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Wages and salaries with keyboard graphic concept. (Photo: PPD/AdobeStock/Momius)

Wages and salaries with keyboard graphic concept. (Photo: PPD/AdobeStock/Momius)

One of the core principles of economics is that prices are determined by supply and demand. That includes the price of labor – i.e., the wages received by workers.

Another core principle is that taxes create distortions by reducing demand and supply. Which is why it’s not a good idea to impose high tax rates on behaviors that contribute to prosperity, such as worksavinginvestment, and entrepreneurship.

That’s the theory. Now let’s consider some real-world implications of taxes on work.

Here are some excerpts from new research by the European Central Bank.

Several reforms can be enacted to reduce the unemployment rate in the euro area. Among them is a permanent reduction in the labour tax. Typically, a decrease in labour taxes reduces labour costs to employers and increases the net take-home pay of employees, positively impacting both labour demand and labour supply. Reducing taxes on labour can contribute to increase employment and activity rates in the EA, by increasing incentives to hire, to look for, and take up, work. …In this paper we contribute to the debate on those issues by evaluating the macroeconomic effects of a fiscal reform in the EA countries.

The study look at what happens with employment-related taxes are lowered at either the employer level or the employee level.

Permanently reducing labour tax rates paid by Home firms would have stimulating effects on economic activity and employment, and would permanently reduce the unemployment rate. The same is true when tax rates paid by Home households are reduced.

Here are some of the specific estimates of the positive impact of lower labor taxes at the firm level.

The tax rate is reduced by almost 2 p.p. (trough level). The reduction of labour taxes paid by firms reduces the gross wage bill of firms and hence increases the value of having a worker. Workers are able to obtain part of the increase in firms’ surplus in the bargaining process, which results in a real wage increase. Nevertheless, the wage increase is not sufficient to undo the increase in the value of having a worker for firms, which leads to an increase in labour demand through vacancy posting. The number of matches increases as well and, consistently, the probability of finding a job and that of filling a vacancy increases and decreases, respectively. Employment increases (and unemployment rate decreases) by roughly 0.3 p.p. after two years and 0.4 p.p. in the medium and in the long run, respectively. …Home GDP increases by 0.5% after two years. Both consumption and investment increase. Consumption increases because of households’ larger permanent income, associated with the increase in employment, hours and production. Investment increases because firms augment physical capital to accompany the rising employment.

I’ve combined some of the key results from Figures 3 and 4, all of which show the benefits over time of lower tax rates on work (the horizontal axis is quarters, so 20 quarters equals five years).


And here are the specific estimates of the good outcomes when labor tax are reduced at the household level.

Qualitatively, results are similarly expansionary as those obtained when reducing labour taxes paid by firms. Hours worked, employment, matches, and the probability of finding a job increase, while the probability of filling a vacancy decreases. …hours worked now increase by 0.4% (0.3% in the previous simulation), employment by almost 0.5% (0.35% in the previous simulation), while the unemployment rate falls by almost 0.5 p.p. (0.4 p.p. in the previous simulation). …Home GDP increases by around 0.7% after two years.

Once again, let’s look at some charts showing the benefits over time of lower tax rates on workers.


Interestingly, it appears that there are slightly better outcomes if labor taxes are reduced for workers rather than employers, but the wage numbers are better if the tax cuts take place at the business level.

I’ll take either approach, for what it’s worth.

Let’s close with one additional excerpt. The study incorporated the impact of government employment, which can have a very distorting effect on private employment given the excessive size of the bureaucracy and above-market compensation for bureaucrats.

…we allow for public sector employment and for the possibility of directed search between the private and public sector labour market… In fact, a proper assessment of the impact of the labour market reforms on private-sector employment should take into account that a common characteristic of the EA labour market is the important share of the public employment in total employment, which is, according to OECD (2015), around 20% in France, 15% in Spain, Italy and Portugal, and 13% in Germany. Thus, this component is important to understand the labour market dynamics in the EA, given also that, during a crisis period, public and private labour markets tend to be more inter-related (when the unemployment rate is high, the number of applicants to the public sector is larger).

