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Import, Export, Logistics concept - Map global partner connection of Container Cargo freight ship for Logistic Import Export background (Photo: AdobeStock/Elements of this image furnished by NASA)

Import, Export, Logistics concept – Map global partner connection of Container Cargo freight ship for Logistic Import Export background (Photo: AdobeStock/Elements of this image furnished by NASA)

The U.S. trade deficit came in at an estimated $72.2 billion in July, up $4.3 billion from $67.9 billion in June. The consensus forecast was calling for an increase of $69.4 billion.

Exports of goods for July were $140.0 billion, $2.5 billion less than June exports. Imports of goods for July were $212.2 billion, $1.8 billion more than June imports.

Advance Wholesale Inventories

Wholesale inventories adjusted for seasonal variations but not for price changes were estimated at an end-of-month level of $637.0 billion for July, up 0.7% from June 2018 and up 5.2% from July 2017. The May 2018 to June 2018 percentage change was unrevised from the preliminary estimate of up 0.1%.

Advance Retail Inventories

Retail inventories adjusted for seasonal variations but not for price changes were estimated at an end-of-month level of $637.7 billion for July, up 0.4% from June 2018 and up 2.3% from July 2017. The May 2018 to June 2018 percentage change was revised from up 0.1% to unchanged.

The U.S. trade deficit came in at

New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) Building in the Lower Manhattan Financial District, New York City. (Photo: Tomasz Zajda/AdobeStock/PPD)

New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) Building in the Lower Manhattan Financial District, New York City. (Photo: Tomasz Zajda/AdobeStock/PPD)

All major market averages are following strongly on gains from Friday, and extended their gains from the first 90 minutes of trading in response to President Donald Trump’s roll out of a fresh trade deal with Mexico, which he framed as a replacement of the 25 year-old NAFTA trade deal.

With less than an hour left in the trading day, all major indices with the exception of the Dow Jones Industrial Averages (INDEXCBOE: .INX) are in all time high territory.

· The Dow is higher by close to +1% at 26,041. The all time closing high is 26,616 from January 26 of this year. Clearly the big multinational industrials that also have exposure to a strong US $$$ have underperformed the last 6 months as the uncertainty over trade negotiations and the threat of escalating trade tensions have been a heavy weight.

· The NASDAQ (INDEXNASDAQ: .IXIC) composite has broken through the 8000 level for the first time, currently at 8017.9. Friday the NASDAQ closed at an all time high of 7945. This is a very strong sign for the tech heavy NASDAQ which was threatening the 7500 support level only 2 months ago. As recently as 2 weeks ago NASDAQ caught another wave of selling following a disappointing earnings miss from the Chinese internet behemoth Tencent. The earnings by Tencent was their 1st in a decade, and for close to a week, sent caution through investors in the Social Media/Internet space that we might be at a moment of PEAK FANG in the space.

· The S&P 500 (INDEXCBOE: .INX) is +.77% at 2896. The S&P500 posted a new closing high on Friday by merely 2 points and there was some concern over holding and validating that breakout after 2 strong days of gains at the end of last week. It’s very likely we hold that breakout today, in fact there is even a moderate GAP between the Friday close and the opening this morning to support the breakout.

· The Russell 2000 (INDEXRUSSELL: RUT) small cap index is also participating, holding its breakout above the 1700 level from just over a week ago. This reinforces the breadth of the rally, and it just can’t be over stated how impressive it is to have the Russell participating in lock step with the DJIA and the S&P 500.

All major market averages with the exception

President Donald Trump marvels at the crowd size during a rally in Tampa, Florida on Tuesday, July 31, 2018. (Photo: Laura Baris/People's Pundit Daily)

President Donald Trump marvels at the crowd size during a rally in Tampa, Florida on Tuesday, July 31, 2018. (Photo: Laura Baris/People’s Pundit Daily)

The Atlanta Federal Reserve’s GDPNow forecast is currently at +4.6% for the third quarter (Q3) 2018. It always makes me a bit nervous the way people get excited about the Atlanta Fed’s forecast in the middle of a quarter (we’ve got 5 weeks to go).

