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Tom Perez addresses the DNC audience in Atlanta, Ga., February 25, 2017.

Tom Perez addresses the DNC audience in Atlanta, Ga., February 25, 2017.

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) on Friday passed a resolution effectively reversing a ban on donations from fossil fuel companies. The move, which comes just two months after the DNC adopted a resolution banning donations from fossil fuel companies by a unanimous vote, has infuriated activists.

“I am furious that the DNC would effectively undo a resolution passed just two months ago just as the movement to ban fossil fuel corporate PAC money is growing,” R.L. Miller, the president of the super PAC Climate Hawks Vote who co-sponsored the original resolution, told The Huffington Post.

DNC Chair Tom Perez introduced a resolution stating the party “support[s] fossil fuel workers” and accept donations from “employers’ political action committees.” It was approved by a 30-2 vote.

“You can’t do right when you’re getting donations from companies that do wrong,” tweeted actress, activist and candidate Cynthia Nixon, a socialist running for the Democratic nomination against Governor Andrew Cuomo in New York.

The DNC argued that the new resolution is “not a reversal,” as spokeswoman Xochitl Hinojosa put it. She claimed after the vote that “any review of our current donations reflects” the Democrats’ “commitment” to turn away the fossil fuel industry. The DNC also claims not to accepted any fossil fuel donations since adopting the ban.

The initial resolution banned the committee from accepting contributions from corporate PACs with ties to oil, gas and coal companies. It permitted the DNC to accept individual donations from those employed in those industries.

Christine Pelosi, the primary author of the initial resolution and daughter to House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., planned to champion a second proposal in August. It would’ve further prohibited contributions over $200 from individuals who work for the fossil fuel industry.

The DNC’s lackluster fundraising capabilities has been well-reported and documented since Mr. Perez took over as chair. The committee has had to take out loans to effectively keep the lights on, and some Democrats quietly question whether the party can compete on a nationwide scale in November.

The party’s special election candidates have succeeded on the back of Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) fundraising, alone.

According to the latest filings, the DNC is $6.3 million in debt with only $9 million cash on hand (CoH). That compares to the Republican National Committee (RNC), which has $50.7 million CoH and zero in debt.

“As California burns, @TomPerez wants the DNC to undo its ban on fossil fuel contributions,” George Zornick, the editor of The Nation tweeted.

No matter the excuse, the party’s mediate allies and activists aren’t buying it. The devil is in the details, according to activists, who wonder whether it’ll apply only to campaigns in practice.

“Smart Democrats are very good at splitting hairs and nitpicking,” Miller said. “It’s trying to manufacture distinctions out of whole cloth.”

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) on Friday

U.S. President Donald Trump and his nominee for the U.S. Supreme Court Judge Brett Kavanaugh talk during an announcement event in the East Room of the White House in Washington, U.S., July 9, 2018. (Photo: Reuters)

U.S. President Donald Trump and his nominee for the U.S. Supreme Court Judge Brett Kavanaugh talk during an announcement event in the East Room of the White House in Washington, U.S., July 9, 2018. (Photo: Reuters)

Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Ia., said the Senate Judiciary Committee will begin to hold confirmation hearings for U.S. Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh on September 4.

“As I said after his nomination, Judge Kavanaugh is one of the most respected jurists in the country and one of the most qualified nominees ever to be considered by the Senate for a seat on our highest court,” Chairman Grassley said. “My team has already reviewed every page of the over 4,800 pages of judicial opinions Judge Kavanaugh wrote, over 6,400 pages of opinion she joined, more than 125,000 pages of records produced from his White House legal service, and over 17,000 pages in response to the most comprehensive questionnaire ever submitted to a nominee.”

“He’s a mainstream judge,” he added.

President Donald Trump in July nominated Judge Kavanaugh to replace Justice Anthony Kennedy on the U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS). Justice Kennedy announced in June he would retire from the Court, effective July 31, 2018.

Judge Kavanaugh, 53, serves on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit and has authored more than 300 opinions.

“He has a record of judicial independence and applying the law as it is written. He’s met with dozens of senators who have nothing but positive things to say,” Chairman Grassley said. “At this current pace, we have plenty of time to review the rest of emails and other records that we will receive from President Bush and the National Archives.”

The confirmation would give President Trump a second nomination to the Court, and conservatives a chance to tip the ideological balance for a generation. The president nominated Justice Neil Gorsuch to replace the late Antonin Scalia during his first year in office.

Both Justice Gorsuch and Judge Kavanaugh co-clerked for Justice Kennedy.