P.S. I’m periodically asked whether I’m exaggerating when I assert that something (such as taxes distorting the supply and demand for labor) is a “core principle” in economics. But I don’t think left-leaning economists would disagree about taxes impacting supply and demand. But they presumably would quibble about the “elasticity” of supply and demand curves.

In other words, how sensitive are people to changes in tax rates.

Moreover, they surely would claim in some instances that any “deadweight loss” would be offset by supposed economic benefits of government spending, and pro-market people acknowledge that’s possible, at least when government is small. And, when push comes to shove, some folks on the left would openly argue that it’s okay to have less prosperity if there’s more equality.

One of the core principles of economics

The massive Big John dragline reshapes the rocky landscape in some of the last sections to be mined for coal at the Hobet site in Boone County, West Virginia. (Photo: Reuters)

The massive Big John dragline reshapes the rocky landscape in some of the last sections to be mined for coal at the Hobet site in Boone County, West Virginia. (Photo: Reuters)

The Federal Reserve said industrial production dipped slightly by 0.1% in May due largely to a disruption from a fire at a major parts supplier. Manufacturing output as a result fell by a steep 0.7%.

But coupled with a big drop in auto, the headline masks continued underlaying strength and a resurgence in mining, which rose 1.8%.

That’s the fourth consecutive month of growth for mining output and at elevated levels. The output of utilities increased 1.1%.

Nevertheless, at 107.3% of its 2012 average, total industrial production was 3.5% higher in May 2018 than it was a year earlier in May 2017. Capacity utilization for the industrial sector decreased 0.2% in May to 77.9%, or 1.9% below its long-run (1972–2017) average.

The Federal Reserve said industrial production dipped

Consumer Spending and Consumer Sentiment. (Photo: AP)

Consumer Spending and Consumer Sentiment. (Photo: AP)

A preliminary reading of consumer sentiment for June climbed higher to 99.3, up slightly from the final Survey of Consumers reading of 98 in May. The gain was fueled by consumers having a more favorable view of their current financial situation and more favorable views of current buying conditions for household durables.

However, the Expectations Index declined to its lowest level since the start of the year due to less favorable prospects for the overall economy.

“The sharpest divide was between the record number of households who mentioned recent income gains and the highest expected year-ahead inflation rate since 2015,” Richard Curtain, Chief Economist at Survey of Consumers said. “At some point in every economic expansion, favorable income and job prospects act to offset higher inflation and interest rate expectations.”

“Only when inflation and interest rates are expected to persistently exceed income and job prospects will consumers begin to curtail their discretionary spending.”

Mr. Curtain said greater certainty about future income and job opportunities are now the primary drivers of more favorable purchase plans.

Consumers expected the unemployment rate during the year ahead to decline (29%) rather than increase (23%), with most (48%) consumers expecting it to remain unchanged at its current low.

“Moreover, the continued small declines that are now anticipated in the unemployment rate, as well as more robust gains in household income, will bolster real personal consumption expenditures during the year ahead.”

A preliminary reading of consumer sentiment for

A factory worker at a New York manufacturing plant. (Photo: Reuters)

A factory worker at a New York manufacturing plant. (Photo: Reuters)

The Empire State Manufacturing Survey surged in June to a reading of 25, easily beating the 19.1 consensus forecast and the highest level since October 2017. The index for future business conditions shot up 8 points to an elevated reading of 38.9.

Thirty-eight percent (38%) of respondents reported that conditions improved over the month, while 13% reported they had worsened. The new orders index and the shipments index showed continued strong and increased growth, with the former gaining 5 points to 21.3 and the latter 4 points to 23.5.