This forecast will have at least a dozen iterations between now and when the “advance” Q3 gross domestic product (GDP) report comes out in late October. It’s always a very fluid forecast. I feel confident the initial print on Q3 GDP will come in between +3.5% and +4.0%.

Unemployment claims came within 1000 of hitting a 50-year low last week. It’s a mundane weekly report, but a very reliable predictor of the real economy.

S&P 500 Earnings for Q2 are at $160ish on an annual rate. This represents YoY earnings growth of +28% an increase from +25% after Q1. S&P 500 Revenues for Q2 increased at +11%. This is a big deal, as it’s much easier to “massage” bottom line earnings than top line revenues.

The Savings Rate was just revised higher by 3% to 7%.

Credit Spreads, which typically lead GDP by at least 1 quarter, remain very narrow. Consumer Net Worth is Expanding. Historically, consumer net worth has a 2-quarter lag on GDP growth.

Business Investment and Spending is very likely to increase. This will be supported by expanding earnings, lower taxes, and corporate dollars coming back to the U.S. from repatriation.

Now, there has been occasional banter over the sustainability of this economic expansion, and whether we are 12 to 18 months from the next downturn, recession. The historical comparisons for this say otherwise.

Let’s take a closer look at a few key Macro Metrics today, and where they were just before the last recession:

2000 2018
S&P 500 30s 18
Fed Funds Rate 6.00% 2.00%
FF to 10 yr yield curve 20 basis points 80 basis points

Despite all the talk about the risks of a flattening yield curve, the very short end of the curve, FF to 2 years, is plenty steep, showing that monetary policy is still quite stimulative.

While in 2000 the recession was just 12 months out, Key Macro Indicators today tell us we are at least 2 to 3 years from the next economic downturn.

Atlanta Fed's GDPNow forecast is currently

President Donald J. Trump speaks on the phone with Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto on Jan. 27, 2017.

President Donald J. Trump speaks on the phone with Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto on Jan. 27, 2017.

The U.S. and Mexico have tentatively agreed to a new trade deal while renegotiating the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). President Donald Trump spoke on the phone with outgoing Mexican president, and will hold a formal ceremony in the near future.

“It’s a big day for trade, a big day for our country,” President Trump said in the Oval Office on Monday. “A lot of people thought we’d never get here.”

The president also said the bilateral deal will not be given the same name as its multilateral predecessor, given NAFTA’s “negative connotations.”

“They used to call it NAFTA,” he said. “We’re going to call it the United States Mexico Trade Agreement.”

Enrique Peña Nieto, the outgoing Mexican president, congratulated President Trump for having the “political will in all this” as negotiations were underway.

“I think this is something very positive for the United States and Mexico. The first reason for this call is to celebrate the understanding we’ve both had to renegotiating NAFTA. It’s an interest we’ve had for quite a few months now, to renew it, to rewrite it, to update it, and to generate a framework that will generate productivity in North America.”

“I really recognize and acknowledge your political will in all this.”

The new deal will likely be signed in November. The White House will formally begin the process by sending a letter to the U.S. Congress on Friday, which starts a 90-day layover period.

The U.S. and Mexico have tentatively agreed

Pompeo: U.S. Will Vigorously Defend Against Iran’s Meritless Claims in The Hague

Mike Pompeo, first the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) before State Department nominee, left, with President Donald J. Trump, right. (Photo: AP)

Mike Pompeo, first the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) before State Department nominee, left, with President Donald J. Trump, right. (Photo: AP)

THE HAGUE, Netherlands — Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Iran’s application asking The Hague to block sanctions is “a misuse” of the International Court of Justice (ICJ). Iran asked the UN’s highest court to interfere based on alleged violations of the Treaty of Amity, Economic Relations, and Consular Rights, a bilateral agreement dating back to 1955.