Democrats have sought to obstruct and delay the nomination, a position they feel they need to to in order to fire up their base ahead of the midterm elections. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., took to Twitter to call the start of the hearings a “mad rush” to hide “important information” about the nominee.

“Republicans’ mad rush to hold this hearing after unilaterally deciding to block nearly all of Judge Kavanaugh’s records from public release is further evidence they are hiding important information from the American people, & continues to raise the question, #WhatAreTheyHiding?”

But the minority can’t use parliamentary tricks to prevent the confirmation hearings from starting, only stall them. Libertarian-leaning Senator Rand Paul, R-Kty., announced he would support the nomination after speaking with Judge Kavanaugh multiple times.

Republicans will need to hold their lines, but also point to the pressure being put on Red State Democrats up for reelection in November.

Regardless, the hearings will begin 57 days after the official nomination, which Chairman Grassley’s office noted is beyond the timetable for Justices Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, and Neil Gorsuch.

“It’s time for the American people to hear directly from Judge Kavanaugh at his public hearing,” Chairman Grassley added.

Chairman Grassley said the Senate Judiciary

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) headquarters in Washington, D.C. (Photo: Reuters)

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) headquarters in Washington, D.C. (Photo: Reuters)

A former IRS employee pleaded guilty to one count of aggravated identity theft for her role in an identity theft refund scheme. Stephanie Parker, a resident of Georgia, worked for the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as a Contact Representative in Atlanta.

Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Richard E. Zuckerman of the Justice Department’s Tax Division and U.S. Attorney Byung J. Pak for the Northern District of Georgia made the announcement on Thursday.

The plea deal states that on at least 5 occasions, Ms. Parker used taxpayers’ personal information to electronically file fraudulent tax returns in their names. Obviously, she did this without their authorization.

These were taxpayers who called into the IRS for assistance from September 2012 to March 2013 and were unfortunate enough to have Ms. Parker handle their inquiries. When the fraudulent tax returns were filed, Ms. Parker directed refunds to bank accounts controlled by her friends.

Subsequently, she had the money withdrawn from at least one of those accounts and deposited a portion of the money into her own bank account. The funds were used for personal expenses.

A former IRS employee pleaded guilty to

I often discuss the importance of long-run growth and I pontificate endlessly about the policies that will produce better economic performance.

But what about short-term fluctuations? Where are we in the so-called business cycle? I don’t think economists are good at forecasting the ups and downs of the economy, but I did mention the factors that might contribute to a downturn in this interview with Dana Loesch.

Dana isn’t the only one interested in this topic.

The New York Times opined today about the state of the economy.

…the American economy has a lot more power…, and it’s making a lot of noise. …While Mr. Trump praised himself effusively…the stock market seemed unimpressed. …That’s because if you look down the line, there are few clear reasons to be so enthusiastic.

I suspect the editors at the NYT are somewhat motivated by a desire to make Trump look bad, but I don’t necessarily disagree with some of their analysis.

Though I think they are wrong on tax policy, which is the best thing that’s happened since Trump took office.

…the initial jolt of the Republicans’ $1.5 trillion tax cuts, mostly for corporations and the wealthy, is wearing off. Corporations have bought back $437 billion of their own shares, which leaves them that much less to invest in new production, or wages.

By the way, there’s nothing wrong with stock buybacks. It’s a way for companies to return profits to shareholders. And those shareholders generally then reinvest the money, so the NYT screwed up on that bit of analysis.

But they raise a very legitimate issue when looking at the impact of monetary policy.

Then there’s the flattening yield curve, which the St. Louis Federal Reserve’s president, James Bullard, warns could invert late this year if current conditions persist. That means short-term rates, such as those for two-year Treasury bonds, run higher than long-term rates, like the 10-year bond, a sign of pessimism that is a well-known red flag.

Though I would add that we wouldn’t be in the position of having to raise rates if the Fed hadn’t pushed rates artificially low in the first place (the same mistake they made last decade, by the way).

In other words, the best way of avoiding “tight money” is to not engage in periods of “easy money.”

The NYT editorial also looks at consumer spending, which is fine if the goal is to see whether retailers are happy. But if the issue is whether the economy is doing well, it’s much more important to see whether personal income is rising or falling.

Consumers were in a spending mood this spring, an attitude that won’t necessarily continue. …A recent Reuters analysis found that the bottom 60 percent of income-earners have been fueling their spending, and thus the economy’s, by using their savings or credit cards. They almost have to, because wage growth is expanding at a disappointing 2.7 percent annual clip.