The Empire State Manufacturing Survey surged in

President Donald Trump, left, speaks while participating in a tour of U.S.-Mexico border wall prototypes near the Otay Mesa Port of Entry in San Diego, California. U.S., March 13, 2018. House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., right, during a House Judiciary Committee hearing, November 14, 2017. (Photos: Reuters)

President Donald Trump, left, speaks while participating in a tour of U.S.-Mexico border wall prototypes near the Otay Mesa Port of Entry in San Diego, California. U.S., March 13, 2018. House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., right, during a House Judiciary Committee hearing, November 14, 2017. (Photos: Reuters)

Republicans in the House of Representatives have crafted a new immigration bill that may see a vote as early next week. It is comprehensive and addresses border security, DACA, chain migration, the so-called visa lottery and other issues.

House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, R-La., will begin whipping votes Friday to prepare for a floor vote, his office confirmed. President Donald Trump has repeatedly stated that several key provisions must be included in any immigration reform bill that is sent to his desk. Based on a summary of the bill, he will no doubt be pleased with several, though it’s possible the bill does not go far enough.

UPDATE: President Trump said Friday morning the bill did not meet his standards on several issues, including chain migration, which is not fully eliminated in the bill. However, that’s not the end of it. House Republicans already trying to tweak the bill and it will not be satisfactory to the president or his supporters. Essentially, it’s the same bill, with halfhearted attempts to please on chain migration. But it still won’t end the deeply unpopular practice.

What’s in the Bill

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)

The bill offers a special legal status for the roughly 690,000 immigrants who currently meet all of DACA’s eligibility requirements. It is likely that upwards of 3 million would receive the status.

However, in order to qualify, recipients must have been:

  • in the U.S. for at least 10 years;
  • were under 16 years of age at the time of their arrival; and
  • currently enrolled in school or already have a high school diploma.

Special legal status is renewable every 6 years and is not a path to citizenship.

Child Separation

The Republican bill in the U.S. House outlaws the practice of separating children from their parents after they are caught illegally crossing the border. It’s a long-held U.S. immigration policy that only recently came under scrutiny by a corporate media bent on hurting the Trump Administration politically.

“If you are smuggling a child, then we will prosecute you and that child will be separated from you as required by law,” Attorney General Jeff Sessions said recently about the policy. “If you don’t like that, then don’t smuggle children over our border.”

Nevertheless, the bill would instead put those children in detention centers and places restrictions on the issuance of Special Immigrant Juvenile visas to children who can not be reunited with either of their parents because of abuse. Prior to the bill, or currently, an illegal migrant child with even one abusive parents was eligible.

The Wall – Border Security

The bill funds The Wall along the southern border for President Donald Trump to the tune of $25 billion. There are also numerous border security measures not included in funding for the wall.


Attorney General Sessions has recently attempted to highlight fraud in the asylum-seeking process, which is rampant. The new immigration bill would make it harder for asylum claims to be approved only because it requires the validation that claims are true.

“Smugglers and traffickers and those who lie or commit fraud will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law,” he also said recently.

National Guard

In April, President Trump signed “Securing the Southern Border of the United States,” a proclamation to send the National Guard to the southern border. The president said that he wanted to send the military to the border to secure it until a wall and other security measures were put in place.

The GOP immigration bill in the House provides congressional authorization for the National Guard to assist in border security. Their tasks will include helping to build The Wall and other barriers.

Chain Migration

The term Chain Migration refers to the endless chains of foreign nationals who are allowed to immigrate to the United States because citizens and lawful permanent residents are allowed to sponsor their non-nuclear family members. Annual immigration has at least tripled since chain migration began in the mid-1960s, though some estimates are even higher.

For instance, in 2001, the United States admitted 1,064,318 immigrants-, roughly 4 times greater than in the 1950s. As the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) notes, that’s enough people to populate or even create a major city the size of Chicago, Illinois.