In May, President Donald Trump announced he would withdraw the U.S. from the “defective” Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), commonly referred to as the Iran nuclear deal, calling it “defective” for failing to prevent Tehran’s nuclear ambitions.

“Iran’s filing with the ICJ is an attempt to interfere with the sovereign rights of the United States to take lawful actions, including re-imposition of sanctions, which are necessary to protect our national security,” Secretary Pompeo said. “The proceedings instituted by Iran are a misuse of the Court.”

The ICJ is comprised of 15 judges who are elected by the United Nations (UN) General Assembly and the UN Security Council. They serve for nine-year terms at the Peace Palace in The Hague, Netherlands.

Iran filed the challenge with the ICJ in July, claiming it violates the previous treaty that regulates economic and consular ties between the two nations. But Secretary Pompeo framed the issue as one of sovereignty, and emphasized again why President Trump made the decision to leave the agreement.

“President Trump withdrew from the JCPOA for a simple reason: it failed to guarantee the safety of the American people from the risk created by Iran’s leaders,” he said. “We will vigorously defend against Iran’s meritless claims this week in The Hague, and we will continue to work with our allies to counter the Iranian regime’s destabilizing activities in the region, block their financing of terror, and address Iran’s proliferation of ballistic missiles and other advanced weapons systems that threaten international peace and stability.”

Last week, the Trump Administration announced the creation of the Iran Action Group to coordinate the State Department’s Iran-related activity. The new group, led by Special Representative for Iran Brian Hook, will report directly to the secretary and will now be responsible for advancing those foreign policy objectives on a daily basis.

“We will also ensure Iran has no path to a nuclear weapon – not now, not ever,” Mr. Pompeo added. “The United States stands with the Iranian people who are longing for a country of economic opportunity, government transparency, and freedom from oppression.”

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Iran's

The Chicago Fed National Activity Index (CFNAI) moderated to +0.13 in July, down from +0.48 and below the 0.38 consensus forecast. The CFNAI is a monthly index by the Chicago Fed to gauge overall economic activity and related inflationary pressure.

It’s a weighted average of 85 existing monthly indicators of national economic activity. It is constructed to have an average value of zero and a standard deviation of one.

While 3 of the 4 broad categories of indicators in the index fell from June, 3 of the 4 also made positive contributions in July.

The index’s 3-month moving average, CFNAI-MA3, declined to +0.05 in July from +0.20 in June. The CFNAI Diffusion Index, which is also a 3-month moving average, decreased to +0.08 in July from +0.19 in June.

Thirty-six of the 85 individual indicators made positive contributions to the CFNAI in July, while 49 made negative contributions. Thirty-four (34) indicators improved from June to July, while 51 indicators deteriorated. Of the indicators that improved, 13 made negative contributions.

The Chicago Fed National Activity Index (CFNAI) moderated

A support tries to capture a photo/video of President Donald Trump President Donald Trump jokes with the crowd President Donald Trump touts record low unemployment for minorities during a rally in Tampa, Florida on Tuesday, July 31, 2018. (Photo: Laura Baris/People's Pundit Daily)

A support tries to capture a photo/video of President Donald Trump President Donald Trump jokes with the crowd President Donald Trump touts record low unemployment for minorities during a rally in Tampa, Florida on Tuesday, July 31, 2018. (Photo: Laura Baris/People’s Pundit Daily)

Stocks just set a new record for the longest “bull market” in history. If you’re an optimist, this is a reason to celebrate the relatively high level of economic freedom in the United States.

If you’re a pessimist, you might appreciate that there’s more economic liberty in America than most other places, but you still worry whether easy-money policies from the Fed have created a bubble in financial markets.

And if you’re fair, you admit that some of Trump’s policies are helping the economy and some are hurting the economy. Which was my message in this recent interview.

Simply stated, I like what Trump is doing on taxes and regulation, but I’m not a fan of what he’s doing on spending and trade.

Because he’s all over the map, it’s not easy to assign an overall grade to Trump’s economic policy (especially since it’s an open question whether Trump is trying to liberalize trade or restrict it).

