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The North Side of the World Bank Headquarters Building in Washington, DC, USA. (Photo: AdobeStock)

The North Side of the World Bank Headquarters Building in Washington, DC, USA. (Photo: AdobeStock)

I’m in China this week, giving various lectures at Northeastern University in Shenyang. My topic today was “Real-World Examples,” which gave me an opportunity to share many of the charts I’ve developed showing how market-oriented nations enjoy much more long-run success.

One of the charts shows how Chile has enjoyed strong growth since it shifted to free markets, especially compared to Venezuela, which is burdened by a vicious form of statism.

But I noticed that I created that chart back in 2011 and it only shows data for the years between 1980 and 2008. And I thought that might lead students to think I was deliberately omitting recent years because the data somehow contradicts my message about free markets and small government.

So it’s time for me to update my comparison of Chile and Venezuela. And I’m going to have lots of evidence to share because the World Bank published a lengthy report on Puzzles of Economic Growth just a couple of years ago. And chapter 7 specifically compares the two countries we’re examining today.

Chile and República Bolivariana de Venezuela are South American countries of similar size and population. They…share a similar history,cultural heritage and comparable social structures. In 1971, they recorded a similar level of per capita income, that is, $6,603 (chained dollars with a base year of 20001) in Chile and $7,231 in República Bolivariana de Venezuela.

The report explains how neither country enjoyed much success in the 1970s, though oil-rich Venezuela at least benefited from rising energy prices.

What’s most relevant, at least for today’s discussion, is how Chile then jumped over Venezuela thanks to pro-market reforms,

In 2003, this value was nearly twice as high in Chile ($12,140) as in República Bolivariana de Venezuela ($6,253). …Chile became a stellar economic growth example in the region and has been outperforming República Bolivariana de Venezuela ever since. The ratio of GDP per capita in Chile and in República Bolivariana de Venezuela changed from 0.75 in 1983 to 1.94 in 2003.

Here’s a chart from the report, showing how Chile’s economy grew rapidly while Venezuela languished.

The report is filled with lots of data.

One item that caught my attention (in part because of Trump’s short-sighted policies in America) is how Chile dramatically reduced trade barriers while Venezuela was more protectionist.

From 1979, Chile’s economy was characterized by the lowest level of tariff restrictions in all of Latin America (10 percent) and a lack of nontariff barriers… República Bolivariana de Venezuela increased its trade restrictions to force consumers to purchase goods produced by the nationalized industries.

But Chile’s success goes well beyond trade policy.

Here’s a table looking quality of governance and red tape.

And here’s some data looking at obstacles to entrepreneurship. As you can see, it took almost four times longer to open a business in Venezuela in 1999.

I assume the numbers are even worse today. Assuming, of course, than anyone even wanted to open a business in that sad country.

Here are some excerpts from the conclusion of the World Bank report. This is a pretty good summary of how Chile reversed its descent to socialism while Venezuela doubled down on bad policy.

In 1971–2003, both Chile and República Bolivariana de Venezuela experienced periods of growing statism in their economic policy. In Chile, however, it was only a short episode (Allende’s socialist experiment in 1971–73), while in República Bolivariana de Venezuela this policy direction was maintained nearly for the entire period covered by the analysis (with its culmination being Chávez’s populist administration elected in 1998). During these periods, state-owned enterprises grew in both countries; market mechanisms were additionally disturbed by administrative price controls and restrictions imposed on freedom of entry into the market—and constrained business activity in many sectors of the economy… Furthermore, severe restrictions on foreign trade and capital flows were imposed. In Chile, the statist experiment was interrupted after three years—once it had driven the economy into a state of profound imbalance with a giant deficit and unchecked inflation. A radical program of economic stabilization and reforms broadening the scope of economic freedom was initiated. This dramatic change in economic orientation produced positive results. From the second half of the 1980s until the end of the analyzed period (2003), Chile was the fastest-growing country in South America.

Now it’s time for me to share an updated version of my chart (though I’m removing Argentina so we can focus just on Chile and Venezuela). As you can see, the updated numbers from the Maddison database tell the exact same story as my 2011 chart.