I fully agree with this excerpt about trade. Assuming he wants to run for reelection, Trump is being very foolish to push for more protectionism.

…consider the administration’s effort to apply the sledgehammer to the economy’s toes via a trade war and ensuing tariffs on imported steel and aluminum, among other products. …Not only have the tariffs contributed to $1 billion in higher costs for General Motors, they are now contributing to rising prices of everything from Cokes to vacuum cleaners as companies pass along those costs to consumers.

Last but not least, I don’t necessarily agree that expansion have to end. After all, the economy is largely capable of self-correcting.

But a “business cycle” is probably inevitable so long as government has so much power to intervene.

None of these issues by themselves will put the brakes on an economy that is powering along with a 3.9 percent unemployment rate. But the friction is building. …economic expansions — and this one is in its 10th year — eventually run out of gas. …Mr. President, while you like to take credit for positive economic trends that are well beyond your control, you will own the downside, too.

For what it’s worth, I think misguided monetary policy usually deserves blame for short-run economic instability.

I mentioned in the interview that the central bank is trying to “normalize” interest rates. I hope the Fed is successful, though I worry that financial markets (and housing markets) have become dependent on easy money and will take a hit.

I’ll close by pointing out that the pundit class is focusing on whether the economy is growing faster under Trump than it grew under Obama.

I don’t care about that contest. I’m much more interested in whether we can get the kind of free market-driven prosperity we enjoyed under Ronald Reagan or Bill Clinton.


We didn’t get that growth during the Obama years.

And given Trump’s schizophrenic approach to policy, I don’t have high hopes we’ll average 3 percent-plus growth during his tenure.

Economists are not particularly good at forecasting

Composing an assignment, it is essential to not only perfectly cover the topic, but also to make no mistakes, which often make it impossible for students to get a high grade. It’s worth keeping in mind that every academic paper has to not only be analyzed and composed using the proper approach but also well-structured and edited. It’s always necessary to start composing an assignment beforehand, since the hustle may often lead to making the mistakes and neglecting proofreading or editing the text.

Getting down to composing one or another assignment, students have to read a great number of online and offline sources, gather the information and analyze it. Being unable to do everything in time, students often google my custom writing in order to get a qualitative paper within a short amount of time and stop being worried about failing their assignment.

7 Tips On How To Proofread Your Essay

There are certain tips which may be helpful for you when composing one or another assignment – these recommendations concern proofreading and editing your text after it has been written. It is essential to take editing seriously, since the professors always pay attention to the structure, formatting as well as the absence of grammatical, logical and punctuation mistakes. It is suggested you to start proofreading your text the day after it has been written, such a way you will see all the inaccuracies and will be able to make the necessary corrections. The following tips will help you compose a successful essay and get the highest grade in a class.

  1. Begin with a title. Lots of the students neglect writing a title of their paper and get a worse grade from the professor. It is also essential to write subtitles for each part of your academic paper. Remember to write each word with a capital letter.
  2. Writing the first paragraph, you need to develop a thesis. It has to be specific, well-defined and brief (one sentence). Remember, the thesis has to be relevant and significant; it is also required you to always express your own opinion and thoughts on the matter in hand.
  3. It’s worth keeping in mind that each paragraph should include one different argument. It is suggested to write more paragraphs rather than include two arguments in one of them. Each argument has to be interrelated with the thesis, such a way you will easily provide insight into a topic of your essay.
  4. It is worth paying attention to your essay structure which is usually specified and well-defined. The essay structure consists of three main parts – the introduction, the body and the conclusion. Writing the first part, you have to contain the general info of the topic chosen and provide a summary of your essay. The second and, at the same time, the largest part should consist of several paragraphs and perfectly provide insight into the topic of your essay. The last part consists of a brief sum-up and a conclusion – write a few words about the significance of your paper, the research you’ve conducted, etc. Never add new information, ideas or thoughts when drawing a conclusion; only include something you have already mentioned in the text.
  5. Necessarily use literary devices which will make your paper more interesting to read. Foreshadowing, metaphors, personification – all that will make your essay outstanding and different from other papers. However, don’t overdo it – the text may be hard for understanding when you put too much literary devices.
  6. Each academic paper has to also include the list of the sources you have used when composing it. There has to be more than 3 sources, however you can specify their number with the professor beforehand. It is necessary to put all the sources in alphabetical order and cite them.
  7. Proofreading is one of the most essential stages of the writing process. Read the text carefully, make all the necessary corrections, pay attention to the logical order, grammatical mistakes and punctuation. Figure out whether you have covered the topic fully, highlighted all the crucial aspects and developed the thesis correctly. You may also ask your friends, relatives or professors to read your text for you and tell you some things you need to add or fix.