Regardless, this discussion got me thinking of how best to explain the importance of various economic policies. Regular readers know I’m a huge fan of both the Fraser Institute’s Economic Freedom of the World and the Heritage Foundation’s Index of Economic Freedom.

At the risk of oversimplifying, both publications measure economic freedom by looking at a combination of fiscal policy, regulatory policy, trade policy, monetary policy, and quality of governance (encompassing factors such as the legal system and property rights).

Generally speaking, the various policies are equally weighted. Which, based on a lot of research, is correct. But I wonder if the various policies are equal in different ways. I sometimes use a simple analogy in speeches, equating economic policy with the soundness of a house.

  • The quality of governance is akin to the foundation, because just as a very nice house won’t last long if built on a shaky foundation, good policies won’t generate much prosperity if the legal system is corrupt and property rights aren’t protected.
  • Monetary policy is akin to the framework of the house because it is also systemically important. Most recessions (and the false booms that precede downturns) are caused by misguided central bank tinkering.
  • Finally, as shown in my amateur drawing, trade policy, regulatory policy, and fiscal policy are the floors of the house. They determine the livability of the house, whereas monetary policy and quality of governance determine the structural soundness of the house.

To elaborate on this analogy, consider what I wrote a few days ago about Denmark. That house has a strong foundation and a solid framework, but the floor for fiscal policy is a total mess. Since I focus mostly on public finance, I get very agitated about that floor of the house. But as an economist, I nonetheless admit it’s still a nice place to live.

Conversely, Lebanon has one the best floors for fiscal policy, but the foundation is quicksand and the regulatory floor is a wreck. So that may not be an ideal place to live (notwithstanding compensating factors).

Anyhow, I’m looking for feedback. When I first proposed my Golden Rule, it was wordy and clunky. I got some great suggestions and eventually produced a much better version. I’d like to do the same for overall economic policy.

Stocks just set a new record for

A key insight of international economics is that there should be “convergence” between rich countries and poor countries, which is just another way of saying that low-income nations – all other things being equal – should grow faster than high-income nations and eventually attain the same level of prosperity.

The theory is sound, but it’s very important to focus on the caveat about “all other things being equal.” As I explain in this interview from my last trip to Australia, countries with bad policy will grow slower than nations that follow the right policies.

When I discuss convergence, I often share the data on Hong Kong and Singapore because those jurisdictions have caught up to the United States. But I make sure to explain that the convergence was only possible because of good policy.

I also share the data showing that Europe was catching up to the United States after World War II, just as predicted by the theory, but then convergence ground to a halt once those nations imposed some bad policy – such as costly welfare states.

In other words, convergence is a choice, not destiny.

Countries with small government and laissez-faire markets are the ones that grow and converge. The nations with statist policy languish and suffer. Or even de-converge, with Argentina and Venezuela being depressing examples.

Let’s see what academics have to say about this issue.

We’ll start by looking at some research at VoxEU by Professor Linda Yueh. She wants to understand the characteristics that determine national prosperity.

It’s a long-standing economic question as to why more countries are not prosperous. …The World Bank estimates that of the 101 middle-income economies in 1960, just a dozen or so had become prosperous by 2008… But, hundreds of millions of people have joined the middle classes. …How has this been achieved? Possessing good institutions is what economists have come to focus on and the spread of such institutions seems to have been key…the father of New Institutional Economics…Douglass North…stressed that there was no reason why countries could not learn from more successful economies to better their own institutions. That finally happened in the 1990s.

I’m a fan of Douglass North since he – along with many other winners of the Nobel Prize – has endorsed tax competition.

In his case, the goal was for nations to face pressure to adopt good institutions.

And Professor Yueh explains that this means rule of law and free markets.

