.6 billion in the third quarter, compared with $1,054.3 billion in Q2. The personal saving rate — personal saving as a percentage of disposable personal income — was 6.4% in Q3, compared with 6.8% in Q2.

The Federal Reserve also raised its real gross domestic product (GDP) annual growth projection for 2018 to 3.1%, up from 2.8%.

The BEA reported the advance estimate for

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley Sends Message to False Accusers

Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, left, and liberal activist lawyer Michael Avenatti.

Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, left, and liberal activist lawyer Michael Avenatti.

Michael Avenatti and his client Julie Swetnick have been referred for criminal prosecution relating to false accusations made against Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh. Ms. Swetnick was the third accuser to make unsubstantiated allegations against the nominee.

In a letter sent Thursday to Attorney General Jeff Sessions at the Justice Department (DOJ) and Director Christopher Wray at the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Senate Judiciaru Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Ia., cites potential violations of 18 U.S.C. §§ 371, 1001 and 1505, which respectively define the federal criminal offenses of conspiracy, false statements and obstruction of Congress.

“When a well-meaning citizen comes forward with information relevant to the committee’s work, I take it seriously. It takes courage to come forward, especially with allegations of sexual misconduct or personal trauma. I’m grateful for those who find that courage,” Chairman Grassley said in a statement. “But in the heat of partisan moments, some do try to knowingly mislead the committee. That’s unfair to my colleagues, the nominees and others providing information who are seeking the truth.”

The referral seeks further investigation only, and is not intended to be an allegation of a crime. Avenatti, who also represents Stormy Daniels, is known as a Democratic operative and the media public relations industry’s version of a slip-and-fall lawyer. He attacked Chairman Grassley on Twitter.

“It is ironic that Senator Grassley now is interested in investigations. He didn’t care when it came to putting a man on the SCOTUS for life,” he tweeted. “We welcome the investigation as now we can finally get to the bottom of Judge Kavanaugh’s lies and conduct. Let the truth be known.”

“Maybe if Grassley was actually a lawyer that knew something about the law, he would realize what he has done,” he tweeted in a follow up. “He just opened up Pandora’s box as it relates to Justice Kavanaugh’s conduct. It is Christmas in October!”

Initially, Ms. Swetnick alleged in a signed statement on September 26 to have witnessed Judge Kavanaugh at “gang rape” parties and claimed to have become a victim of one of the ten she attended while in college.

Justice Kavanaugh would’ve been in high school at the time.

Nevertheless, she backpedaled during an interview with MSNBC that aired on October 1, leaving nothing but insinuations and vague claims. Then, the Senate Judiciary Committee received a signed statement from Mr. Dennis Ketterer, the former Democratic candidate for Congress and weatherman for WJLA Channel 7 in Washington.

Mr. Ketterer had a relationship with Ms. Swetnick, and claimed in the statement made under penalty of perjury that sh “liked toe have sex with more than one guy at a time.” In fact, it’s one of the main reasons he ended the relationship.

“During a conversation about our sexual preferences, things got derailed when Julie told me that she liked to have sex with more than one guy at a time,” the signed statement reads. “In fact sometimes with several at one time. She wanted to know if that would be ok in our relationship.”

Further, Mr. Ketterer claimed under penalty of perjury, she never mentioned the alleged incident with the judge or the gang rapes.

“It stifles our ability to work on legitimate lines of inquiry. It also wastes time and resources for destructive reasons. Thankfully, the law prohibits such false statements to Congress and obstruction of congressional committee investigations,” Chairman Grassley added. “For the law to work, we can’t just brush aside potential violations. I don’t take lightly making a referral of this nature, but ignoring this behavior will just invite more of it in the future.”

This is the second criminal referral to come out of the committee relating to false accusations made against Justice Kavanaugh. Last month, Chairman Grassley referred for criminal investigation another individual who made false sexual-assault allegations, which were then investigated by committee staff before the individual recanted the claims on social media.