And why has Chile grown so much faster? As I told the students here in China, it’s because there’s more liberty to engage in voluntary exchange.

In the latest report from Economic Freedom of the World, Chile is ranked #15 while Venezuela is at the very bottom.

A World Bank report shows how Chile

Gross domestic product (GDP) graphic concept with yellow square pixels on a black matrix background. (Photo: AdobeStock)

Gross domestic product (GDP) graphic concept with yellow square pixels on a black matrix background. (Photo: AdobeStock)

It’s finally out! The “advance” report on Q2 GDP has been one of the most highly anticipated economic data releases in a few years. In addition to the U.S. economy growing at an annual rate of 4.1% in the Q2, the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) said Q1 GDP has been revised upward to +2.2%.

“I’m calling this a near ‘Goldilocks’ report because it’s not so HOT that the yield on the 10-year U.S. Treasury is spiking through 3.00%,” Tim Anderson, Managing Director of TJM Investments, LLC said. “Three hours after the report the 10-year yield has actually declined slightly to 2.96%, from 2.97% yesterday.”

Mr. Anderson said there are clearly internal details within the report that will be dissected and micro-analyzed by investors throughout the morning. But the bottom line is the economy grew at 4%-plus in the Q2, the first time since 2014 that we’ve had a quarterly GDP report with a 4 handle.

Take a look at the GDP stats for the last 5 quarters:

We now have an annualized GDP of +3.1% from the trailing 4 quarters, reinforced by growth consistently above +2% in every quarter for the first time in more than 10 years.

The Q2 GDP report was near “Goldilocks"

McIntosh: “Jim Jordan Is the Perfect Man for the Job”

Representative Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, speaks to reporters on Capitol Hill. (Photo: Reuters)

Representative Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, speaks to reporters on Capitol Hill. (Photo: Reuters)

The Club for Growth on Friday threw its support behind Representative Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, for Speaker of the House of Representatives. Rep. Jordan, a founding member of the House Freedom Caucus who has represented Ohio’s 4th congressional district since 2007, made the somewhat expected announcement regarding his bid on Thursday.

“Club for Growth is proud to support Cong. Jordan to be the next Republican Speaker of the House,” Club for Growth President David McIntosh told People’s Pundit Daily (PPD) in an email. “Voters rallied to Donald Trump in 2016 because he promised to shake up Washington.”

“The President is delivering, but Congress remains crippled by the status quo.”

House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., announced he would retire and was expected to be replaced by House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., a moderate and more establishment member of leadership.

Along with other members of the more base-loved House Freedom Caucus, Rep. Jordan has been an advocate and ally of President Trump. However, it’s unclear whether the president will insert himself into the battle for top dog in the lower chamber.

On the Club for Growth Scorecard, which tracks how members of the U.S. Congress vote on economic legislation, Rep. Jordan has a 98% lifetimes score. On their wensite, the Club states the Scorecard “rewards free-market champions and exposes big-government, tax-and-spend politicians.”

He has also won the Defender of Economic Freedom Award every single year since he entered the lower chamber. With the support of outside groups like the Club for Growth, the non-establishment candidate can tap into financial resources to narrow the fundraising deficit with Majority Leader McCarthy.

“It’s time to shake up Congress and elect a principled conservative to the Speakership who will lead the Republican Party and the nation in the right direction,” Mr. McIntosh added. “Jim Jordan is the perfect man for the job.”

Rep. Jordan delivered a speech last May that many believed served as an introduction to his vision for the country. It led to widespread speculation about his intentions to run for Speaker of the House.

The Club for Growth on Friday threw its

Carbon tax trading emission global market graphic concept. (Photo: AdobeStock)

Carbon tax trading emission global market graphic concept. (Photo: AdobeStock)

I’ve been writing about proposed carbon taxes since 2012. My message is simple and straightforward. It’s possible to design a carbon tax that is theoretically appealing. Simply use all the revenue to get rid of some other tax that causes greater economic harm, such as the corporate income tax.