China, India, and Eastern Europe changed course. China and India re-oriented their economies outward to integrate with the world economy, while Eastern Europe shed the old communist institutions and adopted market economies. In other words, having tried central planning (in China and the former Soviet Union) and import substitution industrialisation (in India), these economies abandoned their old approaches and adopted as well as adapted the economic policies of more successful economies. For instance, China, which has accounted for the bulk of poverty reduction since 1990, undertook an ‘open door’ policy that sought to integrate into global production chains which increased competition into its economy that had been dominated by state-owned enterprises. India likewise abandoned its previous protectionist policies…in Central and Eastern Europe. Communism gave way to capitalism, with these nations adopting entirely new institutions that re-geared their economies toward the market.

All of this is good news, but not great news. Simply stated, partial liberalization can lift people out of poverty.

But it takes comprehensive liberalization for a nation to become genuinely rich.

As many of these economies, especially China, have become middle-income countries, their economic growth is slowing down. And they may slow down so far that they never become rich. But, their collective growth has lifted a billion people of out of extreme poverty.

Let’s now see what other scholars say about convergence.

Some new research from the St. Louis Federal Reserve examines this topic. Here’s the mystery they want to address.

Over the past half-century, world income disparities have widened. The gap in real gross domestic product (GDP) per capita relative to the United States between advanced and poor countries has increased. For example, the ratio of average real GDP per capita among the top 10 percent of countries to the bottom 10 percent has increased from less than 20 in 1960 to more than 40 in 1990, and to more than 50 since the turn of the new millennium… The main point to be addressed in this article is why the income disparities between fast-growing economies and development laggards have widened.

In other words, they want to understand why some nations converge and some don’t.

We select a set of 10 fast-growing economies. This set includes Asian countries and African economies that are perceived as better performing. In contrast, we select a set of 10 development laggards. Beyond the typical candidates of countries mired in the poverty trap, this set includes countries with similar or even better initial states than some of the fast-growing countries, but with divergent paths of development leading to worse macroeconomic outcomes. That is, among development laggards, we choose two subgroups, one consisting of trapped economies and another of lag-behind countries. …Using cross-country analysis, we find that a key factor for fast-growing countries to grow faster than the United States and for trapped economies to grow slower than the United States is the relative TFP… Overall, we find that institutional barriers have played the most important role, accounting for more than half the economic growth in fast-growing and trapped economies and for more than 100 percent of the economic growth in the lag-behind countries.

Here are their case studies, showing income relative to the United States (a 1.0 means the same degree of prosperity as America).

As you can see, some nations catch up and some fall further behind, while others have periods of convergence and de-convergence.

And what causes these changes?

The degree to which nations have good policy.

…we identify that unnecessary protectionism, government misallocation, corruption, and financial instability have been key institutional barriers causing countries to either fall into the poverty trap or lag behind without a sustainable growth engine. Such barriers have created frictions or distortions to capital markets, trade, and industrialization, subsequently preventing these countries from advancing. …By reviewing the previous country-specific details, one can see that the 10 fast-growing countries have all adopted an open policy… Their governments have undertaken serious reforms, particularly in both labor and financial markets. …Thus, the establishment of correct institutions and individual incentives for better access to capital markets, international trade, and industrialization can be viewed as crucial for a country to advance with sustained economic growth

Here’s a table from the report showing the policies that help and the policies that hurt. Needless to say, it would be good if the White House understood that protectionism is one of the factors that undermine growth.

Interestingly, the study from the St. Louis Federal Reserve includes some country-specific analysis.

Here’s what it said about India, which suffered during an era of statism but has enjoyed decent growth more recently thanks to partial liberalization.

During 1950-90, India’s per capita income grew at an average annual rate of only about 2 percent, a result due to the Indian government’s implementation of restrictive trade, financial, and industrial policies. The Indian state took control of major heavy industries, by including additional licensing requirements, capacity restrictions, and limits on the regulatory framework. …In the late 1970s, the Indian government opened the economy by liberalizing both international trade and the capital market, leading to rapid growth in the early 1990s. As argued by Rodrik and Subramanian (2005), the trigger for India’s economic growth was an attitudinal shift on the part of the national government in 1980 in favor of private businesses. …The final trigger of the major economic reform of Manmohan Singh in the 1990s was due to the well-known 1991 balance-of-payment crisis….This reform ended the protectionist policies followed by previous Indian governments and started the liberalization of the economy toward a free-market system. This event led to an average annual growth rate that exceeded 6 percent in per capita terms during 1990-2005.