It is not enough to just check whether there are no logical, punctuation or grammatical mistakes. It is also necessary to pay attention to the literary devices you have used, whether the sentences are not too long, the terms are easy for understanding and whether the text may kindle the readers’ interest.

Composing an assignment, it is essential to

Key with business words and rig equipment graphic icons relative to the oil and gas industry. (Photo: PPD/AdobeStock/JEGAS RA)

Key with business words and rig equipment graphic icons relative to the oil and gas industry. (Photo: PPD/AdobeStock/JEGAS RA)

The Baker Hughes North America Rig Count ticked down 1 rig for the week ending August 10, as Canada offset gains in the United States. The U.S. rig count rose overall by 13, and the Canadian rig count fell by 14.

The U.S. rig count total is now 1,057, a gain of 108 from the previous year on August 11, 2017. At 209, the Canadian rig count is down 11 from last year.

Rigs classified as drilling for oil in Canada fell by 12 to 140, but are still 13 rigs higher than the previous year. Canadian rigs classified as gas fell by 2 to 69, and are now down 24 rigs from last year.

In the U.S., rigs classified as drilling for oil rose by 10 to 869, and are now 101 higher than last year. U.S. rigs classified as gas rose by 2 to 186 rigs, 5 gas rigs more than the previous year.

The Gulf of Mexico, which is separate from the North America Rig Count, rose by 2 rigs to 18 and is now 1 rig higher than it was a year ago.

The Baker Hughes North America Rig Count

Consumer Price Index (CPI) Graphic

Consumer Price Index (CPI) Graphic

The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) rose a seasonally adjusted 0.2% in July after rising 0.1% in June. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics report matched 3 of the 4 consensus forecasts, while one beat the forecast.

Over the last 12 months, the all items index has climbed 2.9% before seasonal adjustment. The index for shelter, which rose 0.3% in July, accounted for nearly 60% of the seasonally adjusted monthly increase in the all items index.

The food index rose slightly in July, though the major grocery store food group indexes was mixed. The energy index fell 0.5%, with all the major component indexes declined.

The index for all items less food and energy — the so-called core CPI — rose 0.2% in July, the same increase as in May and June. For the core, the shelter index, the indexes for used cars and trucks, airline fares, new vehicles, household furnishings and operations, and recreation all increased.

The indexes for medical care and for apparel both declined in July.

The all items index rose 2.9% for the 12 months ending July, the same rate of increase from the period ending June. The index for all items less food and energy rose 2.4% for the 12 months ending July; this was the largest 12-month increase since the period ending September 2008.

The food index increased 1.4% over the last 12 months, and the energy index rose 12.1%.

The Consumer Price Index for All Urban

U.S. President Donald Trump participates in a roundtable discussion with state leaders (including Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton) on prison reform in Bedminster, New Jersey on August 9, 2018. (Photo: Reuters)

U.S. President Donald Trump participates in a roundtable discussion with state leaders (including Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton) on prison reform in Bedminster, New Jersey on August 9, 2018. (Photo: Reuters)

President Donald Trump reacted to the recent and ongoing bloodshed in Chicago, calling it “an absolute and total disaster” resulting from “bad leadership.”

“We must strengthen community bonds with law enforcement, including cities like Chicago that have been an absolute and total disaster,” President Trump said at a Prison Reform Roundtable in Bedminister, N.J., on Thursday.

“We’ll be talking about Chicago today because that is something that, in terms of our nation, nobody would believe it could be happening,” he added. “They had 63 incidents last weekend and 12 deaths.”

Mayor Rahm Emanuel is trying to survive a growing chorus calling for his resignation amid the violence in Chicago. The list includes Chance the Rapper and Reverend Gregory Livingston. Roughly 200 protesters briefly shut down Chicago’s Lake Shore Drive on August 2.

Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson noted that homicides are actually down in the city by about 20% from last year. In 2017, Chicago had 650 homicides, down from 771 the year before.

However, Chicago still had more killings than New York and Los Angeles, combined. At least 7 people were killed and 32 were wounded during Memorial Day weekend.

Last weekend, at least 11 people were shot dead and 70 others injured, which President Trump called an “absolute and total disaster.” No arrests have been made in the shootings, Superintendent Johnson conceded.

Mayor Emanuel has refused to pick up the phone to request help from the Trump Administration, who is putting together a plan to address this and other issues important to inner city communities.