Which is basically the same argument that leads some folks to like the value-added tax.

But my argument against the carbon tax — like my argument against the VAT — is that we shouldn’t give politicians a new source of revenue without some sort of up-front, non-reversible repeal of an existing tax.

And since that’s not possible, the only good carbon tax is a dead carbon tax. However, it’s not very easy to kill this tax.

Columbia University’s Center on Global Energy Policy, working with several other organizations, just released four studies to boost the carbon tax.

Study #1.

Study #2.

Study #3.

Study #4.

And below you’ll see the most relevant table, which comes from study #4. It shows – in theory – what politicians might do with the additional money.

To add my two cents, I augmented the chart by numbering the options (in red) and then providing a short critique (in green).

In large part, I’m pointing out that “theory” may not resemble reality. For instance, how likely is it that politicians would impose this huge tax hike and allow all the funds to be used for deficit reduction (Option #3) instead of using a big chunk of the cash to buy votes?


Unfortunately, it’s not just academics and think tank people who are interested in this new tax.

The Wall Street Journal reports that a Republican congressman is pushing this levy.

A Florida Republican is set to propose a carbon-tax bill in Congress… The plan from Rep. Carlos Curbelo, who represents a Miami-area district…, would replace the federal gasoline tax with a tax on businesses including refineries, power plants and steel mills based on how much oil, coal and other fossil fuels they buy. The carbon tax would likely add three to 11 cents to the average pump price for a gallon of gasoline… he also views it as an infrastructure bill—it is crafted to raise additional revenue for bridges, roads and other projects—and as something he can sell as tax reform because it eliminates the gasoline tax. …Mr. Curbelo’s proposal would price carbon at $24 a metric ton and increase that every year by 2% plus the rate of inflation. It replaces the gasoline tax, which Mr. Cubelo frames as a version of tax overhaul. If enacted, his plan would raise an additional $57 billion to $106 billion a year.

Since Congressman Curbelo largely wants the new tax to fund bigger government, he’s proposing a version of Option #5.

Alex Brill of the American Enterprise Institute wants a different type of carbon tax.

One worthy candidate for the next tax reform effort is a cut in the most distortionary taxes in exchange for a tax on carbon emissions, combined with permanent carbon deregulation of the energy sector. …here are the three key components of a deregulatory carbon tax reform… Roll back burdensome carbon-related regulations. …The motivation is not disregard for the environment or climate, but distrust in the regulatory state as an efficient instrument. …A transparent carbon tax would…raise the price of certain consumer goods, including electricity and gasoline. That is a reality… It is, in fact, the policy’s intent. …a carbon tax would generate revenue that could be used to offset the cost of eliminating other taxes that impose greater harm on the economy. …Turning carbon tax revenues into universal welfare payments, as some have suggested, would not promote long-run economic growth.

The good news is that Alex wants Option #4 and is opposed to Option #2.

But that still doesn’t make it a good idea since Congress would never get rid of the corporate income tax.

Writing for the Washington Examiner, Michael Marlow also wants advocates of smaller government to support a carbon tax.

…conservatives should embrace the political opportunity it presents to reduce the harmful distortions imposed by other taxes and shrink the regulatory morass of federal agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency. conservatives can achieve these goals with a well-crafted revenue-neutral carbon tax. …Because it would trade “good” policy (a carbon tax) for “bad” policy (regulations and taxes with high excess burdens), it would make government more efficient. And packaging together the benefits from deregulation and tax reform would compensate the public for any adverse economic impact… Ensuring that a carbon tax would not simply finance more government spending requires a strict commitment by conservatives that any legislation establishing a tax on carbon emissions must also include, first, an equal tax cut, preferably targeting existing taxes that impose the highest excess burdens on the economy, and second, a significant rollback of carbon regulations. On these points, conservatives should not negotiate.

Like Alex Brill, Michael Marlow is proposing to do the wrong thing in the best way.

But Option #4 would only be acceptable if the corporate tax is being totally abolished. And that’s not what he’s proposing.