For what it’s worth, I am semi-pessimistic about India. Simply stated, there’s hasn’t been enough reform.

We also have some discussion regarding Argentina, which is mostly a sad story of ever-expanding government.

Argentina is the third-largest economy in Latin America and was one of the richest countries in the world in the early twentieth century. However, after the Great Depression, import substitution generated a cost-push effect of high wages on inflation. During 1975-90, growing government spending, large wage increases, and inefficient production created chronic inflation that increased until the 1980s, and real per capita income fell by more than 20 percent. …In 1991, the government attempted to control inflation by pegging the peso to the U.S. dollar. In addition, it began to privatize state-run enterprises on a broader basis and stop the run of government debt. Unfortunately, lacking a full commitment, the economy continued to crumble slowly and eventually collapsed in 2001 when the Argentine government defaulted on its debt. Its GDP declined by nearly 20 percent in four years, unemployment reached 25 percent, and the peso depreciated by 70 percent after being devalued and floated.

But if we go to the other side of the Andes Mountains, we find some good news in Chile.

From the Second World War to 1970, real GDP per capita of Chile increased at an average annual rate of 1.6 percent, and its economic performance was behind those of Latin America’s large and medium-sized countries. Chile pursued an import-substitution strategy, which resulted in an acute overvaluation of its currency that intensified inflation. …Although most Latin American countries have practiced strong government intervention in the markets since the mid-1970s, Chile pursued free market reform. …The outcomes are as follows: Exports grew rapidly, per capita income took off, inflation declined to single digits, wages increased substantially, and the incidence of poverty plummeted (compare with Edwards and Edwards, 1991). Since the democratic administration of Patricio Aylwin in 1990, the economic reform has been accelerated and Chile has become one of the healthiest economies in Latin America.

Not only has Chile become the richest nation in Latin America, it also has enjoyed significant convergence with the United States. About 40 years ago, according to the Maddison database, per-capita GDP in Chile was only about 20 percent of U.S. levels. Now it is 40 percent.

I’ll close with a chart, based on the Maddison numbers, showing how Hong Kong, Singapore, and Switzerland have converged with the United States. These are the only nations that have ranked in the top-10 for economic freedom ever since the rankings began. As you can see, their reward is prosperity.

The bottom line is that there is a recipe for growth and prosperity. That’s the good news.

The bad news is that very few nations follow the recipe since economic liberty means restricting the power of special interests and the political elite.

CATO economist Dan Mitchell explains the economics

Senator Elizabeth Warren gives remarks on the Senate floor on June 22, 2017 after the release of the Senate Republicans' health care bill.

Senator Elizabeth Warren gives remarks on the Senate floor on June 22, 2017 after the release of the Senate Republicans’ health care bill.

Donald Trump wants to make protectionism great again. Bernie Sanders wants to make socialism great again.

And if we continue with sarcastic headlines, Elizabeth Warren wants to make cronyism great again.

She has a plan, which she explained in a column for the Wall Street Journal and also in this press release on her Senate website, that would give politicians and bureaucrats sweeping powers over large companies.

There’s a technical term for this system of private ownership/government control. It’s called fascism, though I prefer referring to it as corporatism or dirigisme to distinguish what Warren is doing from the racist and militaristic version of that ideology.

Or we can just call it crazy. Kevin Williamson summarizes this dangerous proposal for National Review.

Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts has one-upped socialists Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: She proposes to nationalize every major business in the United States of America. If successful, it would constitute the largest seizure of private property in human history. …Senator Warren’s proposal entails the wholesale expropriation of private enterprise in the United States, and nothing less. It is unconstitutional, unethical, immoral, irresponsible, and — not to put too fine a point on it — utterly bonkers. …To propose such a thing for sincere reasons would be ghastly stupidity. …Politicians such as Senator Warren lack the courage to go to the American electorate and say: “We wish to provide these benefits, and they will cost an extra $3 trillion a year, which we will pay for by doubling taxes.” …It treats the productive capacity of the United States as a herd of dairy cows to be milked by Senator Warren et al. at their convenience. And, of course, Senator Warren and her colleagues get to decide how the milk gets distributed, too. …Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Hugo Chávez, Huey Long: The rogues’ gallery of those who sought to fortify their political power by bullying businesses is long, and it is sickening. Senator Warren now nominates herself to that list

Professor Don Boudreaux of George Mason University exposes Warren’s economic illiteracy.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA)…outlined her new bill that “would require corporations to answer to employees and other stakeholders as well.” …If this mandate is ever enacted, it would radically restructure corporate law, governance, and finance, which is especially frightening because seldom have I encountered so many fallacies…no company in a market economy can force anyone to buy its outputs or to supply it with labor and other inputs, every company, to survive, must continually make attractive offers to consumers, workers, and suppliers. The ability of consumers, workers, and suppliers to say no combines with the law of contract — which requires parties to honor whatever commitments they voluntarily make to each other — to guarantee that companies are fully accountable to everyone with whom they exchange. Companies therefore are fully accountable to their customers and to their workers… the senator offers absolutely no evidence — not even a single anecdote — that companies are unaccountable to consumers.

Not that we needed more evidence that she doesn’t understand economics.

Walter Olson points out that Warren’s legislation would expropriate wealth, presumably in violation of the Constitution’s taking clause.

Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts has introduced legislation that would radically overhaul corporate governance in America, requiring that the largest (over $1 billion) companies obtain revocable charters from the federal government to do business, instituting rules reminiscent of German-style co-determination… Sen. Warren’s proposal would pull down three main pillars of U.S. corporate governance: shareholder primacy, director independence, and charter federalism. …Warren-style rules…would in effect confiscate at a stroke a large share of stockholder value, transferring it to some combination of worker and “community” interests. …This gigantic expropriation, of course, might be a Pyrrhic victory for many workers and retirees whose 401(k) values would take a huge hit… some early enthusiasts for the Warren plan are treating the collapse of shareholder value as a feature rather than a bug, arguing that it would reduce wealth inequality. …it would test the restraints the U.S. Constitution places on the taking of property without compensation.

Wow, it belies belief that some leftists support policies that will hurt everyone so long as rich people suffer the most. The ghost of Jonathan Swift is smiling.

Samuel Hammond of the Niskanen Center explains why Warren’s scheme would be devastating to fast-growing innovative companies.

The United States is home to 64 percent of the world’s billion-dollar privately held companies and a plurality of the world’s billion-dollar startups. Known in the industry as “unicorns,” they cover industries ranging from aerospace to biotechnology, and they are the reason America remains the engine of innovation for the entire world. Unless Elizabeth Warren gets her way. In a bill unveiled this week, the Massachusetts senator has put forward a proposal that threatens to force America’s unicorns into a corral and domesticate the American economy indefinitely. …the Accountable Capitalism Act is in many ways the most radical proposal advanced by a mainstream Democratic lawmaker to date. …Warren’s proposal is to fundamentally upend the way the most productive companies in the American economy work from the top down.

Writing for CapX, Oliver Wiseman wisely warns that Warren’s power-grab will undermine productivity.

…her federal charter system would make large firms accountable to politicians – not the people. And that, given the current occupant of the White House, it is surprising that someone from the left of the Democratic party cannot see how this isn’t just deeply illiberal but really rather dangerous. …much beyond the imposition of costly and inefficient box-ticking exercises. Firms will hold meetings with communities, conduct internal reviews and, in all likelihood, reach the same decision they would have reached anyway. Only more slowly and at greater expense. …If you are worried about stagnating wages, you should be preoccupied by one thing above all else: how to boost productivity. Warren’s vision for “accountable capitalism” not only has nothing to say on the issue, it would chip at way at the dynamism that has been the engine of America’s economic success. …The proposals in the Accountable Capitalism Act are drawn up by someone interested in how the pie is sliced up, not the size of the pie. …According to the economist William Nordhaus, innovators keep just 2 per cent of the social value of their innovations. The rest of us enjoy 98 per cent of the upside.