[su_document url=”https://www.peoplespunditdaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/2018-10-25-CEG-to-DOJ-FBI-Swetnick-and-Avenatti-Referral_Redacted.pdf” width=”720″ height=”860″]

Michael Avenatti and client Julie Swetnick have

A Boeing worker is pictured in the wing system installation area at their factory in Renton, Washington, U.S., February 13, 2017. (Photo: Reuters)

A Boeing worker is pictured in the wing system installation area at their factory in Renton, Washington, U.S., February 13, 2017. (Photo: Reuters)

The U.S. Census Bureau reported new orders for manufactured durable goods increased $2.0 billion, or 0.8% to $262.1 billion in September. Durable goods orders have now seen an increase in three of the last four months, including a 4.6% gain in August.

The forecasts ranged from -3.0% to 1.8% for September, and the median forecast was calling for -1.5%.

Excluding transportation, new orders increased 0.1 percent. Excluding defense, new orders decreased 0.6%. Transportation equipment, also up three of the last four months, led the increase, $1.8 billion or 1.9% to $97.4 billion.

The U.S. Census Bureau reported new orders

U.S. jobless claims graph on a tablet screen. (Photo: AdobeStock)

U.S. jobless claims graph on a tablet screen. (Photo: AdobeStock)

The U.S. Labor Department (DOL) reported first time jobless claims rose 5,000 to a seasonally adjusted 215,000 for the week ending October 20. The 4-week moving average came in at 211,750, unchanged from the previous week’s unrevised average.

The advance seasonally adjusted insured unemployment rate fell 0.1% to a very low 1.1% for the week ending October 13. The advance number for seasonally adjusted insured unemployment during the week ending October 13 came in at 1,636,000, a decline of 5,000 from the previous week’s revised level.

This is the lowest level for insured unemployment since August 4, 1973 when it was 1,633,000. The previous week’s level was revised up 1,000 from 1,640,000 to 1,641,000.

Meanwhile, the 4-week moving average came in at 1,646,500, a decline of 6,750 from the previous week’s revised average. This is the lowest level for this average since August 11, 1973 when it was 1,627,250. The previous week’s average was revised up by 250 from 1,653,000 to 1,653,250.

Hurricane Michael had no initial impact on weekly jobless claims and only margin impact was expected for the week ending October 20. The forecasts ranged from 205,000 to 220,000, with the median forecast calling for 212,000.

No state was triggered “on” the Extended Benefits program during the week ending October 6.

The highest insured unemployment rates in the week ending October 6 were in Alaska (1.8), New Jersey (1.8), Puerto Rico (1.7), California (1.6), the Virgin Islands (1.6), Connecticut (1.5), Pennsylvania (1.4), and the District of Columbia (1.3).

The largest increases in initial claims for the week ending October 13 were in California (+2,597), Tennessee (+689), Wisconsin (+637), Kansas (+589), and Minnesota (+433), while the largest decreases were in Kentucky (-6,246), North Carolina (-2,944), Michigan (-2,124), Illinois (-1,078), and Georgia (-850).

Jobless claims came in at 215,000 for

Liberty Never Sleeps Volume 5 Episode 176

Violence and civility are two different sides of a coin and Tom asks what is the role and purpose of both on today’s show.

Liberty Never Sleeps Banner

*Daredevil A Winner
*Serial Bomber?
*Advocacy of Violence
*Self Defense and Civility
*Everyone is Columbo

Today’s Bumpers:

Boston Landing- Blue Dot Sessions
Pedal Rider- Blue Dot Sessions
Greylock- Blue Dot Sessions
15 Street- Blue Dot Sessions
One Eight Four- Blue Dot Sessions
Lumber Down- Blue Dot Sessions

Closing Music

The money pledged thru Patreon.com will go toward show costs such as advertising, server time, and broadcasting equipment. If we can get enough listeners, we will expand the show to two hours and hire additional staff.

To help our show out, please support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/LibertyNeverSleeps

All bumper music and sound clips are not owned by the show, are commentary, and of educational purposes, or de minimus effect, and not for monetary gain.