Which is why many sensible voices are explaining that there’s no acceptable argument for a carbon tax.

The Wall Street Journal, for instance, opined on this issue last year.

…never changing is the call from some Republicans to neutralize the issue by handing more economic power to the federal government through a tax on carbon. …George Shultz and James Baker…have joined a group of GOP worthies for a carbon tax… They propose a gradually increasing tax that would be redistributed to Americans as a “dividend.” This tax on fossil fuels would replace the Obama Administration’s Clean Power Plan and a crush of other punitive regulations. …A carbon tax would be better than bankrupting industries by regulation and more efficient than a “cap-and-trade” emissions credit scheme. Such a tax might be worth considering if traded for radically lower taxes on capital or income.

The WSJ shares my concern that Option #4 eventually would turn into Option #2 or Option #5.

…in the real world the Shultz-Baker tax is likely to be one more levy on the private economy. Even if a grand tax swap were politically possible, a future Congress might jack up rates or find ways to reinstate regulations. Another problem is the “dividend.” …the purpose of taxes is to fund government services, not shuffle money from one payer to another. No doubt politicians would take a cut to funnel into renewable energy or some other vote-buying program. The rebates would also become a new de facto entitlement… all methods of calculating a price for carbon are susceptible to political manipulation. The Obama Administration spent years fudging “social cost of carbon” estimates to justify its regulatory agenda. The tax rate would also be influenced by international climate models that have overestimated the increase in global temperature for nearly two decades.

column in National Review is similarly skeptical.

…a small but persistent group of Republicans are trying to persuade conservatives to abandon…principles and embrace a national energy tax. …the Climate Leadership Council, a group led by James Baker and George Shultz…recently met with the Trump administration to encourage the adoption of a $40-per-ton carbon tax. …There is nothing free-market about their massive new tax hike… A carbon tax would punish users of natural gas, oil, and coal, which make up 80 percent of the energy we consume. This means that all American families would face higher electricity bills and gasoline prices. In fact, it’s estimated that the Council’s carbon tax would hike gasoline prices by 36 cents per gallon. …these hikes would have a disproportionate impact on poor and middle-class families, who spend a higher percentage of their income on energy.

The column discusses a specific plan that envisions a new entitlement (Option #2), warning that it eventually would trigger other types of new spending (Option #5).

Shultz and Halstead want to offset the tax by redistributing to the American people the $300 billion in anticipated revenue from the carbon tax. This is not practical in the real world. The idea that Washington politicians would perpetually refund a massive new revenue stream is incredibly naïve… The more likely scenario is that the government would eventually begin to spend the new revenue… Carbon taxes make energy more expensive. They also destroy jobs, particularly in the manufacturing sector.

Benjamin Zycher of AEI also has a skeptical assessment.

The view is widespread among economists that a (Pigouvian) tax on emissions would be more efficient than the regulatory approach because regulations impose a rough, one-size-fits-all framework for reducing emissions, while a tax allows each emitter to find the least expensive method of achieving its emissions goal. …The central problem with the consensus view is straightforward: The emissions goal is not fixed. Instead, it must be chosen. …Once government derives revenues from a system of carbon taxes, with ensuing political competition for those revenues, it is not difficult to predict that under a broad range of conditions the emissions reduction goal will be inefficiently stringent. That is, the tax rate will be too high.

And what about the notion that at least the revenues can be used to reduce other taxes?

Fanciful thinking, Zycher explains.

Why should we predict that the interests benefiting from the reduction in the corporation income tax would prove to be the marginal members of whatever congressional coalition imposes the carbon tax? That certainly is possible, but other outcomes seem far more likely. Some industries and geographic regions will bear disproportionate burdens attendant upon the carbon tax, and their votes will be necessary to enact it, particularly in the US Senate. …The list of potential supplicants is long indeed, each comprising some combination of constituencies to protect and campaign contributions and votes to offer.

For all intents and purposes, he’s explaining that “public choice” will turn a bad idea into a really bad reality.