Only five years after chain migration began, the number of immediate relative admissions nearly doubled from 32,714 in 1965 to 79,213 in 1970. Thirty-six years later, the number of immediate relatives admitted was more than 13 times higher–443,964.

It has led to millions being consigned to visa waiting lists and chain migration further incentivized illegal immigration, which has been exacerbated by programs like DACA.

The bill eliminates parts of chain migration, or the issuance of green cards for married children of U.S. citizens, as well the siblings of adult U.S. citizens. Instead, the roughly 88,400 green cards will be moved to a new “merit-based” program, a system detailed in the Reforming American Immigration for a Strong Economy Act, or RAISE Act.

In August, President Trump–flanked by Sens. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., and David Perdue, R-Ga.–introduced the RAISE Act, which was supported by more than 70% of Americans. It reformed the U.S. legal immigration system from a family-based (chain) to a merit-based in order to benefit U.S. workers.

A recent Harvard-Harris Poll finds Americans overwhelmingly agree with President Trump’s position on chain migration and the lottery, with roughly 8 in 10 wanting legal immigration levels to be reduced.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) confirmed Akayed Ullah, 27, a Bangladeshi national living in Brooklyn — the suspect behind an attempted terror attack on the Port Authority in New York City — was in the U.S. due to chain migration.

Diversity Immigrant Visa (DV) Program

The new bill in the House eliminates the program and reallocates the roughly 55,000 visas to a merit-based system. It also eliminates per-country caps for employment-based green cards.

In April, DOJ denaturalized a child sex abuser and 4 Somali nationals who gamed the Diversity Immigrant Visa (DV) Program. Olugbenga Omopariola, 61, engaged in sexual contact with a 7-year-old minor, which he admitted and was later convicted of, making him ineligible for applying for U.S. citizenship.

As PPD was was first to report in October 2017, Sayfullo Saipov, the 29-year-old Uzbekistan national who killed 8 and injured at least 11 others during a terror attack near the World Trade Center, came to the U.S. under the Diversity Immigrant Visa (DV) Program in 2010.

House Republicans have drafted a new immigration

Peter Strzok, left, a top counterintelligence agent at the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and his lover Lisa Page, right, a lawyer at the FBI.

Peter Strzok, left, a top counterintelligence agent at the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and his lover Lisa Page, right, a lawyer at the FBI.

Text messages uncovered by the Justice Department inspector general reveal an FBI official vowed to prevent Donald Trump from becoming President of the United States. The messages, which were previously excluded from disclosures to members of Congress, are between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, two anti-Trump FBI officials who were also having an affair.

Lisa Page: “[Trump’s] not ever going to become president, right? Right?!”

Peter Strzok: “No. No he won’t. We’ll stop it.”

Screenshot of FBI officials Strzok-Page text messages.

Screenshot of FBI officials Strzok-Page text messages.

Multiple sources confirm that Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein were both made aware of these messages in June. They were recovered in May, but omitted from previous releases.

Following the election, Ms. Page wrote addressing the previous conversation.

Page: “You promised me this wouldn’t happen.”

The communications were recovered after Inspector General Michael Horowitz seized “at least four” devices belonging to the figures at the center of a scandal surrounding the handling of the Clinton email investigation and the Russia probe.

Previously obtained text messages also show the two lovers discussed needing to talk to “Andy” about an “insurance policy” in the event President Trump defeated Hillary Clinton, a reference to FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe.

“I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy’s office — that there’s no way he gets elected — but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk. It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you’re 40,” Mr. Strzok wrote to Ms. Page.

Text messages also recently obtained insinuate former Attorney General Loretta Lynch knew the investigation into Mrs. Clinton was a sham that would not result in an indictment. Ms. Lynch said she would defer to career prosecutors on the decision after she was caught meeting with Bill Clinton in secret on a tarmac in Phoenix.

According to the text messages, she already knew those “career prosecutors” were never going to bring a case.