No copyright is claimed in any use of such materials and to the extent that material may appear to be infringed, I assert that such alleged infringement is permissible under fair use principles in U.S. copyright laws. If you believe material has been used in an unauthorized manner, please contact the poster.

Violence and civility are two different sides

SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act Latest in Long Line of Actions to Combat Opioid Crisis Under Trump Administration

President Executive Order (Photo: AP)

President Executive Order (Photo: AP)

President Donald Trump on Wednesday signed into law the most significant and sweeping legislation to date to combat the nation’s opioid crisis. The president campaigned on combating the opioid epidemic, which just this year has claimed the lives of almost 47,000 Americans.

As commander-in-chief, he has made the scourge a central focus of his administration.

“From day one of this Administration, President Trump has called upon a whole of government approach to combat our addiction crisis,” said Deputy Director James Carroll of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP). “That call has been manifested into today’s bill signing.”

The SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act allows the U.S. Postal Service to scan packages for illicit opioids, increases funding for recovery centers, and expands Medicaid to cover a larger array of treatment options for patients struggling with opioid addiction.

“This historic package makes meaningful reforms to keep illicit drugs out of our communities, better monitor prescribing, prevent addiction and help those suffering with a substance use disorder get the treatment and recovery support they need,” Mr. Carroll added. “It also reauthorizes ONDCP so that we can continue our mission and coordinate across the federal government.”

In total, President Trump has signed into law nearly $5 billion in funding to address the opioid crisis.

“The legislation signed by the president today gives community leaders—the people doing this vital work day in and day out—more resources to help people get clean and stay clean,” House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., said in a statement. “It helps stem the flow of opioids into communities by encouraging non-opioid prescriptions and helping law enforcement crack down on synthetic drugs like fentanyl.”

“Good news: @POTUS just signed the ‘SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act,’ a landmark #opioids bill that includes new programs to keep families safe,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Kty., said on Twitter. “The bill takes steps to stop illegal drugs and synthetic opioids from crossing the border.”

“It provides states the tools they need to improve access to treatment and encourages educational programs in schools to help prevent addiction,” he tweeted in a follow up. “It invests in the development of non-addictive painkillers and in research of mental-health factors that may contribute to addiction.”

Every day, more than 115 Americans die from opioid overdoses. That’s more than one person every 15 minutes. The National Institute of Drug Abuse finds nearly 80% of heroin users started with prescription opioids.

From 1999 to 2016, overdose deaths as a result of heroin use increased 7 times, and deaths from synthetic opioids such as fentanyl has risen by nearly 21 times.

Scrabble-like text depicting opioids on an American flag to underscore the opioid epidemic in the United States. (Photo: AdobeStock)

Scrabble-like text depicting opioids on an American flag to underscore the opioid epidemic in the United States. (Photo: AdobeStock)

The enactment of the SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act is the latest in a long and growing line of actions taken by the Trump Administration to address the opioid epidemic.

In November 2017, the president donated his third-quarter presidential salary to anti-opioid initiatives at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

In April 2017, the Trump Administration announced it would provide grants to all 50 states to combat opioid addiction. The funding was the first of two rounds to be allocated under the 21st Century Cures Act.

In August 2017, President Trump officially declared the opioid crisis a national emergency. The Commission on Combating Drug Addiction and the Opioid Crisis said that executive action would make the opioid crisis a top priority and allow the Cabinet to take “bold steps” against drug abuse.

In March 2018, the White House unveiled the Initiative to Stop Opioids Abuse and Reduce Drug Supply and Demand. The three-pronged strategy targets the factors the Commission and others identified as fueling the opioid crisis, including increased prosecution of those fueling the crisis.

The Department of Justice (DOJ) cracked down on fraudulent opioid prescriptions and the doctors who prescribe them. In June 2018, the DOJ announced the “largest health care fraud enforcement action in DOJ history.”

The legislation signed into law Wednesday will have real impact in states most affected by the opioid crisis — which voted for Donald Trump — such as Ohio, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Michigan. As of 2016, West Virginia ranked number one in opioid overdoses with a death rate of 43.4 per 100,000 residents.

President Donald Trump on Wednesday signed into

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