Paul Blair of Americans for Tax Reform summarizes another new proposal for a carbon tax, which is largely a version of Option #2.

Just last month, seven-figure swamp lobbyists Trent Lott and John Breaux rolled out their support for a “simple and elegant” tax on carbon dioxide emissions. Realizing the insufficient appetite for a new “tax,” the former senators disingenuously relabeled it as a “fee.” Their $40 per ton carbon tax would immediately result in a 36 cent per gallon increase in the gas tax. Proponents of the tax admit that the price of home heating would increase by 22 percent and coal would increase by an average of 264 percent. The revenue generated from this tax would constitute the largest tax increase in U.S. history. To offset some of these astronomical increases in energy costs, the plan would create a new national federally managed welfare program, paying the average family of four $2,000 a year…a program of that scale would greatly exceed the size of Obamacare, giving Uncle Sam the responsibility of managing another $1.7 trillion over a decade.

His conclusion is not subtle.

It’s a plan designed to harm American manufacturers, raise prices for every single American consumer, and prop up uncompetitive expensive sources of energy like solar and wind. It places trust in the federal government to manage yet another massive welfare program, while giving the Left a significant opportunity to extract more and more money from taxpayers. Killing a carbon tax dead in its tracks isn’t only good policy, it’s a basic IQ test for modern day conservatives.

Since Republicans have failed many IQ tests in recent years (see herehere, and here), this doesn’t leave me overflowing with optimism.

Last but not least, Ryan Ellis opines on Cong. Curbelo’s carbon tax.

Rep. Carlos Curbelo, R-Fla., will introduce a costly carbon tax bill on manufacturers… Curbelo’s own press release indicate that his carbon tax is structured to be a net tax increase. While it will eliminate the $0.184 per gallon federal tax on gasoline, the carbon tax will raise taxes higher (on net?) to the tune of $57 billion to $106 billion per year. Over a decade that’s a trillion dollar tax increase… Structurally, the Curbelo carbon tax is typical tax-and-spend liberalism. With the extra resources from the net tax increase, the plan proposes throwing money at so-called “infrastructure projects,” which comes right out of the 2009 Obama stimulus playbook.

As you can see, Ryan is not a fan of what Curbelo is proposing, which is a version of Option #5.

And Ryan also doesn’t want to enrich and empower the swamp.

While the bill by statute includes coal, petroleum, and natural gas, the EPA administrator is also given free rein to expand this carbon taxable list of industries at will. Imagine what an Obama administration would have done with that kind of power. …the Curbelo carbon tax also creates a United Nations NGO-style “National Climate Commission.” If that doesn’t sound scary enough, it also empowers this commission with an unlimited authorization to procure the services of “experts and consultants.” This section of the bill might as well be called the “DC swamp deep state full employment act.” How many of these taxpayer-funded “consultants” would an Obama-like administration use to enforce left-wing policies on the rest of us?

This is a long column, so let me conclude by noting that my opposition to a new tax has nothing to do with partisan politics. I’ve criticized Republicans for backing a carbon tax and I’ve also skewered Democrats for supporting that levy.

Heck, I’ve even gone after self-styled libertarians who advocate for this new tax. Especially when they pull a bait and switch, claiming initially that the revenue from a carbon tax could be used to lower other taxes, but then later admitting that they’re willing to acquiesce to a huge net tax increase.

Which confirms all my fears that a carbon tax would wind up being a gusher of money that would trigger an orgy of new spending in Washington.

A carbon tax would wind up being

Consumer Spending and Consumer Sentiment. (Photo: AP)

Consumer Spending and Consumer Sentiment. (Photo: AP)

The Survey of Consumers final reading of consumer sentiment for July came in at 97.9, beating the 97.1 forecast and initial reading. While it’s down from 98.2 gauged in June, it’s still at elevated levels and consumers were more optimistic about the future.

“Consumer sentiment posted a trivial 0.3 point one-month decline, remaining a half of an Index-point or less from the average in the prior twelve months (97.7) or since the start of 2017 (97.4),” said Survey of Consumers chief economist Richard Curtain. “Despite the expectation of higher inflation and higher interest rates during the year ahead, consumers have kept their confidence at high levels due to favorable job and income prospects.”