In another text message, Mr. Strzok and Ms. Page mentioned a “secret society” within the DOJ and the FBI, which met the day after President Trump’s historic and (to them) surprising victory.

U.S. District Court Judge Rudolph Contreras, who presided over the case against former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, had a personal relationship with Mr. Strzok. The unethical conflict of interest, which too was revealed in text messages, was only recently discovered and only after Judge Contreras unexplainably recused himself.

“Rudy is on the FISC! Did you know that?” Ms. Page texted Mr. Strzok on July 25, 2016. “Just appointed two months ago.”

“I did,” Mr. Strzok replied. “We talked about it before and after. I need to get together with him.”

Judge Contreras, referred to in the text messages by his first name, was appointed to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) in 2016.

The highly-anticipated report by Inspector General Michael Horowitz is expected to criticize Mr. Strzok and Ms. Page, as well as fired former FBI director James Comey, Mr. McCabe and Ms. Lynch.

Ms. Page, along with FBI lawyer Jim Baker, both of whom worked closely with Mr. Comey, resigned from the agency in May. Mr. Strzok has been relieved of his post as head of the counterintelligence department and Inspector General Michael Horowitz recommended criminal charges against Mr. McCabe for lack of candor, or lying, including under oath.

Mr. McCabe has requested immunity from Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Ia., in exchange for testimony and emails damaging to his former boss, Mr. Comey.

Worth noting, Mr. Strzok and Ms. Page both worked on the Democrat-dominated team assembled by Special Counsel Robert Mueller III. They were fired last summer before members of Congress conducting oversight and the media learned of the content of the messages.

Text messages uncovered by the DOJ inspector

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, center, talks with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, left, and President Donald Trump during a family photo with G7 leaders at the Ancient Greek Theater of Taormina during the G7 Summit, Friday, May 26, 2017, in Taormina, Italy. (Photo: AP)

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, center, talks with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, left, and President Donald Trump during a family photo with G7 leaders at the Ancient Greek Theater of Taormina during the G7 Summit, Friday, May 26, 2017, in Taormina, Italy. (Photo: AP)

At the risk of understatement, I’ve been very critical of President Trump’s trade policy.

I pointed out that he was just as bad as Bernie Sanders before the election. And I didn’t change my tune once he got to the White House. I’ve written several columns bemoaning his protectionist approach, including a piece just two days ago where I criticized the President for blowing up the G7 summit for the wrong reason.

That being said, he put forth a very attractive proposal in his post-G7 press conference.

President Donald Trump told foreign leaders at the Group of Seven summit that they must dramatically reduce trade barriers with the United States… Trump, in a news conference before leaving for Singapore, described private conversations he held over two days with the leaders of Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and Canada. He said he pushed them to consider removing every single tariff or trade barrier on American goods, and in return he would do the same for products from their countries.

Part of me thinks this was just a throwaway line. But I’m always willing to look at the glass as being half-full.

Here’s what I said when Dana Loesch asked me about Trump’s offer.

Let’s treat Trump’s statement as a serious offer. Or as something that could evolve into a serious offer.

And I’ll start by observing that mutual disarmament on trade among G7 countries would be good for America, especially from a Trump-ish perspective. That’s because the U.S. currently is slightly better on trade according to the Fraser Institute’s measures of both tariff and non-tariff barriers, so other G7 countries would have to do more if we had complete trade liberalization.


In reality, that simply means that those other countries have even more to gain if trade barriers disappear, but I’m trying to imagine how Trump would see things.

And here’s a map from the World Trade Organization, showing average MFN tariffs. The good news is that the United States is in the top category, with trade taxes that average only 3.48 percent. The other G7 nations also have relatively low tariffs, but not quite as low as the United States. So they would have to do more if there was an agreement, which presumably would appeal to Trump.


Incidentally, my analysis assumes that the average tariff rates that apply generally also apply to trade between G7 nations. If that’s not the case, then I’ll have to go back to the drawing board since I very much doubt Trump can be convinced to support liberalization because of traditional free-market reasons.