Amen. When there’s less innovation, investment, and productivity, that means lower wages for the rest of us.

Ryan Bourne highlights for the Weekly Standard how political meddling would create uncertainty and will harm both workers and shareholders.

While she might want businesses to notionally be private entities, the “Accountable Capitalism Act” she unveiled last week represents pure, unadulterated European corporatism… Warren’s proposal would establish in the Commerce Department an Office of United States Corporations to review and grant charters… This office is an almighty and arbitrary Damocles sword, with the politicians that control it able to hold companies in breach of charter for anything and everything they are thought not to have considered. …To say the Act would muddy the waters and create perverse incentives is an understatement. … A 1995-96 meta-analysis of 46 studies on worker participation by economist Chris Doucouliagos found that…co-determination laws were a drag. This all means lower wages for employed workers and huge losses for pension funds and other shareholders.

Last but not least, Barry Brownstein, in an article for FEE, is concerned about politicians holding the whip hand over the economy.

Senator Elizabeth Warren… Her ignorance is bold. …Under her proposed law, Warren and others in government will pretend to know much about that which they know nothing—running every large business in America. …In a few years, under a democratic socialist president—I almost wrote national socialist president—Warren’s dystopia could become a reality. …Imagine a major bear market and the resulting spike in fear. Then, it is not so hard to imagine a future president, with a mindset like that of Senator Warren, barnstorming the country dispensing field guidance. Is not President Trump managing trade via “bold ignorance” paving the way for more politicians like Senator Warren?

These seven articles do a great job of documenting the myriad flaws with Warren’s scheme.

So the only thing I’ll add is that we also need to realize that this plan, if ever enacted, would be a potent recipe for corruption.

We already have many examples of oleaginous interactions between big business and big government. Turbo-charging cronyism is hardly a step in the right direction.

Let’s wrap up. I used to have a schizophrenic view of Elizabeth Warren. Was she a laughable crank with a side order of sleazy ambition? Or was she a typical politician (i.e., a hypocrite and cronyist)?

Now I worry she’s something worse. Sort of a Kamala Harris on steroids.

Elizabeth Warren wants to make cronyism great

Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., speaks to reporters at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, May 10, 2017. (Photo: AP)

Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., speaks to reporters at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, May 10, 2017. (Photo: AP)

Developing: Senator John McCain, R-Ariz., “has now chosen to discontinue medical treatment,” his family said in a statement. The long-time senator was diagnosed with cancer after doctors at the Mayo Clinic Hospital in Phoenix found a brain tumor (glioblastoma) during surgery.

Washington, D.C. ­– The McCain family released the following statement today:

“Last summer, Senator John McCain shared with Americans the news our family already knew: he had been diagnosed with an aggressive glioblastoma, and the prognosis was serious. In the year since, John has surpassed expectations for his survival. But the progress of disease and the inexorable advance of age render their verdict. With his usual strength of will, he has now chosen to discontinue medical treatment. Our family is immensely grateful for the support and kindness of all his caregivers over the last year, and for the continuing outpouring of concern and affection from John’s many friends and associates, and the many thousands of people who are keeping him in their prayers. God bless and thank you all.”

Sen. McCain ran for president twice, unsuccessfully. He ran for but lost the Republican nomination in 2000, when George W. Bush went on to defeat Al Gore. He ran again in 2008, capturing the nomination in 2008 only to lose to Barack Obama in the general election.

On Friday, July 14, the 80-year-old senator had a nearly 2-inch blood clot removed from his left eye.

Developing: Senator John McCain, R-Ariz., "has now

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