The Current Economic Conditions came in at 114.4, down from the previous month’s 116.5 reading though still elevated. However, the Index of Consumer Expectations rose from 86.3 in June to 87.3 in July.

“This mix of positive and negative expectations is similar to past expansions, and, as in the past, it will prevail as long as increases in inflation and interest rate hikes remain modest,” Mr. Curtain added. “What is unique about the current situation is the potential impact of tariffs on the domestic economy.”

The Survey of Consumers final reading of consumer

A U.N. honor guard carries a casket containing remains believed to be from American servicemen killed during the 1950-53 Korean War after arriving from North Korea, at Osan Air Base in Pyeongtaek, South Korea, on July 27, 2018. (Photo: AP)

A U.N. honor guard carries a casket containing remains believed to be from American servicemen killed during the 1950-53 Korean War after arriving from North Korea, at Osan Air Base in Pyeongtaek, South Korea, on July 27, 2018. (Photo: AP)

The White House said 55 cases containing the remains of U.S. servicemen killed during the Korean War were returned Friday, each draped with a United Nations flag. The gestures comes days after reports that North Korea was in fact dismantling their nuclear site.

“Today, the Chairman is fulfilling part of the commitment he made to the President to return our fallen American service members,” the White House said in a statement. “We are encouraged by North Korea’s actions and the momentum for positive change.”

A U.S. Air Force C-17 aircraft containing the remains of fallen service members departed Wonsan, North Korea for Osan Air Base, where a formal repatriation ceremony will be held on August 1.

It was accompanied by service members from United Nations Command Korea and technical experts from the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency.

Chairman Kim Jong Un agreed to the transfer of the remains from the 1950-53 Korean War during negotiations with President Donald Trump during the denuclearization summit in Singapore.

“The United States owes a profound debt of gratitude to those American service members who gave their lives in service to their country and we are working diligently to bring them home,” the White House added. “It is a solemn obligation of the United States Government to ensure that the remains are handled with dignity and properly accounted for so their families receive them in an honorable manner.”

Roughly 7,700 U.S. soldiers are listed as missing from the conflict and there are still an estimated 5,300 Americans who have not yet returned home. But it marks a significant first step after decades without progress on the issue.

The White House said 55 cases containing

Gross domestic product (GDP) graphic concept. (Photo: AdobeStock)

Gross domestic product (GDP) graphic concept. (Photo: AdobeStock)

The “advance” estimate for second quarter (Q2) gross domestic product (GDP) pegs U.S. economy growth at an annual rate of 4.1%. The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) also revised Q1 real GDP higher to 2.2%, up from a previously reported 2%.

The initial GDP reading is the strongest since 2014 and puts the annual growth rate on pace not seen in a decade. It’s based on source data that are incomplete or subject to further revision by the source agency.

The “second” estimate for the second quarter, based on more complete data, will be released on August 29, 2018.

“If the rest of the quarterly GDP reports for 2018 show similar improvement, it would be reasonable to see Q2 at +4.0%, Q3 at +3.9% and Q4 at +3.7%,” Tim Anderson, Managing Director of TJM Investments, LLC said. “If we actually hit those numbers it would give us GDP growth for 2018 of +3.4%.”

Current-dollar GDP rose 7.4%, or $361.5 billion, to a level of $20.4 trillion in Q2. That’s up from a gain of 4.3%, or $209.2 billion, in Q1.

If the rest of the quarterly GDP reports for 2018 show similar improvement, it would be reasonable to see Q2 at +4.0%, Q3 at +3.9% and Q4 at +3.7%. If we actually hit those numbers it would give us GDP growth for 2018 of +3.4%.

The price index for gross domestic purchases increased 2.3% in Q2, compared with an increase of 2.5% in Q1. The PCE price index increased 1.8%, compared with an increase of 2.5%. Excluding food and energy prices, the PCE price index increased 2.0% juxtaposed to an increase of 2.2%.