To be honest, I’m skeptical about Trump supporting free trade among G7 nations, regardless of how much liberalization other nations would be willing to embrace.

The fundamental problem is that Trump genuinely seems to believe that a “trade deficit” is evidence that a nation is somehow losing or being mistreated. In reality, a trade deficit is simply the flip side of a capital surplus. And that’s generally evidence of a nation’s economic strength.

So while I think it’s good news that Trump floated a zero-trade-barrier offer, I’m not holding my breath it will ever happen.

President Donald Trump put forth a very attractive

The U.S. Census Bureau’s manufacturing and trade statistics report finds business inventories rose as expected by 0.3%, with sales fueling restocking that will bode well for gross domestic product (GDP).


The combined value of distributive trade sales and manufacturers’ shipments for April, adjusted for seasonal and trading-day differences but not for price changes, was estimated at $1,425.9 billion, up 0.4% (±0.1%) from March 2018 and was up 6.7% (±1.1 percent) from April 2017.


Manufacturers’ and trade inventories, adjusted for seasonal variations but not for price changes, were estimated at an end-of-month level of $1,930.0 billion, up 0.3% (±0.1%) from March 2018 and were up 4.4% (±1.3%) from April 2017.

Inventories/Sales Ratio

The total business inventories/sales ratio based on seasonally adjusted data at the end of April was 1.35. The April 2017 ratio was 1.38.

The U.S. Census Bureau' said business inventories

The Labor Department said U.S. import prices and export prices both rose by 0.6%, beating the consensus forecast for the second straight month. Import and export prices for the month of April were also revised higher to 0.6%, up from 0.5% and 0.3%, respectively.


Import prices increased 0.6% in May, continuing what has been an upward trend since August 2017. The monthly gain comes after a 0.6% rise the previous month and the price index for overall imports rose 4.3% for the year ended in May.

That’s the largest 12-month gain since the index rose 4.7% in February 2017.

The increase was driven in large part by higher fuel prices even though non-fuel import prices also increased.

Import fuel prices increased 4.9% in May after rising 4.1%in April. The month of May saw the largest monthly increase since the index rose 9.8% in November 2017. Fuel prices were led by a 5.9% increase in petroleum prices, which easily offset a 19.5% decline in natural gas prices.

Prices for import fuel have increased by a whopping 28.6% over the past 12 months, fueled by (pun intended) a 31.9% rise in petroleum prices. In contrast, natural gas prices fell 18.5% over the past year.

Non-fuel import prices rose 0.2% for the second consecutive month in May and have not posted a monthly decline since the index fell 0.2% in December 2017. The May advance was driven by higher prices for non-fuel industrial supplies and materials; consumer goods; and foods, feeds, and beverages. The price indexes for capital goods and automotive vehicles both fell in May.

Non-fuel prices advanced 1.9% over the past year, primarily led by higher prices for non-fuel industrial supplies and materials.


Gains in export prices were led by increases in both agricultural and nonagricultural exports. Export prices have not recorded a monthly decline since the index edged down 0.1% in June 2017. The price index for exports rose  4.9% between May 2017 and May 2018, the largest 12-month increase since the index rose 6.3% in October 2011.

The price index for agricultural exports rose 1.6% in May after a 1.2% drop the previous month. The May increase was driven by a 10.1% gain in wheat prices, a 4.4% gain in corn prices, and a 1.8% gain in soybean prices.

Prices for agricultural exports also rose over the past 12 months, a gain of 4.9%.

Nonagricultural export prices rose 0.5% in May and have not posted a monthly decline since the index fell 0.1% in October 2017. The increase was driven by higher prices for nonagricultural industrial supplies and materials, although rising prices for capital goods and automotive vehicles also contributed to the May rise.

Prices for overall nonagricultural exports rose 4.9% for the year ended in May.

The Labor Department said U.S. import prices

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