State Rep. La Shawn Ford, D-Chicago, said the city is “not a Trump-free zone” and called on Mayor Emanuel to work with the Trump Administration to help the communities most affected by violence.

“That’s bad stuff happening, and probably, I guess, you have to take from the leadership. That’s called bad leadership,” President Trump said. “There’s no reason, in a million years, that something like that should be happening in Chicago.”

President Trump reacted to the bloodshed in

Left: Carla Provost, a 23-year veteran of the U.S. Border Patrol. (Photo: Reuters/Border Patrol)

Right: President Donald Trump talks with U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Border Patrol Agents, including Carla Provost, near the Otay Mesa Port of Entry in San Diego, California. U.S., March 13, 2018.
Left: Carla Provost, a 23-year veteran of the U.S. Border Patrol. (Photo: Reuters/Border Patrol)

Commissioner Kevin K. McAleenan on Thursday officially appointed Carla Provost to be the first female Chief of the U.S. Border Patrol. In a statement, he said there was “no one more suited to lead the Border Patrol” than Deputy Chief Provost.

“There is no one more suited to lead the Border Patrol,” said Commissioner McAleenan. “It is my distinct honor to appoint Chief Provost to this position. I have absolute confidence in her experience, leadership, judgment and dedication to lead the Border Patrol, as well as her unwavering commitment to our mission, and our agency.”

The 23-year veteran will become the 18th chief of the U.S. Border Patrol. Chief Provost joined the U.S. Border Patrol in 1995 and has served as acting chief of the U.S. Border Patrol since April 2017.

“I am humbled and honored to accept this position and the challenges that come with it.” Chief Provost said in a statement. “The Border Patrol is a family, and I will do everything to live up to this great responsibility and represent my ‘family’ to the best of my ability.”

She also said that improvements to the recruitment of women will be made. While the U.S. Border Patrol has the lowest rate of women serving in all of federal law enforcement — which is roughly 5% — they’ve struggled with attracting both male and female applicants.

And that says nothing of their challenges in retaining them. With Corporate Big Media using the issue of immigration as a weapon against the Trump Administration, the demonization of the U.S. Border Patrol, as well as Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), it isn’t the most attractive law enforcement agency to work at.

“I am so proud of the men and women of the Border Patrol. I know first-hand the sacrifices they make every day to protect this country, and recognize the outstanding leadership we have, and the brave and tireless work of our agents,” Chief Provist added. “First and foremost, I want to be able to support our personnel with the resources and equipment they need to do their jobs in a safe and effective manner.”

“Our people are our most important resource, and supporting them is my primary responsibility.”

Commissioner Kevin K. McAleenan on Thursday officially

U.S. jobless claims graph on a tablet screen.

U.S. jobless claims graph on a tablet screen.

The advance figure for seasonally-adjusted initial jobless claims came in at just 213,000 for the week ending August 4, beating the forecast. That’s a decrease of 6,000 from the previous week’s upwardly (+1,000) revised level at 219,000.

The 4-week moving average — which can iron-out volatility — came in at 214,250, a decline of 500 from the previous week’s revised average. The previous week’s average was revised up by 250 from 214,500 to 214,750.

In lagging data, the advance seasonally adjusted insured unemployment rate remained unchanged at a very low 1.2% for the week ending July 28. The advance number for seasonally adjusted insured unemployment during the week ending July 28 rose by 29,000 to 1,755,000.

The previous week’s level was also revised up 2,000 from 1,724,000 to 1,726,000.

The 4-week moving average rose by 3,000 to 1,745,250, while the previous week’s average was revised up by 500 from 1,741,750 to 1,742,250. The unadjusted insured unemployment rate was also 1.2%. A year earlier the rate was 1.4 percent and the volume was 1,920,454

No state was triggered “on” the Extended Benefits program during the week ending July 21.

The highest insured unemployment rates in the week ending July 21 were in New Jersey (2.5), Connecticut (2.2), Puerto Rico (2.2), Pennsylvania (2.0), Alaska (1.9), Rhode Island (1.9), California (1.8), the Virgin Islands (1.7), Illinois (1.6), District of Columbia (1.5), Massachusetts (1.5), and New York (1.5).

The largest increases in initial claims for the week ending July 28 were in Iowa (+876), Maryland (+410), Oregon (+155), Indiana (+107), and Rhode Island (+86), while the largest decreases were in Michigan (-5,997), California (-3,046), Missouri (-2,258), Georgia (-1,598), and South Carolina (-1,598).

The advance figure for seasonally-adjusted initial jobless

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