Current-dollar personal income rose $183.7 billion in Q2 juxtaposed to an increase of $215.8 billion in Q1.

Disposable personal income increased $167.5 billion, or 4.5%, in Q2, compared with an increase of $256.7 billion, or 7.0%, in Q1. Real disposable personal income increased 2.6%, compared with an increase of 4.4%.

Personal saving was $1,051.1 billion in Q2, compared with $1094.1 billion in Q1. The personal saving rate — personal saving as a percentage of disposable personal income — came in at 6.8% for the quarter, compared with 7.2% in the previous quarter.

Real gross domestic income (GDI) for Q1 was revised higher to 3.9% in Q1, up from a previously reported 3.6%.

“Clearly there are internal details within the report that will be dissected and micro-analyzed throughout the morning,” Mr. Anderson noted. “But the bottom line is the economy grew at 4%-plus in the second quarter, the first time since 2014 that we’ve had a quarterly GDP report with a 4 handle.”

“We now have an annualized GDP of +3.1% for the most recent trailing 4 quarters.”

The "advance" estimate for second quarter (Q2)

Mark Zuckerberg gestures while addressing the audience during a meeting of the APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) CEO Summit in Lima, Peru, November 19, 2016. (Photo: Reuters)

Mark Zuckerberg gestures while addressing the audience during a meeting of the APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) CEO Summit in Lima, Peru, November 19, 2016. (Photo: Reuters)

Facebook (NASDAQ:FB) shares tumbled nearly 20% on Thursday amid a proposal to oust Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Mark Zuckerberg. Trillium Asset Management, an investment company with roughly $11 million in company stock, filed a proposal on Wednesday, Business Insider reported.

As of the closing bell, shares were down 41.24, or -18.96% to $176.26. Facebook’s market capitalization has fallen $119 billion in 24 hours. The decline represents a more than $15 billion loss in personal wealth for the chairman and CEO.

The proposal, which seized on Mr. Zuckerberg’s less-than stellar stewardship over user data, argued that shareholders are unable to check his power. As both chairman and CEO holds approximately 60% of Facebook’s voting shares.

“A CEO who also serves as chair can exert excessive influence on the board and its agenda, weakening the board’s oversight of management,” the proposal states. “Separating the chair and CEO positions reduces this conflict, and an independent chair provides the clearest separation of power between the CEO and the rest of the board.”

The social media giant has faced unprecedented scrutiny in the media and rapidly declining trust among users ever since reports surfaced that British data firm Cambridge Analytica improperly accessed the personal data of up to 87 million users.

Facebook’s second-quarter (Q2) global tally of daily active users — which serves as a key metric for tracking user engagement — increased by 11% to 1.47 billion. However, forecasts had called for 1.49 billion daily active users and the company also posted a total of 2.23 billion monthly active users, below the 2.25 billion forecast.

In the U.S. and Canada, user growth stalled completely. The platform’s base 241 million monthly active users was unchanged compared to Q1. Monthly users actually declined slightly in Europe after the implementation of new data privacy regulations in the region.

Wall Street expected revenues to come in at $13.36 billion, but they fell short rising 42% to $13.23 billion. Advertising revenue also fell slightly short of forecasts, even as they posted a 42% gain to $13.04 billion. Mobile advertising represented 91% of that total.

Most analysts see the proposal to split his role as having a minimal chance at success, given another proposal to do so failed last year. However, the earnings report and proposal are the first of their kind to hit the company since the data breach became public.

Facebook (NASDAQ:FB) shares tumbled nearly 20% on

Reps. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., left, and Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, members of the House Freedom Caucus, talk before a House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing. (Photo: AP)

Reps. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., left, and Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, members of the House Freedom Caucus, talk before a House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing. (Photo: AP)

Congressman Jim Jordan, R-Oh., announced on Thursday he is running for Speaker of the House of Representatives. Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., announced he would retire and was expected to be replaced by House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., a moderate and more establishment member of leadership.

“Should the American people entrust us with the majority again in the 116th Congress, I plan to run for Speaker of the House to bring real change to the House of Representatives,” he said in a statement. “President Trump has taken bold action on behalf of the American people. Congress has not held up its end of the deal, but we can change that. It’s time to do what we said.”

Along with other members of the more base-loved and conservative House Freedom Caucus, Rep. Jordan has been an advocate and ally of President Donald Trump. It’s unclear whether the president will insert himself into the battle for top dog in the lower chamber.

Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., Chairman of the House Freedom Caucus, took to Twitter to give Rep. Jordan his full support.

“Jim Jordan is one of the most principled men I’ve met in Washington,” Mr. Meadows tweeted. “Jim is a fighter, a leader, and a true conservative who always remembers the most critical voice—the voice of the voters—in every decision he makes.”

The announcement comes just one day after Rep. Jordan and Chairman Meadows introduced articles of impeachment against Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. However, Mr. Meadows appeared to soften his position on impeachment after what he called “very good conversations with the leadership team [and] with Chairman Goodlatte [of the House Judiciary Committee], on a path forward.”

Nevertheless, Rep. Jordan delivered a speech last May that many believed served as an introduction to his vision for the country. It led to widespread speculation about his intentions to run for Speaker of the House.

Congressman Jim Jordan, R-Oh., announced on Thursday

President Donald Trump, left, and RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel, right, then the Michigan Republican Party chair, speaking before a Republican presidential primary debate in Detroit on March 3, 2016. (Photo: AP)

President Donald Trump, left, and RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel, right, then the Michigan Republican Party chair, speaking before a Republican presidential primary debate in Detroit on March 3, 2016. (Photo: AP)

President Donald Trump and the Republican National Committee (RNC) transferred $8 million to the NRSC and the NRCC to defend their majorities ahead of the 2018 midterm elections. While the RNC has vastly out-raised an almost financially-defunct Democratic National Committee (DNC), the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) posts big hauls from big and out-of-state donors.

The Trump campaign will max out to nearly 100 candidates in its first round of contributions, while the RNC will transfer $4 million to the National Republican Senatorial Committee and $4 million to the National Republican Congressional Committee.

“Thanks to President Trump and our supporters, we have the resources to protect and strengthen our Republican majorities in Congress,” RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said in a statement to PPD. “Because of the President’s leadership, Americans have higher wages, more jobs, more money in their pockets and results heading into the midterm elections.”

“Together with our sister committees, I’m confident we can deliver that positive message to Americans all across the country and elect more Republicans so President Trump can continue to deliver for the American people.”

The RNC and the Trump campaign have made multi-million dollar and historic investments in the ground and data operations before the 2018 midterms. The RNC plans to spend a quarter billion dollars to protect Republican majorities in the U.S. House, the U.S. Senate and State houses across the country.

It’s the largest ground game investment ever made and, considering they’ve trailed Democrats by low to high single-digits on the generic ballot, they will need it. Buoyed by Silicon Valley and Hollywood, Democratic congressional candidates hope to minimize the reality that the DNC now has less money and more debt than when Chairman Tom Perez took over for interim Chair Donna Brazile.

“President Trump needs more elected leaders in Congress to help him implement his America First agenda and together, I’m confident we can deliver,” Trump Campaign Manager Brad Parscale also said in a statement to PPD. “The President authorized this support for the GOP committees and candidates because he is committed to supporting the NRSC, NRCC, and congressional candidates who will work with him as we make America great again.”

The RNC’s new permanent, data-driven program targets over two dozen states and claims to have made more than 22 million voter contacts. As part of the Trump Republican Leadership Initiative, nearly 17,000 fellows have been trained to expand the party’s reach ahead of November.

Campaigns in all 50 states, including every targeted U.S. Senate race this cycle, are using RNC Data to help them push through the headwinds. The RNC said they’ve collected more than 100 billion data points to target voters more effectively and efficiently, and together with the Trump campaign, collected over 16 million new email addresses through digital fundraising efforts.

President Trump and the RNC transferred $8

People's Pundit Daily
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